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Everything posted by barryj

  1. I'm in Squaw Valley for the winter and been at Alpine Meadows and Squaw numerous times. Hot Wheels at Alpine is OK at the start but is too busy and flattens out quick and that lift is Slooow! Squaw Creek at Squaw is a little better but gets tight and congested when it funnels into a wide cattrack to the lift. Where are the Big, Wide and Long groomers in N. Cali?
  2. Salty Peaks also has Stratos Pro boots! Anybody know of any shops with Deeluxe 700T's?
  3. Well, if there is still even such a thing - Where are there any retail shops that carry any Alpine gear - boots, boards, bindings - Bomber excluded of course. I know most of the shops left have to multitask with other non alpine product, but Let's give em some coverage - add your favs to the list! I know ABS in Boulder is reputable and usually has the latest stock. Where Else?
  4. It STILL Ain't Over in Cali! Dumping here at Squaw Valley andTahoe City - looking for 3+ ft on the mtn. tomorrow morn.!!
  5. Hey Guys--Thanks for the info - Eric- I have three boards - for carve, for crud and for pow - all with plates, but only have one pair of boots - suzukas, new to me last season/barley used when bought. Yep, I also rode in walk mode for over 10+ years on groom and pow - just recently working on riding in "loose" mode on groomers. Tried all settings, but I have never liked "locked" mode at any boot angle on groomers Why is BTS/yellow better than "walk" mode in POW for you? On a scale of 1 -10 how much has BTS improved riding performance for you? 1= no difference and 10= OMG!
  6. Do any of you guys ride your BTS boots in the powder- i'm talking 6 inches or more. I want to get BTS for my suzuka's, but not if it's going to limit me off the groomers. On powder days I have a second board/plate setup I run with my suzuka's now
  7. Anyboby got a pair they are ready to part with at end of season? My Suzuka's are 29.5's - if the Track series doesn't do half sizes I guess I could do 29's. barryj01@msn.com
  8. My Suzukas are 29.5's ......but it seem's the 700's do not come in half sizes...is this correct? So what do I buy...I'm scared 29's will be to small! ....and I'd rather have regular liners
  9. Looking for BTS, complete kit - blue or yellow barryj01@msn.com
  10. Hi TY,This board is located in CA and I think it's from 05/06.
  11. Anybody? Help a Bro out, will ya ........
  12. Any of you guys that went with the long Arch Strap from Bomber on your Track 700's got the original "standard" Arch Strap you want to get rid of? It looks like this -of course you know that...... https://bomberonline.3dcartstores.com/Track-Arch-Strap-_p_82.html Bomber is out of the OEM Track Arch Strap :( barryj01@msn.com
  13. I have a Prior 4WD 164 that I bought off here this winter and used for only one day, great board - just not the waist or the float I'm looking for. Base is in great shape and minimal wear and tear on top sheet except one good dingI had it waxed and the edges sharpened for my one day use- Ha! $200 + shipping Possibly interested in trades....hit me up with what ya got! barryj01@msn.com .[/ATTA[ATTACH]30202CH]
  14. We got 2 feet at Lake level and over 5 feet on the Mtn. It was a great pow day - I'll take photos tomorrow Here's what I woke up to:
  15. Boy's, It ain't over yet - Come on out to Cali! Here's what I woke up to
  16. Loopback, I ordered the parts for the arch and toe, thanks so much for the info.........whats the scoop on the "nuts/bolts/washers" I will need?
  17. http://echo3.bluehornet.com/hostedemail/email.htm?CID=11439494095&ch=757B8CB194CAC0F6549A9C23D8C5A55E&h=eee42855ad2f7e5b487267f1f2f43446&ei=WJJkU28GN
  18. Wow -Great information guys! Jim - I agree - I like the upper straps of my Suzuka's - it's the toe and arch that suck -see below! What was it you didn't like about the original liner in your Suzuka's? Can you post a pic or link for the Black liner you use please........ Also - Jim, you come up to Squaw or Alpine any? I have not seen one other hardbooter all season :( Come on up - were supposed to get 5-7 FEET of snow over the next 36 hours! Loopback - thanks for that great parts list! I like my upper buckles/straps on my Suzuka's - it's the arch and toe that I have no adjustment left - the first catch that works on the toe strap is to tight and to keep my heels down it's 3 clicks past comfotable! So I'm gonna use your list and order the toe and arch parts tonight! Can you please post a pic of your modded Suzuka"s!
  19. I really like the asym of my Suzuka's and if there's not that much difference between Suzuka's and T700's, $100 is nothing campared to the $600 for T700's on BOL! http://bomberonline.3dcartstores.com/Track-700-with-Thermo-Flex-Liners_p_93.html
  20. Hey, Great info guys! I'll ask Michelle at BOL about swapping the 700 buckles onto my suzukas.
  21. I have a pair of Deeluxe Suzuka boots that I have been on for two seasons, (bought barely used) I really like these boots and felt a positive difference with the asym shell, (but maybe anything would of be a big difference over my DECADE OLD Raichle's 125's!) but the buckle straps are fickle as to where and how they catch! The new buckle systems on the Deeluxe boots look like a huge improvement! I see the Track 700 also has a asym shell....which I think I want to stick with. How do you guys rate these two boots in a comparsion? Would I see any immediate difference/improvement with the Track 700's I'm 6'2 and 205lbs, mondo 31.5 and 70/65 angles on a Virus Avy FLP FTP Any input would be appreciated.
  22. Looking for a 159-165 Splitboard setup. Let me know what ya got. barryj01@msn.com
  23. [ATTACH]29700[/ATTACH "No Wings...you’re not trying to fly! Is this "Wings"? If so, I want flying lessons!~ SJ- I'm mostly at Alpine - there's just not a big wide open groomer open yet that's not covered with jib rats----
  24. Good stuff guys! Keep it coming......... I envy you guys that can ride together, but I think were on the endangered list up here in N. Cali......I have not seen one other hard booter this season up here at Squaw, Alpine, Northstar, Diamond or Sugar Bowl.
  25. OK - I forgot one....maybe the #1 for me A SEASON PASS!
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