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Everything posted by Technical.Experience

  1. Well this thread has been an inspiration for me... I decided to make my own 3 straps binding system to see if there is any improvement by using it. I found the response I get using the 3rd strap is definitely night and day if I compare to the standard 2 straps. It is way faster to pass from an edge to the other. I can carve high speed with this set-up, control and precision are highly up-graded. It let you jump in comfort and stability that SB provide. Should be experimented in SBX... Its easier to carve but also allow you to shred anytime and this is the versatility I was looking for my first SBX board. I wanted an hybrid that works well in any condition and I think I found MY recipe. The goal is not to compare SB to HBooting but has I always rode HB before, it popped in my head instinctly... The result of what I felt: On very hard pack snow, nothing equal the edge hold of HB period. In softer condition, I could carve almost like using a HB set-up but not enough to say: Oh yes it's the same thing... Like I said earlier, I didn't build the set-up to compare both technique but to provide me versatility and carving abilities riding a SB set-up and in that avenue, the set-up amazed me. I know guys here swears by Malamute's and some for Burton's boot. I don't want to start a debate but DC's have a "hinge" pattern in their construction that is very close to what we look for when shopping for hard boots. Also take a look at the exterior construction of the boot 2 seconds... There is also NO heel lift period. I considered many factors in the construction of my first prototype. There is a calculated flex in the strap that is design accordingly to my weight. Thus, it gives me a certain amount of calculated front flexibility. I read carefully what JG said and applied some concepts mentioned, thanks JohnG . The strap is removable almost instantly with 5 snaps for powder days. The strap is mould 3D with the boot and the angle of the bindings, each of them specifically for the right and left foot. To avoid the frontal boa, I had to split the strap in half and it created a more efficient holding, non movable strap. The top part is at the position were the booster strap should be. Every friction points is re-enforced with layers of leather. The high back is fixed with straps of carbon fiber covered straps. All the "high back sox" is removable in about 30 seconds. The "sox" is designed 3D as well to fit perfectly the concave, curved, inward, base line high back. So that was my 09 version of the 3 straps bindings, using 09 boots. Conclusion, it is a blast to ride with!:D Cheers, Jeff
  2. I think the main goal of a custom top sheet is to get what you want? So if its your taste, then I can't comment on that. If its what you like and want well, I would remove the TURBO picture has you have a SUPERCHARGER... Maybe the tires are too much... Try to find a picture with no license plate on the car... If I was going to put a car theme, I'll try to find a picture of a Mustang front end only. The dimension of your board is probably close to the front grille set-up you have on your car. I would keep the board black, put both headlights on respective nose/tail, the Mustang sign between the plates etc... Keep the car black and fade it on the side walls of the boards to make the impression like if the car was coming from the board at full speed but "subtile" keep it low profile: black/ flat black something like that... But hey, that's my 2 cents and you do whatever you want. Just trying to understand your personal interest and helping you out to materialize it... Cheers, Jeff
  3. I think the weight of the rider change a lot of parameters. At 165 pounds, I found that a FP 78 was just too stiff for me. I always felt like I never exploited its maximum capacities. Ridable: yes, enjoyable: not all the time. There is just not enough meat and muscle to push the board at its max. I can deal with different length no problem but not with all stiffness. Don't get me wrong thought, when it was minus 25 on East coast, nobody's there and large blue run on hard pack. I had lot's of fun, control and speed. You just let the board go, you follow the long radius and can have a cup of hot chocolate like someone mentioned. But on a weekend in a family ski centre, non-groom or a narrow runs, it was a night mare to slalom between everything with an almost 16 radius and not enough power to make quick changes. Jeff By the way, I've been introduced to HB in 1990 and I do have Euro influences like you can see in my writing. I ride 55F and 58R. So I guess it puts me in the "old European style category" ;):D
  4. Thanks man for your advice, I will remember that for my race plate. I wanted to install the metal disk on my Burton P1 SB set-up, the base seems stronger that the plate and I think I might be fine to use those with it. But anyways, I don't think I will find some so I will do without it... Thanks for your time, Jeff
  5. Ok, thank you Fin for your time. I though I could use them to solidify my Burton bindings... Those aluminum 4x4 one are so rare to find and expensive. Cheers, Jeff
