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  • Location
    Harrisonburg Virginia
  • Home Mountain/Resort?
  • Occupation?
    Directv Supervisor
  • Current Boards in your Quiver
    Burton Canyon 168
  • Current Boots Used?
  • Current bindings and set-up?
    K2 agressive stance (soft)

Petrie's Achievements

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New Member (1/6)



  1. I understand you can use Ski boots with these, is that correct? I ask due to my big foot and it is hard to find snowboard hardboots in 31-32.
  2. Ahhh another rider my size. NIce jacket but have one already, just need a board. If you are a hardbooter what board do you ride?
  3. Would this work for the heavier guy? 245-250/
  4. Lonbordin, let me know what you think as I had reserves since I am about 250. After research I still am unclear what will suit my size so will have to inquire to one of the board shops like Donek.
  5. Will the Catek longs fit the 14 boot?
  6. grab it man as I am kinda window shoppin.
  7. I hate to do the newbie thing but I am 250 pounds and looking for a stiff board. Would the 186 accomodate?
  8. I see a few boards that were posted. Any of those fit my need?
  9. Once again, thank you for your links and your comments and hoping to be able to make some decisions. Boots do seem to be an issue but, think I can overcome this obstacle. Much thanks
  10. Much thanks. I did get some info from that. So did you go from step-ins to standards(by the picture)? What seems to be your preference? I too have that issue of more lift that hill time where I am. I assume bigger is not necessarily better board wise. I don’t know anything about the geometry of this stuff like radius, side cut. Does this play a factor or just stiff as you can get?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
  11. Good evening all, I must say, I am stoked for my first post. I have been soft bootin it for 15 years now and have been reading this forum and going to bomberonline for 2 years and ready to get something started. I have obtained some information from the threads over the 2 year stint but am unclear on board to weight ratio. Here is the kicker. I am a pretty large guy a need serious guidance. I am 6'4, 250 pounds with a size 14 boot. My local resort is ice coast Virginia and am sure most of you have seen bigger driveways than my trails but I do travel within the east coast which are not much better. So my question is what size and type of board would suit me. I do like the Prior all mountain style. I drive a 168 Burton Canyon now and does well. Of course I am a husband on a budget but with all of my hobbies I like to buy the best I can get. I would like to start with boots and bindings and work my way to the board. Can I start with this on my board? Thank you all and look forward to threadin with you.
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