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John Bell

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Everything posted by John Bell

  1. Thanks for all the responses, guys. I'm a little slack on my BOL the past few days. The Bay. However, the four or five that were for sale are gone now for some reason. But I never saw any bids, so the listings probably just expired. Here's a link: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=180199477302&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=008 Kirk, thanks for the info on the different models. You're right, this one just said "Project" with no additional designator. I was tempted because it was I think $149 plus $20 shipping, and it sounded like it was a pretty high-end board. I'm a sucker for a good deal! I forgot to mention that I have TD1s--so I should probably get something narrower than this anyway.
  2. Anyone know anything about this board? I'm wondering if it'd be too soft for HBs. There're about 30 of these for sale on you-know-where. Thinking about scooping one up for my first-time HB board. Waist is 25.1; I'm 170 lbs. They list it as freestyle, but I think that's wrong, given the dimensions. Nothing on it anywhere on the web, however. Thanks for any info.
  3. Thanks, OVR. By "spacers for the bumpers," do you mean I have to cut a hole in the plastic shim so that the bumpers touch the board itself, rather than the plastic?
  4. I thought by "bindings for this board" that this meant the board requires a certain Burton binding. BTW, I have a '92 745 with 200K miles on it.
  5. What happens if you put a pair of TD1s or TD2s on the board (with the 3-hole adapter, of course)?
  6. Thanks, Nate! So that means I can still go with something of the 4WD/Axxess/AM variety. Happy to hear that.
  7. Thanks for the info, Bob. Yes, alpine. I thought that Madd 180 had been spoken for. Could be wrong. But it's a bit pricey for me, anyway, at $600.
  8. What's the widest waist that can safely be used with TD1s? I have a set of these, for better or worse. I'm still looking for my first board. I know that with these bindings I can't go too wide. I have half a mind to just buy something super-narrow and force myself to learn on it. (I'm persistent and not afraid of a few falls.) The added benefit would be that with the requisite high angles, it'll be easier to skate when needed. (I've always loathed skating with my left knee all twisted around.) Me: 5'9", 170 lbs. (77 kg), mondo 26 boot, ride East Coast USA 90% of the time (some ice, crowded runs, but powder only occasionally). No trees, no moguls. Just groomers and the occasional moderate dose of powder we get here. BTW, if anyone has any ready-to-go, pre-cut, pre-drilled rubber/plastic/cork spacer things that are advised for use with TD1s, let me know what you want for them, and I'll buy 'em from you. Thanks as always. And happy holidays.
  9. Haha! That site is pretty funny. Yeah, I was too lazy to figure out exactly where Cadillac is. But "troll" is a new one on me! Wow. Bomber is making me so sophisticated.
  10. I was really tempted by this board, but I called up the company a couple of weeks ago, and the guy on the phone told me the base was extruded. For me, that's a deal-breaker, even on a cheap board. He also had no idea what an SCR was (which is maybe why it's not listed on their website). That said, I think the topsheet looks cool. BTW, the 174 seems to be a typo; the same guy told me they only made a 164.
  11. "Finna" (or "finta") is just urban slang for "fixing to"--which is ubiquitous in my home state of Texas and I believe in other southern states. I think "fixing to" and its derivations make perfect sense: "I am preparing to do something." I have no problem with regionalisms or cultural flourishes. I mean, would Chris Rock be funny if he talked like Jerry Seinfeld? I think the linguistic variegation (e.g., "Ayup" in Maine, "you'uns" in Ohio, "I don't know from [noun]" in the NY area) makes the country interesting. If I can learn to tolerate New Yorkers' mangling of the word "pecan" (the state tree of Texas), then you Yoopers can suffer through "finna"! ;) PS: And Steve, you're makin' me hungry.
  12. Queequeg, how'd it go with Surefeet?
  13. Uh,oh! Looks like BobD is right: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/junta This was news to me. I've been saying "hoonta" all these years. And it puts me in a real pickle. If I say it the correct English way, 90% of people will think I'm an ignoramus. My wife just chimed in that at the United Nations, all the delegates say "hoonta"--including the native Spanish speakers. Of course, maybe they also say "Hoolia Child." Speaking of Burma, a fantastic book on what modern Burma is like under the regime there is Finding George Orwell in Burma, by Emma Larkin. I think bad spelling and the like are more a result of societal decay rather than a cause--but that's a big discussion. Besides, it ain't all bad; we my have lost articulate newscasters, but we also got rid of segregation and lead paint. It's a tradeoff--and a good one in my view. "Like" is, like, totally a disease these days. I confess to having the "you know" disease at times. I heard the Toastmasters club makes its members give speeches during which they rattle a big can of rocks every time you say "uh." Wavechaser, you should carry around an airhorn and blast it every time you hear a kid start in with the likeitis.