  6. Hello, I never owned Trench digger binding... Is the center disk is compatible with other plates brand or their pattern is exclusive to TD's? Thank you! Jeff
  7. Thank you very much guys, your help is much appreciated! I think I'll go to the one Dave mentioned just because it is closer to my home. If they won't, well I'll go to Cypress! Thank you very much again for your time Jeff
  8. It's weird, I went there yesterday and I talked to the owner to get a base grind service only. He told me it's not possible, they won't do that. He said that it's either a complete service ( base grind, machine sharpening, machine wax ) all together or nothing. That's why today I'm asking the question here... Thank you anyway for your time! Jeff
  9. Hi, I'm looking for a good place to go for a base grind job in Vancouver? Any recommendations? Thanks, Jeff
  10. Wow that was a very excellent review Boris! Thank you for your time and description of conditions, I can't wait any longer to begin the season. It's awesome for the hard boot lesson request! JF
  11. I'm working on the same kind of project too. I bought a sheet of 100% carbon fiber and 50% carbon/50% kevlar. Sheets are 1.5 meter per 1 meter. Do not expect that you can just stick that sticky sheet from ebay and it will do the job... Its made to make trims for your car for a fancy looking not to give you the result you want to have. The carbon fiber is a fabric. Until you apply the resin it needs, it will stay soft and moldable like a fabric. I suggest this website to educate yourself about using CF http://www.fibreglast.com/ Ideally, you should do it with many layer of fabric. You have to mold your pattern on the top sheet of the board if you want its camber. Then you bound them with the epoxy/resin that will meet the need of your project (cold/flexibility). Then you cut with a jig saw the pattern you want + a little bit all around. Then you sand to the correct size and it will smooth your previous cut. Lots of work, lots of time, lots of $ involved. Think about it seriously or buy a Madd like Jack said. But hey, I you are like me and prefer working on project like that instead of watching TV, it is awesome project to do! I'm almost done with my custom made bindings and love the result!
  12. I agree with you, the Allegiance is designed to flex straight forward without breaking the stiffness around the ankle. So you have no deformation by using them but eventually they will flex more forward in relation of the use you do with them. So I use a binding with a third strap and I have the best of both world!
  13. I went shopping for soft boot this year for the first time. I looked for Malamutes first, I was already "sold" by all comments I found about them in my search for the best boot. Then I tried the Driver X because the seller told me they are stiffer. By trying both of them (just walking), I found the Driver's more comfortable and stiffer... Then I had the chance to try DC's boots. They are maybe as comfortable as the Malamute but not like the Driver x. But WAY stiffer than both I tried. If you like boa system, look at the Status first (USA only), if not Allegiance model. If you prefer lace system, Methvin is the one to go with! It is all about preferences, for me I went DC without questioning! I've seen some 15 Allegiance on feebay for like $130 buy it now new because I guess it is a massive size
  14. Hi! I'm looking for that product, I looked everywhere and I can't find any... Someone on BOL have this for sale or know where to find them? Thank you very much for your time Jeff
  15. SEJ: Thank you very much for the info and your time. Pretty good idea, I'll try that for sure if I don't find other cants. Cheers, Jeff Charles: Thanks man, I'll wait for your news! Jeff
  16. Hi there, Well I want to swap my Burton cant to another board witch use the 4x4 pattern... Somebody have some cant plate for sale? I'm looking to buy any cant with the 4x4 pattern, whatever models shown in the picture. The right one is universal but the left one have the Burton 3D pattern only. Or if somebody have just the insert with the 4x4 pattern that goes in the left one on the picture. If I remember when I bough it, it came with both pattern? Ready to trade or buy. The insert is this one: Also, might be hard to find but I need those rubber pad that goes between the plate/board. I have the hard one's as shown in the picture and looking for the soft one's. Let me know if you have them! I can pay Paypal or whatever payment form. Thank you very much Jeff
