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Shred Gruumer

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Everything posted by Shred Gruumer

  1. Check out this hot new set up..what ya think JACK?
  2. Well the test ride is done!!! YOU guys were right... way to slow.. the Nose is a problem, sidecut is way to big... Don't do it... Get that uhhh Burton Asym...Yea thats the ticket!! The ride... Right On said Shred! Don't do what Shred do
  3. You are all doing so well with your Decision Leadership Learning Communication Skills! :D Tommorow its going out on what it was exactly it was designed for!!! the wall!!! hahahahhaa ice ice baby!.. Not! I can't say we get an 3 feet of powder out here but we do have good groom and tons of people.. So no need for anything but a slight lift on the nose.. I took the Violator 188 to Big Mountain last year and had a ball bust on it.. 18.5m side cut.. It sprayed snow all over ya in the mash potatoes but it blasted through it all.. All my custom custom boards have little or no nose.. and I have only endo once! it was a careless power hurgry move so I kinda knew it was coming but if you spend most of the time on the edge..no problem the more edge the Mary E er! Right? So back to the Concept..yes its expensive, yes its got a patent pending. yes I have insurance.. who wants to work anyway! no the Tail is cosmetic at least the shape. and .0045 oz lighter from the piece thats missing.. but its flat as a pancake..almost minimal..if any same for the Nose..minimal for maximizing edge contact.. Need a short board to get around crowds and put the brakes on for narrow trails with spores on them.. hard to keep on hockey sliding a 180+ board on trails.. but then needed it to be able to handle speed and not throw ya over the handle bars when you want to hammer a turn or two... so thats basically thats it.. short manuverable and fast and steady with edge hold of a longer board..should turn with my wieght anyway..all i will have to do with that is stand on it!! :( Should be an interesting day..unless I can get stupid retarded tonight and then have an excuse not to ride tomorow all hung over and shhieit! Right Said Shred
  4. I did them.. both coilers I have I did the custom graphics,, sent files to Lindsey at Snowboardmaterails.com then to Bruce... All done in Photo shop.. Looks way better in real time.. will get a good one in natural light.. Thanks,, I like it a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RSS
  5. Figure I show ya all about it.. will be intresting to ride.. Yes it has side cut I did not think so either until I put it on edge.. Scary... huh..
  6. Ok Got it!!! hear it is.. Titanal.. Length 161 Side Cut 14.7m Effective Edge 151 Shred nose and Tail Thanks Brucey!
  7. Fudamental but pirate training techniques win! Seee it the in thing! RSS
  8. Been watching it!! womens relay! can't help but rooting for our north american partners.. Hope they feel the same way... GOOO Canadia! Nice short track relay! With these two powers can't believe we can't dominate! Not being arrogant just cheering thats all.... No more football!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Been fun to watch ...until that figure skating comes on!! I Wonder if we all email NBC a boat all der da low coverage on alpine we could not get attention.. could someone organize a link to where to give comments about the alpine coverage on Alpine? we gotta be 1000 strong? then again only 1 event in the olympics? how does that happen. no Slalom, no Big GS or other... if its only one event.. then why should any even notice.. well no money in it.. not like all the Half pipe and stuff. Was it our fault this has happened..? I care a little bit cause I want to watch it..and maybe it would help.. But Im not resting my lorals on it... just would be nice.. The flip side.. if everone did alpine...then what...With it being such a pain to get equipment and what not...I don't think it will go away when we pay high dollar and there is company's willing to sell it to us for $2000 a board someone is going to do it.. **** if it comes to that I'll make em for ya....hehe Neeed the happy medium... Guess Im just dissapointed not to see more.. like the rest... They give a 20 minute dissertation on a skater.. I don't mind if they did Philliop and Simon that would have been great.. and people would learn more. the fact is US are skate and surfboarders and they crame it down the our througts. Not know there is anything else out there.. But on the Positive side.. at least for me..even with all the questions it is a fun thing to be apart of a sport that not many know about... just enough now...to keep it going.. If that stops Im sure some one will make me something out of their garage. like say in toronto? heres a sneak peak....Want more? Right Said Shred
  9. And why yes if you get the first chair ,,you get some of the best Groom on the Planet... oh and the view is alright too! Until the Humans show up! Right Said Shred
