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Posts posted by gawdzira

  1. I have a proton sl which I think is 161 (maybe 162?). This is only my second carving board. My other board is an Alps 169. I have demoed a Donek fc2 which was something like 172?

    I also do most of my riding at Mammoth. One drawback of the gs board is that Mammoth allows other people on the snow when we want to carve. I really like the sl short board because it is easy to turn fast. When I was on the Donek 172 I really needed to work (possibly due to the major change in stiffness from the Alps board I was on).

    On most days at Mammoth you can get a few nice wide turns on Stump Alley or chair 5 or 25 but most of the time there are a lot of people to avoid hitting. Also, the sl board is a bit easier navigating bumps or heading up to the steeps.

    I like my proton.

  2. My info on this is several years old but here goes.

    There is a youth hostel in Whistler and it is on a bus line. It is a little ways from the slopes. I don't remember how long the bus ride is but the only time I took the bus was in a snow storm when I lost my car keys. The hostel is great with a well equiped kitchen. You can even get a private room (if available) if you have at least two people. My gf and I stayed in one although it was still bunk beds.

    Additionally you can buy lift tickets for a discount at the hostel.

    If you can afford it, stay in the village within walking distance of restaurants. The area near the big grocery store is nice but so is the whole town.

    The "Fresh Tracks" thing which was mentioned in this thread is awesome. Buy a ticket (the previous day) for an early gondola ride up to midstation(starts about 6:30am) up to a huge breakfast buffet and then when ski patrol clears the mountain, you are the first to lay tracks. If it is snowing, do it.

    If memory serves me correctly the hostel does not have a hot tub but that may have changed in the last 7 or so years since I stayed there. This, to me, would be a serious liability.

  3. When Notwax first hit the market my buddy and I talked with the Notwax people at the ski/snowboard show in Vegas. We got the bright idea to just get some krytox and see if it worked since it was the main (and seemed like the only ingredient). We were able to get a sample bottle because we worked in the prop making business and thought that we might use it for a mold release agent.

    It does work but not nearly as well as Notwax. Notwax is the turbocharger of wax products.

    Does anyone know if you can get krytox in small quantities?

  4. How many times have you been rained on at the base of Whister. Sure the mountain is huge technically but for most of the season it is worthless from mid station down. Also, if you subtract the flat runouts at Whistler/Blackcomb you don't quite reduce it to the size of Mountain Creek but it would take a good sized chunck out of the chart.

    I think lift for lift, you can get a better experience on a snowboard at Mammoth. If we are talking about hamburgers and breakfast them I will take the gondola out of Whistler Village for the fresh tracks breakfast deal.

  5. How many times have you been rained on at the base of Whister. Sure the mountain is huge technically but for most of the season it is worthless from mid station down. Also, if you subtract the flat runouts at Whistler/Blackcomb you don't quite reduce it to the size of Mountain Creek but it would take a good sized chunck out of the chart.

    I think lift for lift, you can get a better experience on a snowboard at Mammoth. If we are talking about hamburgers and breakfast them I will take the gondola out of Whistler Village for the fresh tracks breakfast deal.

  6. After a few years on this forum I know there is at least one techno geek here that can help me out with this dilemna.

    I am running lighting at my house and I would like some motion sensors to kick on lights at two points. I know I can hook up one of those store bought Stalag 13 looking motion sensor activated lights but the aesthetics make me kringe.

    Are motion sensors available so I can just wire them onto a circuit? I would also like to have a switchable override so that I can keep the light on occasionally.



  7. Anyone here going to this race?

    I have not done a USASA race before. How early might the racing start?

    This will most likely be my first day on the snow and so I don't want my first run down the course to also be my first run of the year.

    Thanks for any info,


  8. I have checked with all available sources on used board pricing and done a price calculation spreadsheet with a .00246 margin of error thrown in. This is based on the current value of the USD on the open market as of 13:25 PST September 21, 2004

    My calculations price your board out at $37.48. Therefore, in the interest of good sportsmanship I will gladly pay $49.87 as this is all that I have in my paypal account which my wife is unaware of.

