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Posts posted by Ray

  1. Ray, what did you ever do with those UPZ boots, thought you were going to pass out due to extreme shinbang at Mammoth that day.

    Strolz foam injected liners :1luvu:

    The tongue of that shell was just way too stiff for me and the lack of cushion of the old liner made the boot tongue just bite right into my shins (not shinbang) :angryfire

    The Strolz liners have a very thick plastic covered tongue (similar to Conformable, but it’s an all leather liner) so the impact of the boot tongues is history…

    I really like the shell design of the UPZ, great fit for my feet, but they needed some important improvements…

    Neil, will let you know if I go once more... but I think we make the move beginning of December...

    Tim, 3 feet :eek: Why? Just some easy turns... :eplus2:


  2. Selling an almost new Pogo Overdose 162cm SL board

    This board turned out to be to stiff for my 165lbs...

    Description from Pogo's website:

    Maneuverable slalom-racecarver with longer effective edge, a touch less waisted,

    to support drift turns and to ensure stability on fast runs. Best grip on packed and

    icy surface. Riders 65 – 90kg (Price new incl.shipping & taxes about $1,170)

    <img src="http://tinypic.com/fcpifo.jpg" alt="Image hosted by TinyPic.com">

    Hope you like tons of camber :D

    <img src="http://tinypic.com/fcpil0.jpg" alt="Image hosted by TinyPic.com">

    <img src="http://tinypic.com/fcpips.jpg" alt="Image hosted by TinyPic.com">

    More info: http://www.pogo.biz/shop/product_category_displayE.php?cPath=24_42&language=en

    Please send email to: icom@netwood.net




  3. Hi Neil,

    Yes I lucked out on this purchase. Having never seen a Virus in person, I got the board last night from Ray and was amazed. The board is beautiful and like new. I didn't even see any binding marks and the base is perfect with the PTS tune. The craftsmanship, materials and design are amazing. If it rides as good as it looks, it will truly be my dream board... for now :) Now I have to get some Bomber Titaniums to go with it.

    See you at Mammoth and thanks Ray,


    I knew it will make someone happy. I am also glad it found

    you Tim! You are a great rider and will have a blast with it.

    Buckle up :D


  4. Tim,

    you got yourself a KILLER board.

    Indeed he did!

    Hmm, I am not really sure if I really want to meet with him later today and give him the board… maybe I change my mind :rolleyes:

    Ahh, no worries Tim, just kidding :p

    See ya later!

    Congratulations and welcome to the infected club.

    Oh yes, Congrats! :biggthump


  5. Hmm, I started because of Windsurfing… Back in ‘86-‘88 I lived in Spain before moving back to Germany. Spain is a great spot for windsurfer… So after I moved back to Germany I was looking for a new sport providing enough adrenaline thrill, speed and fun with people who share the same passion… A good friend of ours was a snowboard instructor. I am so thankful that he was teaching in hard boots!!! The big days of Peter Bauer!

    Those days, you couldn’t even find someone in soft boots on the mountain in Austria/Switzerland… Probably the same ratio between softies and hard boots as today. Just the other way around.

    I am not sure 100% but I think my very first board I actually bought back than was a Burton PJ7 and right after the M6. Still have M6 and rode it last season for a couple runs, that was strange.

  6. My problem is that I always sell my boards after just a short time in still almost new condition (Yes, I agree, I have an issue here and I should seek counseling)… :rolleyes:

    But what happened is that by doing this I really found more and more what I really wanted in a board… will it ever end, I don’t know… :confused:

    I have a trick now! I started to get my personal signature for any of my new boards… yes, “under” the clear coat! This should make it more difficult for me to sell my new stuff… (not too many Ray’s out there on plates with my height and weight) ahhhh, only one board left without my name on it. HELP !

  7. Another problem with buying big bux custom board: you should stick with it forever and it's very hard to get a fair price for a used custom board.


    Isn’t this basically the same situation with everything nice you buy? I mean look at cars, you drive a brand new car of the lot and 25-30% are gone! You buy a nice mountain bike and ride it through the dirt once, bang… so on so on…

    What I think is great is because of people who buy expensive stuff and sell it after a year or so, others who would not spend that money for the “new” item have actually a chance/opportunity to get the same product for much less. Sure, it’s used, but depending on the product not necessarily off lesser quality. I think that’s great. I appreciated this many times before myself…

    When I buy a new board let’s say for $1300 or so and sell it after maybe ½ a season, that board will still run about $900, but presents a great opportunity for someone who wants to get in but is not willing to spend $1300 for the new board…

    Maybe another poll, how much money would you maximum spend for a used board...no, just kidding :p

    I think the overall feedback is really great. I did not expect that so many people are willing to spend these higher $$$.


  8. Hi Jack!

    Not really sure if I understand the first part your response correctly. :confused:

    With whom you spend the money is off course up to you and everyone else!

    That I am a fan of Virus is true. Others are big fans of other brands… it is not

    about Virus here, it is more about to see how our carving community is designating

    their funds these days. 5-6 years ago I never expected to spent these amounts for “a snowboard” :nono:

    Good point you made here: “I'd want the board to perform within 85% of new for about

    200 days.” I defiantly agree with you! It’s sad to see that sometimes big money is

    spent and it’s not holding up to your expectations :angryfire

  9. How much money would you maximum spend on your dream board?

    I think this also could be a nice demographic…

    Everybody is different and has to manage their financial resources, but if you

    are thinking of your dream board, what would it be worth to you?

    Also, would you rather own one or two more expensive boards, or like many here 5, 6 or

    even more of midrange priced boards?

    Just talking Carving boards here and in the poll.

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