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Posts posted by gawdzira

  1. The last skiis I owned were 200cm Atomic Arcs. They wieghed about 75#s each. They were purchased in about 1985. I think the new tech might feel a bit different. My brother gave me a set up and I hope they are not too long for me. If so I may try my wifes skiis.

    Jack, I wish my lense went down to 1.8. When we got our camera I went with an all around lense to cover me untill I could have enough children to sell one to cover a better lense. I get lazy and rely on the auto settings too much but almost always try and override the flash. I hate those hot spots.

    Probably more like iso200, f3.5, 60

    I love the abiliity to shoot 50 frames and not worry about film. That is what I did this morning as my boy was trying bananas for the first time.

    I promise not to start any more threads having to do with skiing and if I do I will include photos of scantily clad people in my hot tub.

  2. I tivo'd some generic show on snowsports on OLN this weekend. I caught about 7.45 minutes of the show (I have a 6 month old so time is a precious commodity) and they were covering some SL ski race.

    Let me first say that I have been abstinent from skiing for over 12 years now except for one short run about 10 years ago. Prior to that, yes, skiing was a problem in my life but through therapy, drug science and about 3 years of K2 Snowboards being my primary client I have been rehabilitated and no longer crave the skiis at all. Now with 2 seasons of plates behind me I thought I was free of my demons.

    Then along comes OLN and their damn broadcast of the SL race. I must say that seeing those guys crank on those tiny shaped sticks looks like a blast (for someone else, of course).

    Honestly, I figure that I will need to strap on skiis in 2 - 3 seasons when I am starting to send my son down the hill but I am tempted to try a taste sooner.

    Don' hate me.

  3. I am in Southern California and if my life was very different I would have quit my job last month and moved to Mammoth to work nights washing dishes. But alas, I have a beautiful 6 month old son and so other priorities have taken over.

    Come to California, the weather system has tipped and however bad it is up north is making it that much better down here. Every other weekend there is another 2-3 feet of fresh.

  4. This came to mind this past weekend while I was riding with a 2 or 3? year old helmet. What is the life span of a helmet?

    This was just posted as a question on a triathlon site I lurk on.

    My owners manual for my helmet is long gone but people on the tri site are saying 18 months.


  5. You want to mount non release bindings on ski's? One of the patrollers who are on this site might correct me but I believe that it is a requirement at ski resorts in the US that ski's have releasable bindings.

    That reason would not be why I would choose not to do that. I would choose not to do that because I don't like people looking at x-rays of me.

  6. There are some places that you may find chains on the route to Mamoth but you are better off buying chains in L.A. where you will have a wider selection of stores in case the one or two shops you find along the path to Mammoth don't have your size.

    If you are renting at LAX then exit the airport on Sepulveda North. 3817 Sepulveda is and auto parts store. There are more in that area but hopefully that one will have what you need.

    If you keep driving north on Sepulveda, shortly after you cross Washington there is an entrance (left turn lane) to the 405 north which is the road you will take to get up to the mountain.

    If you buy on the road there is a shopping complex soon after you get on the 14 (maybe 10 miles?). I don't remember the name of the town. After that you will also drive through Bishop which is a town large enough for an auto parts store.

    The traction devices in your link will work.

  7. There was a thread a while back about driving to Mammoth but I thought I would bring this up again.

    Don't speed on rt 14 and 392 when you go through the small towns. The speed limit signs come up fast and drop speeds, 55, 45, 35, 25 in a mile.

    Also, when in Mammoth, if there is snow on the road, chain up. They always set up a check in town when chains are required.

  8. Most places that sell chains will take a return on them if the box is not opened. El Nino has been dumping snow here for the past two weeks and more snow is coming. You do not want to be on the roads here without chains. That road up to bear is like corkscrew of a path.

    Honestly, living in Los Angeles, I almost never go to Bear. I would rather drive to Mammoth, especially if I am staying overnight. Big Bear advertises itself as a park and almost 1/3 of the mountain is a park.

    I would say, go to Mammoth, call Motel 6 or get on the Mammoth website forum and try and get into someones condo for the weekend.

    Mammoth will blow you away. Bear will leave you wondering why you did not go to Mammoth.

  9. Mammoth is huge. If you go there focus on a small part of the mountain. The afternoon on a holiday weekend will be pretty bumped up on most runs.

    What level does your son ski/board? If he is a strong intermediate I would head up from Canyon Lodge to Chair 25. There is great variety on that chair and usually has no crowds. Avoid the bottom of the mountain and you will have less time in a lift line.

  10. My concerns over the motorcycle helmet laws are that in a slow to medium speed accident there is the possibility of brain damage, and survival.

    I would not mind if there was some device that retracted the helmet above 60mph so that the rider would almost certainly be gauranteed death. Maybe exploding eyewear that shot a poison dart above 60mph in a crash.

    Just random thoughts on Darwinism.

  11. I used to smoke (a lot). I am not going to 12 step thump or anything like that. I think people should be allowed to partake if it is in the right circumstances.

    I happen to believe that when you are traveling 25 - 50mph with a metal edged wing strapped to your feet is not one of those times when I want someone loaded up on anything next to me.

    I was on a gondola (I think it was last year) and some guy was bragging about how drunk he was. This was not some skatepunk, he was about 50 years old and probably a die hard skier. Frankly, I could give a rats butt if he was wearing a gold medal around his neck for Chinese Downhill, I got off the gondola and grabbed ski patrol. Several other people on the gondola were pretty put off by his arrogance as well.

    My point is, if you are loaded and injure me on the slopes, you better have some deep pockets for legal fees.

  12. Tips on driving to Mammoth.

    First of all, it is possible to drive from LAX to Mammoth in 4.5 hours, I have done it in less. My brother, who rode shotgun on that trip has still not recovered from the psycological damage. You need to hit triple digits on the speedometer to make it in that time and we are not talking about kmh.

    The first leg of the trip out of L.A. will probably be up the 405. On Fridays from 3-7pm the 405 is a parking lot. If you leave during those hours you can add 30-120 minutes to your trip. Between L.A. and Mammoth there is only fast food. Stay in L.A. and have a nice light dinner and leave at 7pm from the Santa Monica area. If you are going to eat fast food, 100 miles outside of L.A. is the fast food mecca, Mojave. Bon apetite.

    The drive up is really easy because it is only in the last hour of the trip where you do you major elevation gain. If it is snowing, you only have snow for the last 40 miles or so.

    The last town before Mammoth is Bishop. If you are solo, try and get a hotel room in Mammoth for Saturday night but stay in Bishop Friday night. It is cheaper and you will only have about an hour more of driving in the morning.

    There are several little towns in the ride out where the speen limit drops fast. 45, 35, 25. Don't speed in those towns. Speed on the parts where the speed limit goes back up to 55+ (although I can't advocate speeding, see above)

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