  17. snowboardfast: Yeah, I'm totally happy that I have found this website, pretty good advice and so much good information. I guess you're right for a softer set-up regarding the plate as its seems to be more what people ride now. My problem is: I moved to Vancouver from QC with my car, I had to bring the minimum possible as you can imagine... So unfortunately, when I arrive to my snowboard stuff in "my major clean" and saw the Fire non-clip in soles that I never used, the soft rubber to put under the plate, the non-clip in set-up, I trashed all of them and feel really mad at me right now... So I can't go back to a non-clip in, I'll have to change my plate, boot and I don't have the budget for that actually. They are all in like 9/10 condition, my option would be to sell everything and start again with something more appropriate for here all around but I'll loose so much money if I sell that... So I think I will eventually go with an arsenal of boards like yours; progressively in the future. A good carve board for early morning, a shorter and more free ride orientated board for overall condition and eventually a powder board as it seems that I will have to get use to it. As for the BTS, it seems like I can't install that on my boot but might check if there's a way to install a set-up like that, I have some good idea, its kind of project I like to have as hobby and I have a friend machinist who could built a proper bracket to fix that on the boot. But again, I'll see if I keep them and how everything will go this summer and figure something out...Thank you for your advice and your time! Have a good evening, Jeff Boris, Well I think you might be right for the pow, I will have no choice! One thing sure is I will not complain when I'll fall in pow compare to QC ice!!! So with that frequent pow condition in mind and my actual budget for now, $500 max, I'll go for a used/demo ATV in soft boot sorry... It's just it seems that my plate/boot are not the best match for here on a overall board anyway. Plus I don't have the budget for purchasing a new hard boot set-up for now. So I'll have a soft carver board and the FP for early hero morning like you said. Might sell all I have too and buy a used soft set-up plate/boot and a softer carve board as well. And with that in mind switching this softer plate set-up on the ATV later... I checked for the Dynastar 3800, I might be interested for that option too but still more thinking about the ATV for now just because I can afford one board only and think it can be the good overall board, I might be wrong too... You're more than welcome for my Goode offer, just let me know next season. I had a good deal on it, that's why I bought it. This board is very light and looks pretty good for sure! Of course if you don't mind, I might ask you for trying one of your board as well, thanks for the offer and really appreciate that! Thank for all your advice and sharing your thinking about what you think it would be the best for me, it helped me a lot for sure. Cheers, Jeff
  18. George: koflach Vallugas (ie think Damian Sanders - neon yellow and pink and all) Ooooh yeah it rings a bell :D. I understand what you mean by your boot suggestion, I think I would prefer like you suggested to have a softer shell and more flexibility for my next set-up once I'll have enough money... Or I can maybe modify my Fire with this spring set-up BTS I've seen on the almanac and saving money? Also thanks for responding at my question for the "best hill". My girlfriend can have free tickets via her job to Grouse. So it will not be because of family reasons but money advantage! Although I'll try to go at Cypress the more possible to meet the other guys there in the same time! Dave: Nice to meet you as well!!! Thanks for your interest, taking the time for your response and your welcoming on the West coast! If I understand your point for the bindings, its better to have a non-clip in and softer set-up? From what I understand you seems to be the "powder guy" ? I might change idea later and you will probably prove me in the future but for now I'm not that attracted by riding in powder as ridiculous it can seems. Its just that its so rare compare with BC to have access to powder in QC, I kind of never developed the interest of it... I've been used to ride on hard/pack snow at minus very cold... Regarding your first suggestion, ATV 171, I think you might be right. The big plus for me is its still a versatile board that will allow me to ride soft binding if I prefer to keep the FP for when the condition will allow it... For your second sug: I might still thinking to sell it the FP doh, not sure if its worth it but guess I'll see later anyway... Could make my starting money for the 4WD like you suggest. Your third and fourth, as you probably better know now, I don't have enough interest for now to think about a powder board, but mostly not the budget to be honest . Boris: Well thank you for writhing and and welcoming too!! I just read your post about the weather condition at Cypress... Seems to pass lots of time there, that's cool. ATV or 4WD, yeah I think we all agree that its the kind of board I'll need. I though about the ATV 167 soft and hard set-up or the 4WD 169 hard set-up, I'm 5'11" 155 pounds. What do you think for the most versatile set-up in all condition and low budget? The Goode have a 20.5cm wide, stiff a bit (all carbon fiber board) for the length of the board in my opinion. Yes it got a kicked-up tail and a pretty high-up nose. Can send you a picture if you want and if want to try it, just let me know. Of course we should definitely hook up and all go the Whistler/Blackcomb before the end of the season (see Dave I learned my lesson ) I might want to try it alone first doh, and its nothing personal... I was 14 years old and