  14. I used to be a copy editor, but you'd be surprised at what doesn't bother me. Like sentence fragments. And starting sentences with conjunctions. And there ain't nothin' wrong with a little folksy flavorino, neighborino. What does bug me is ill-informed attempts by people (usually TV hosts) to sound smart by giving English words French pronunciations. The biggest example is "homage." I think we stole this word from the French about 400 years ago, whereupon we started pronouncing the "h." (The Brits still do, God bless 'em!) Then, sometime in the last few decades, people started thinking it should be "ahmadge." And now I hear "oh-MAZHJE" all the time. I grew up saying "herb" like "Herb" and felt stupid when I later heard everyone else saying it the other way. Then I found out the Brits, yup, say it the other way--because it turns out we stole that one from the French about 300 years ago. (Of course, the Brits will Anglicize the "ll" in "quesadilla"--and that's just wrong.) Sometimes you just have to give in to the majority, though. Case in point: "forte"--French for "strength" and sans accent mark, so the "e" is silent. However, everyone says "fortay," which is Latin for "loud." But I know damn well that if I go into a job interview and say something is or is not my "fort," the interviewer is most likely gonna think I'm an idiot. And I would be--but for being arrogant, not ignorant. Long as I'm not both at the same time! On a related note: I must say how refreshing it is to be on a forum where people can actually put a sentence together. Go over to snowboard.com, and your inner grammarian will be forever scandalized. ("I haven't rode one of those," etc.) Somebody learn them kids some writin'!
  15. I have to admit I was stumped for a while before I figured it out.
  16. Thanks for the advice, y'all. Actually, I do have a car here, but if I drive all the way to Vermont, I would most likely just go all the way to Killington. I'm kind of partial to it, as I spent a winter there, and it's huge by Eastern standards. QQ:Thanks for your forthcoming feedback on Surefoot. Good luck with the big-toe thing. If they pull out a cleaver, run for your life!
  17. Wow, that's a shock. Thanks for the info.
  18. There was recently an article in the magazine American Heritage of Invention and Technology (a really interesting read, btw) about fiberglas. I remember being surprised to read that the resin actually gets stronger over time--as opposed to metals, which gradually lose strength and become "fatigued" under continual loading. That doesn't mean old boards might have something else suffer from aging or use--but I doubt it would be the resin.
  19. Ladies and gents: Your help, please. I need to get a pair of Thermoflex liners (purchased from a swell chap here on BOL) fitted to my feet. Here in the City that Never Sweeps, I'm aware of two choices: www.surefoot.com and www.bootfitters.com Anyone have any experience with either? Or are there others who are good and in Manhattan? Thanks!
  20. Never a problem, Zoom! (Just now saw your shout-out to me after skimming past it the first time.) Someday I'll get my wife on a board. Problem is, most ski resorts also are near decent shopping:eek: , and given the choice between that and falling on her bummocks all day ...
  21. MUD, I'm almost embarrassed to admit it, but my current stick is a Rossi 155 twin-tip freestyle thing I got for $140 at Sports Atrocity two seasons ago. I'm actually gonna be riding it at Butternut tomorrow. I'd actually been thinking it was a 158, and then I pulled it outta storage and was shocked to see how short it is. XXG, thanks for the info. I'm still kind of ambivalent as to whether to get that or the Generics or the Oxygen 160. JoeD, I've also heard the ATV is a great deck--but it's a bit pricey. Maybe someday. Can't wait to hit the slope tomorrow!
  22. Chad--Good point! I meant that this will be my first alpine board. I've been snowboarding since 1998, off and on. I might just spring for the Speedcross. Guess I'm dithering between that and the Generics 160 and the Oxygen Proton 160 being sold here on BOL by someone named Mark Ressler. What you say about holding out for a Coiler or Donek makes sense, though.
  23. Thanks for the info, Simon. Sounds like it couldn't be a terrible choice. Newcarver, glad to hear your Generics is working out! I've been eyeing a similar board on the Bay of Pigs (eBay) but am waiting to hear from the seller about whether the base is dried out or the edges rusty. (I think the boards are from around 2000 or so.) Evidently yours is in good shape. Also considering an Oxygen Proton.
  24. Hi, Queequeg. I live on the east side of Midtown Manhattan, very near Grand Central. I also have a car in the city. I plan to head upstate or to western MA for day trips a few times this winter. If you don't mind meeting me at GCT and getting up pretty early in the AM (to get first tracks), you'd be welcome to ride with me. I've been eyeing Butternut and Plattekill, but I'm open to other ideas if you have any. See ya later!
  25. Thanks, Nate. I think the F2 would probably suffice, but I may wait a bit longer just to see what comes up on the classfieds here.
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