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Everything posted by photodad2001

  1. Williamblake, I went out today to a groomed granular surface... just because. I had a few improved heelside carves, then the sun came out and softened the snow. It was, as you'd say, more like mashed potatoes and an improvement from the gravel like conditions early in the morning. I found myself getting my nose in too deep. It either skidded out or ended up buckling up (the only way I could describe it). On the drive home I'm thinking I might have been going into the carve with too much speed, what do you think? Sorry, didn't get a personal photog to go with to take pics.
  2. I've seen deep trenches at my own hill but compared to the incompitent groomers that leave track marks and boulders of compressed snow/ice that's insignificant. My local hill just got it's hands on a dragon groomer, but the farmers running it didn't put any flat in the pipe!!! It's all tranny!!! That's what you get when you have combine operators laying your cords.
  3. I'm pretty sure that's a myth. At least there's no video footage on youtube of anyone going superman on an ice rink. I think what they mean is they can get the board to carve on ice, but they aren't laying out putting the old snow deodorant on. :lol:
  4. Let's just say at my home hill here in Ohio no snowboarder is sneaking up on anyone. We do our carving in mashed potatoes.
  5. Looks like this weekend is a wash. It's currently raining and tomorrow is supposed to be the same.
  6. Just want to clarify what you mean by "driving". Do you mean to push the board forward? Wouldn't that put my weight on my back leg?
  7. Hopefully I'll get someone to take some photos this weekend. I guess I'm just trying to match up my heel side to my toe side. On toe side I can carve a complete loop. Just wondering if there was something I was missing.
  8. If I go steeper I'm going to be able to start to see board between my foot and the edge is that going to be an issue? Should I try moving my stance forward? My board has a 25 set back and I currently have my front binding on the lowest set of holes while my back binding is down one set. Should I move them up a set?
  9. Should I flaten my angles? My board is too wide to go steeper. Haven't gotten around to making the financial plunge so I'm on my Sims 171 Search.
  10. I've been reaching for the nose of my board, is that too far?
  11. Yes, the tail is sliding out, it's at the beginning of the carve. When I carve toe side toe side I go directly into the carve and leave a nice skinny rut in the snow behind me. (by the way, the avatar I have is about 3 years old before I even got into alpine riding) Even on toe side it feels like my weight is forward, but that may just be the G's. On heal side I've been trying to reach toward the nose of my board, is that too far? I had one really nice heal side carve the last time I went out, (Brushed the snow with pants) but I was in a bit of shock and didn't get to really notice what exactly I had done to pull it off. I've been riding with the narrowest stance my board offers, should I try moving the rear foot back? I'll get pics as soon as I find someone willing to shoot. Getting the snow and photographer at the same time is the tricky part. I'll be going again this Saturday, maybe I'll get some up then.
  12. I should also mention I ride soft boots with a 45 degree front and 35 degree rear. Should I begin to bring my back hand forward before I even begin the turn?
  13. I'm trying to drag my backside, but I'm skidding out. Wanted to know if anyone had any tips for getting the edge to bite on heel-side.
  14. After a miserable start of a season we had a beautiful day yesterday. It'd been in the lower 20's for the whole previous 2 weeks with a ton of snowmaking and some natural snow mixed in, then yesterday we got a balmy high of 42 with blue skies. That and there was nobody out!!! Maybe 30 cars in the lot when I pulled in and not a bus in sight. I was actually able to apply some of the techniques I've read on here and had them work! Man are my legs soar today.
  15. I love it because it's no frills. Compared to it's neighbors at least. Tons of terrain above the tree line, liked that.
  16. Thanks for all the info. Sounds like I'll be sticking with my original plan after all. I'm looking for a good carver. We don't get a lot of powder so the Tanker wouldn't be a better choice, at least for me. I do like your idea of adding stiffness. I'm a big guy fluxuating over and under 250.
  17. I'll be interested to hear what he has to say. I was planning on saving up for one for next year. Might have to change my plans.
  18. Strictly based on the numbers, but wouldn't a Donek 180 Tucker Freeride be a better choice over a Tanker? Length EE SCR NW WW TW <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=600 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=170>180 Tucker</TD><TD width=55>180</TD><TD width=55>153</TD><TD width=55>12.3</TD><TD width=65>28.50</TD><TD width=65>24.10</TD><TD width=65>28.20</TD><TD width=45>5.7</TD><TD width=35>630</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  19. Still wearin' the same Bamboo Curtain jacket I bought 15 years ago!!! I think the dried snot on the sleeves helps the waterproofing.
  20. It wasn't an actual "wakeboarding" boat, just a family cruiser. It was an 18ft. Glastron openbow with a 75hp outboard Johnson. I found out if I brought more than 2 friends it was difficult getting out of the hole. And that was 50lbs. ago!!! Didn't have a tower or pylon either. I'm the only one that ever boarded behind it, mostly used it for pulling a tube and fishing.
  21. Check him out on youtube, Daniel Tosh
  22. The nail polish is optional, but maybe try shaving your legs from the knees down. Chicks dig it!!! I actually wear ankle socks, but I'm in softies. Don't try the anklets with the little ball on the back either, drove me crazy!!! Had to go inside and rip it off!!!
  23. I'm in Ohio. We get plenty of wind in the winter but we average 5-10 in the summer months. We do get 10-20 sometimes, and we watch the weather channel for stormfronts. The best place in Ohio is up north in bays around Lake Erie, but that's a 4 hour drive as I'm south western Ohio. I go to a much smaller lake that about a mile across in length and about a quarter mile across in width. There's another lake that about an hour drive that's bigger but there's usually a lot of motor craft and they've been known to be a bit careless out there. The group of sailors I was telling you about take a bi-yearly trip to OBX once in the spring and again in the fall. I used to wakeboard but lost the boat in the divorce.:(
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