dreaming on going there, 18 years ago at 6000 Kilometers further on the East cost... I always had my season pass back there except for the last 5 years where I went just a couple of times during the season. Things happen sometimes and you loose the sight of your passion a bit, life style change and bla bla bla... So I'll be rusty, will slow you down you guys, will have to face a mountain with 1700 more meters in elevation, new kind of snow condition, probably new board etc... Its the proximity of this dream, the need to go back on a board that bring the passion back... George, Dave and Boris, after my first try it will be more than pleasure to ride/meet with you guys. I'm not working on Friday, I might go this week, will see how things are going and let you know for sure. Cheers, Jeff
  19. Thanks Dave! I might change my mind and go to Intuition Sports. They seems more personalized with their service, witch I prefer. I'm gonna call them and see if I can get an appointment soon. Thanks to both of you for your time / suggestions Cheers, Jeff
  20. That's perfect, thanks very much George, again! I think I'll have to drive up to North Van for the kind of service I'm looking for... Thank you for sharing the info! Do you remember what kind of price range it was, I think its like $150/$200, I am wrong? Jeff
  21. Thanks George for your reply, I appreciate that. I think I can change my technique for a more alpine orientated style... I was mostly thinking about the Prior 4WD or the Donek Axxess for my next purchase. But still, can I really ride all day on HB set-up with those boards even when its a bit bumpy? Speaking about those ski resorts (Cypress, Grouse, & Seymour), is there one better for the style of snowboard we practice? I'll keep the invitation in my pocket for sure, I'm gonna contact you guys next season for sure for a ride; that would be awesome! Cheers, Jeff
  22. Well, I decided to change those uncomfortable Burton Fire liners... After reading the almanac, I think I'll go for some intuition liners and I think the boots will need some boot fitting work as they always hurts at the same spot... Any suggestion for a good place to go in Vancouver? Thank you very much in advance! Jeff
  23. Hello everyone, After reading lots on this website, I finally decided to join the forum and pretty excited with that. Let me introduce myself: My name is Jean-Francois, lets keep it simple and use Jeff instead lol... I begin carving, it was in 1990 in Quebec with my first board, a Burton PJ7 "remember the classic asymmetric green/grey one" with the grey/pink MGX and a Couloir one piece suit in turquoise :rolleyes:... Always loved carving, controlling my turns to the extreme, the speed, how its direct drive with HB. As a carver, I always felt alone a bit as all my friends were riding softies, plus its kind of boring to wait after them all the time... But with the technology of today, I just found that forum and finally will be able to share and discuss stuff with people sharing the same passion as me. Its funny how its so not so popular riding on HB, I never thought a forum will exist, very happy with my found and all the precious info available of course. Hi to everyone! So yeah, I just moved in Vancouver from Quebec city and have some question/opinion that I would like to discuss with you guys. First my equipment: I have a Burton Factory prime 178 with Burton Physics and Fire boot. Pretty stiff set up. Also have a 155 Goode carbon fiber board. Lets not forget that in Quebec city, you ride on really really hard packed snow or ice, its minus very cold plus the ski center passes the BR twice per day, so velvet runs are not that rare to find, perfect for a setup like mine... BUT, here its another world, completely... Well I didn't try any mountain in BC but Tried my set-up in Jasper and it was a disaster! Too much people for GS carving, crud terrain, soft snow etc... I realize real fast that I would have to change my set-up... Sooooooo my options are: Staying with HB set-up like I always did, rode like not much than 10 times in soft boot... Combined with a Prior 4WD for more overall riding. But I'm anxious about something... Is having a HB set-up here in BC and enjoyable only for the first 2/3 hours of the day and then its over? Because the snow is so smooth, the weather is so much nicer,seems to creates crud very fast... Do you also guys thinks that the prior 4WD will allow me to ride on crud and having fun in over all condition here? Swapping to SB set-up, I'm thinking about that... With ether a Prior ATV, Donek Razor or Volkl Spline. Let's say something, I like to carve not to shred... I never tried to carve with soft boot too and don't know what to expect about that? Lets say too that I will prefer to enjoy longer day and being able to ride and whatever condition than enjoying 2 hours of pure fun on HB and then just wanting to go home after... See my kind of hesitation? I know nobody else can make the choice for me but if I can have some advice from guys who are riding here and could share their thinking about my questioning, please feel free to express yourself! Cheers, Jeff
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