  9. I am bored at work.

    There is no snow.

    I have a newborn and will be lucky to get 10 days in this year.

    I don't care what you guys/gal(Aisling) post.

    Just keep posting so that I can live vicariously through your exploits this winter as I await the day that I can toss my son down on the snow with some ptex under his feet.

    To ease my pain I will instill other pain and run in the PF Changs Rock and Roll Marathon in January. If all goes well my wife will do the half marathon.

    In totally unrelated news, here I am somewhere on the bike course of the LA Triathlon (my first olympic distance race).

    <img src="http://tinypic.com/5tbfq">

  10. Lance actually has a spinal deformation that positively affects his performance. He is able to both sit more upright (for better breathing) but then bend more at the top of his spine for better aerodynamics. I believe this modification was done in the same underground lab where Wolverine had all that metal injected into his bones.

  11. The following link is a pretty good article on bike fit. At the bottom of the page there is a link to an online calculator to figure out your bike fit.


    I had a bike fit done by a shop and that was really helpfull. I had been sized up visually by three very experienced people and they put me on a 54 cm frame. After my fitting I ended up with a 56 cm frame because I have longer legs than most people my hieght.

    One thing to keep in mind with bike fit is that a pro bike fitter might put you on a bike that would be your ideal if you are a racer but not a rec rider. There is a lot to be said for being comfortable rather than aerodynamic. Of course since you are a hardbooter you are most likely fairly technical and hardcore in most of your pursuits so you may lean towards the idea that even though this feels slightly uncomfortable right now I will train for a while and get in shape for this. After all, you will probably be doing century rides by september.

    I bought a new bike this year (my old bike was bought used in 1990) and I chose a full carbon fiber frame. I had been riding an aluminum frame and the carbon makes a huge difference. I bought mine new but found a great deal because it was two years old.

    I would reccomend searching the local classifieds for a used bike. You will be able to get a lot more bike for $1000 that way. If you are buying new, specialized makes a really good bike that you can pick up for under $1000. There is a chain of shops called Supergo that puts a bike together for about $1000 which will get you ultegra components. It is called a Scattante. It is their brand so they discount it heavily and it is a good bike.


    The shimano components go somehting like this.

    105 = burton (it is good but not awesome) cost = 1

    ultegra = nidecker (better, and really good) cost = 1.5

    dura ace = coiler with custom graphic (awesome but not campi) cost = 3

    From ultegra to dura ace you get about 15% better performance for 100% increase in cost.

    Since you haven't ridden for some time, you are gonna love the new seats. Those seats with a split down the middle are not just for tourists.


  12. Whilst perusing this forum the other day my ferret (Bob) decided to hang out and read along. In just a few minutes I found myself with a convulsing, foaming at the mouth Bob on my desk knocking over the pencil jar and sending my Mcdonalds Buzz Lightyear collectible into sub orbit.

    After consulting with Bob's nuerosugeon I learned of a common condition amongst the western ferret where viewing animated avatars causes temporaris anoyus and can send them into a catatonic state or worse, desensitize them to reality t.v. shows where 17 women vie for the affection of one gay supermodel.

    Don't get me wrong. I am all for freedom of expression in whatever form it comes in (although if someone wants to censor the Neo Nazis with bludgeoning devices, I won't shed a tear). But, if Bob forces me to watch one more round of The Bachelor I don't know what I might do.

    At wits end.

  13. Snowboarding is a very dangerous sport. This compounded by board names like "ginsu" and "scalpel". On rare occasions people have found severed fingers lying about the slope or bathroom floor. That is where the extra finger slot in the glove comes in. Just slide that renegade finger into your glove for safe keeping where it will be kept warm untill it can be matched to a blood spurting hand in the bar. Everyone knows that a severed limb should be kept nice and warm. Or is that nice and cold.


  14. My K2 helmet came with some extra pads but I didn't buy it on Ebay. I got mine from a junkie who was selling bunch of stuff on a blanket on the sidewalk on Saint Marks Place in NYC. He was also selling tooth brushes but I didn't like the colors.

    You might be able to find an accesory pack of pads at a shop.


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