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Posts posted by Ray

  1. Originally posted by Brian

    Tim, Ray are you guys both out of the Mammoth deal and off to Aspen?

    Hello Brian,

    Good to hear you got your pass. Sold out in 3 days, amazing!

    As for me, I had no choice but to pass the pass for next season…

    Yes, the way it looks right now, it will be the Aspen season pass… two more weeks

    and I will know for sure if I made a mistake by not buying the Mammoth pass… but I have a good feeling.


  2. Originally posted by Tim Tuthill

    You can really get launched off of these things. If you dig a tip, ouch!!!:confused:


    That’s exactly how Corty broke his collarbone! He lives in Mammoth 20+ years now and skies over 30 years… He shares our opinion about MM grooming... it's getting worse... to much to groom... they go quantity instead of quality...

    Tim, the way it looks right now, yes, daily boarding should be possible next season ;)


  3. Had my boards tuned in Aspen (during the SES) and this is what I got:

    They are slow, a 2”x 3” grinding patch (will go away after the next tune) in the base, and the top sheets scratched… so be careful who works on your board!

    Now (soon), I will finally give it a try and send them to Mike at PTC…


  4. These boards have only been demoed during the SES and the Wasatch Trenchin' Convention. So basically 6-7 days of riding!

    Last I heard, they are in pretty good shape...

    175 Psycho Team Edition. 16cm waist. Carbon Fiber core enforcements. Black top sheet. (New, $1260) One bigger scratch on topsheet, otherwise great. SOLD

    183 Phantom World Cup. 19.5 waist. Full Kevlar Carbon Fiber Edition. Black top sheet. (New, $1400) SOLD

    If this is of your interest, please email me: icom@netwood.net



  5. Dave, Billy, Rusty, really had a great time with you guys!

    Good to finally meet all of you.

    Dave, the runs we did together really put a smile on my face :D

    Btw. the VIRUS you demoed was a full Kevlar Carbon version of the Phantom World Cup…

    Maybe that was one of the reasons you liked it so much ;)


  6. Wow, all packed up for the SES and totally stocked. I think my Sportube weights in at about 85 pounds now :eek:

    Guess I have to pay for some overweight tomorrow morning. Let’s see how United will treat me.

    But I have to say, that Sportube is a fantastic think! The last 4 trips I packed 3-4 boards, 2-3 pairs of boots (wife!) and tons of boarding stuff. The tube takes it all in no problem. Only problem is the TSA at the airport! They unpack it again :mad:

    This time I use 3 smaller duffle bags, which fit exactly in the Sportube on top of the board… should be a cleaner process.

    I decided to leave the Swallowtail at home and bring the Virus Dragster, nice all mountain/BX board…should (hopefully) be ok with it…


  7. Looking at the weather forecast right now, and am not really sure what boards to bring to the SES tomorrow.

    Forecast calls for Snow almost every day :mad:

    Enough snow for a powder gun / Swallow Tail, or just an all mountain board?

    I know it’s hard to predict, but I thought it would be great to get some input from you local experts out there…



  8. Bordy,

    That is cool, so we get to ride together now after we missed each other in Park City a couple weeks ago… Only Skully was there and we had one run together because he had to work that day and I was unable to get on the mountain on time :(

    Looking forward to see you guys… and, I have something for you to demo as well :D


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