  10. Thanks again for the warning for the Tourist!! RSS!!!
  11. I survived the Awesome Groom of Heavenly! Thanks Tahoetrecher for teaching me about the Russian torpeados and the Be-lining Semi drivers!! I did do what ya said and placed my bindings at 10 inches apart and put reversed 6 degree lift on my front foot and went flat on the back.. angles worked much better at 55 back and 35 front.. Thanks for the tip! Great time meeting a riding.. the rest of the week just got better and better..... Did ya take out that very rare Atomic yet? Right Said Shred
  12. Thanks,, I see,,, jumped the gun a bit.. Sorry..never mind! RSS
  13. Heading out of town,, don't want to miss it,, anyone got the times I should Tivo? ps.. Board issues: NBC Anderson blamed part of his struggles at the 2002 Olympics on his snowboard and shortly after the Games he left popular manufacturer, Burton. In January 2005 he debuted a new board developed by Coiler Performance Alpine Snowboards, a Toronto-based company run by the Canadian's friend and former rider, Bruce Varsava. Anderson's new board is made of 80 percent metal (most boards are composed of wood and fiberglass), a material that is only available in Austria. "Regular snowboards chatter on ice because they're rigid. They can't hold an edge. Metal quiets everything down. It sticks to the ice," Anderson said. Right on Bruce!!
  14. might go first thing to hit the hard stuff to test two new boards to see if I want to bring them to Tahoe Sunday.. Shred
  15. I have a pre purchased lift for 5 days at heavenly.. but I would sacrifice a day if someone could get me at heavenly,, don't have a car.. I could be down at the casinos a go from there if that helps.. It would be cool to final hook up with you guys. rthut@parker.com rthut@zoominternet.net
  16. Look me up when you get to the ECES.. I have a hotel by my work in Devens Mass for Saturday night and the rest of the week. Its close to Wachusettes so that why I suggested that but I guess I can get up way early and drive someplace Sunday mornning.. Thanks!! Shred
  17. Im going to head out today to have one of my Virus's Tuned for Tahoe!! Like it needs it in hero snow!! Hows the rain down there.. is it packing down good..? probably will be good hard pack clay day today..thinking of heading out my back door and going for a run or two!!
  18. I will be at the ECES, then kinda going back to Manchester NH airport on Saturday March 11th, but I won't be flying home.. I have work to do at the our other plant in Devens Mass, so I will be staying.. thinking of going to Wachusettes on Sunday morning first Chair.. or going up to Vermont or NH to Loon.. or something.. depending on conditions.. anyone game.. .. sunday is a sure thing.. Just need to pick up the rental car and go....Saturday.. Shred
  19. I will be at the ECES, then kinda going back to Manchester NH airport on Saturday March 11th, but I won't be flying home.. I have work to do at the our other plant in Devens Mass, so I will be staying.. thinking of going to Wachusettes on Sunday morning first Chair.. or going up to Vermont or NH to Loon.. or something.. depending on conditions.. anyone game.. If I end up staying till thursday.. I will ride wednesday nite... but I really need to get home before then...but sunday is a sure thing.. Just need to pick up the rental car and go....Saturday.. Shred
  20. Either no one is riding or just not using them? It would help... I guess nobody goes to Tahoe ? Maybe Im just not seeing where ever one is? Guess I just take my football and go home!! RSS!
  21. After doing a set of intuitions I learned a lot.. Toe cap.. hot spot on yer bunions and little toe knuckles....etc. I had some fairly soft 1/8 inch foam that I cut out and used as a toe cap..to drive you foot into the heal.. then taped other foam to hot spots where I needed room..put a sock over it and go. I went with the buckles being light medium.. you want it to form around your foot and leg. but if you go to tight.. wooo.. crush city.. also the liner will mold to that point of tightness and it will be hard to buckle your boot to keep you heal in the pocket. Better to be loose than tight.. that way if you need to buckle tighter you can.. don't know if that helped Buggs but after 4 bakes and one bake with the thermos thats what I ended up with. my one foot has knukles all over it so I was putting foam all over my foot...finally room in the toe box!! Dr. shoals bunion pads and what not work well too. Shred.
  22. Mellow..do more do more!!! Better bring the cameras to the ECES!!! Right Said Shred.. rss. Mark your calander for BM next year...!
  23. Arhhhhhh.. oh that was some good sleep in! 5000 inches of rain will do it for ya!! Thank god Im headed to TAHOE! for a week! worse year I can remember..and thats a lot of years!!! Right Said Shred
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