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Everything posted by rjnakata

  1. Wow, Thanks all for the replies. It was my "duty" to teach that day and with some coaching from you, I had a blast. There is some serious wisdom and expertise here.
  2. I'll be teaching a friend this Monday and I want to teach "right." It's been a while since I first learned to snowboard and I'm sure methods have changed since then. What's today's accepted way to teach beginner snowboarding? My student is at the "falling leaf" stage. :o
  3. Your product would definately have a devoted following. Your legs are up to it!
  4. Now I know what I have to look forward to. I have not experienced this of yet, but I aspire to...soon.
  5. ...humbling. I do get that uphill/slip...uphill/slip sensation. I'll try moving things back a "bit." Is it supposed to feel as if one has "stomped" on the front foot and it stuck? Thanks a bunch.
  6. Hmm, my "decoder ring for simpletons" yields thus: If chattering occurs during a toeside turn in such a way as to throw you forward, move the bindings back. This is best evaluated on ice...right? I tried moving the bindings forward with mixed results. I did get some of that chatterning on the heel side, but I'm thinking it's poor weight back technique that's producing this.
  7. Thanks guys. I'll give it a try tomorrow.
  8. Following up on the post asking for tips for Madd 170 set up, do you guys have any tips on bindng setup for a Madd 158 (not classic)? Is it best centered? Thank you!
  9. Thanks Nekdut, Do the heel pins get in the way at all?
  10. Do Fintec/intec heels fit into standard bindings? I did a search without success. I was thinking it would be nice to use both types when switching boards around (with TD's and F2's and such). thanks!
  11. :( Sorry I got no e-pads. Does anyone else have TD2-3D center disks? R PS: Am I now out for the crappy race technique coaching?
  12. Hey there T, I have a set of red TD3 center disks - 3D, I can loan you. They only work on TD3...ok? RJNakata
  13. What kind of plate is that...is it signed?
  14. I'd love to meet and ride and learn a little (a lot) from you all, but duty to God, family and my 7 year old's basketball game say otherwise. Maybe next year...or next life. :(
  15. The same thing happened to me while going at speed. I caught a bit of air on a turn and landed on the toeside rail. I instinctively tucked my arms to my chest (in an "X" like a mummy) and took a heavy chest/faceplant. My ribs were sore for a week and my eyes were bruised for a while. Due to a chronically loose "rear hand" shoulder from boarding/crashing too much in life past, I tend to ride fists near the chest, so I can tuck the arms in quickly. I'd like to be a little freer with the arms for balance sake, but I've gotten adverse to having them flail around ready to be yanked off. I did get a full face helmet shortly after that incident. :D I hope you get better soon.
  16. John, Tell me you are just taking a short trip to Aspen...NOT moving away from here!!!
  17. What you are looking for is INTEC heels by F2 (as opposed to FINTEC heels by Bomber Industries). They sometimes (rarely) come up for sale here on Bomber. When they do they don't usually last long.
  18. Is this is what is meant by "gnar"? http://www.gnar.org/
  19. Hi guys, Do you know of anywhere that can correctly cook liners...in Orange County? I spoke with Skinet sports in Studio City and they are a bit far for me and at $75 to cook liners, a bit pricy. I've done it myself according to the Bomber instructions, but I'm wondering if there are better options. Stephan Kaelin's shop in Newport has been closed for some time now, and when I'm in the Bear area I'm so pressed for time so somewhere in OC would be great. Thanks!
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