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Shred Gruumer

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Posts posted by Shred Gruumer

  1. 6 runs down in late innings, it's the Yankees. If there's one team who can blow a 6 run lead, it's the Sox.

    Not really Jack I think it was the Seattle Mariners who broke that record against the Indians a few years back.. Try 12 runs in two innings,, I think is was that..

    But even better was this years record 22-0 lose against the Tribe in the Yanks house..man how people forget!! its not only Boston who hate em!

    Say what ya will, but the Yank fan is right up there with the Raiders fan.. some exceptions exist, but not many!

    Why yes,, it is fun to Yankee bash.. Im sorry... oh and a Yankee fan wouldn't be all over this is they won! ohh the pain!

    Someone metioned the Daily show.. go to this link and on the left click on the Cordrey interview called Ruth less people..gotta be one of the funniest things Ive seen.. listen to the guys in the bar!



  2. Boy uz guys must be die messy riders I see with all the buffalo sauce on der mitts und face!

    I can't ride and eat wings at the same time.. afraid of chocking on the bone!.. hmm Aisling? heehe anyone?

    Woo, too much Stern in the morning really gets the imagination going! Porno,, Gotta luv it! :o


  3. Goin, to Big MT end of Jan,,supposed to get to the SES,, then I will try to make it to Tahoe.. Have to figure out how to make it inexpensive.. it will probabley be in early March! hope thats still a good time.

    Guys going to SES?

    Right Said Shred

  4. Shred says Hiroshi trader! tell him get back on the F2 if he knows whats good for him! apparently he doesn't!:p

    As far as rides go,, its all good! Except buton! Bad B word!

    Hey we haven't had a Burton Bash Thread lately! Just kidding guys!

    Right said Shred..

    Oh yea, Randy! Go Bucks!

    Right said Shred!

  5. I have had every size F2 from 172 to 186,, friend has the 196.. I think F2 is the best bang for your buck.. super stable great in everything.. I think the oxy 178 is just way to soft in the nose and a bit squirrely!

    Ask Hiroshi! The F2 182 is what got him goin in Tahoe!

    My choice would be the F2 hands down.

    What year of board is it.. they had different charecteristics as they got younger.


    If you don't know where your going it don't matter what road ya take!

  6. Hey Pokkis,, did you get that rack from IKEA?:D

    Don't they tax your apartment or house by the number of rooms..meaning closets too.. and thats why you have to buy closets for your house or apartment, or is that only in the Netherlands?

    The Ojankaivajator!

    Right said Shred

  7. Well,, then my sources were correct! But what they are telling me is this must be the new and way improved model!

    So that being the case.. then Indeedy! Im getting one,,one way or another! Even if its close to the 158, or 170 then its already better than whats out there..

    Could we be seeing an re-birth of an additional alpine oriented board company.. hmmm I thought it was going the other way.. well this is indeed cool.. more choices..

    Whats next..Womens Race boards.. MADD HALF PIPE Board.?

    Wooo,, hold on there! I'll be stoked if I can't get a BX board..

    Gotta rattle their cages to get this board!

    Right Said Shred;)

  8. Met him a long time ago!(wasn't that friendly, but his hot girl freind was!) Riding at my fav place in Whitefish.."The Big Mountain" not to be confused with Big Sky! as most people do.

    Agian When you can see,, this place rocks for alpine boards! some of the US members of Alpine used to train here,, its a nice hidden gem,, and not a small mountain! Oh Tommy Moe is from this place,,his mom lives at the bottom,, but so did Jim Neighbors!:eek:

    If anyone again is in the area on Jan 21st to Jan 29th.. we got 7 people going.. 5 from cleveland, 1 from Norht Carolina, and 1 from Conneticut.. the more the merrier!

    Any you guy near Whitefish? I have yet to see a post from anyone who lives in Montana?

    Right Said Shred

  9. Hmm.. so what is the fastest you got pulled over and let go!

    Funny you asked! I don't speed,,much! Just this Sunday I was running late for a morning Tee time! hey, golf is just like snowboarding! anyway, I was going about 100 to 110 until I got close to the suburbs then was around 90,, oh yea im on a highway. I-271

    it was 8:00am I figured cops were getting thier donuts for the shift change anyway so what are the odds,, I drive this road every weekend so go for it I said.

    Well I saw the cop pull up behind me,, I knew it was over so I just pulled over and had my stuff ready to hand him! Hey what could I say!

    Well when he said "I got ya doing 84mph in a 60" "any reason why your going this fast?"

    I told him flat out,, its my moms birthday and Im late for a tee time and told him the course..

    he takes my stuff goes to his car, then comes right back,, as says!

    "I appreciate you bieng so honest with me, and since your so honest Im gonna let ya go! Sorry to slow ya down!" HONEST!

    Then we talked about bikes and Ducatis! thats Two in one month..

    the other one I tried to out run.. but he geussed correctly at a turn so he found me..

    Must be the Friendly juice they been serving?

    Whew! said Shred.. Can't afford it,, too much snowboard stuff to buy!

    No blood no foul!

  10. I've been looking for a BX board for a while, but since I heard this "possible rummor" of a MADD BX168 spotted on MT. Hood at years end and then a racer kid has one at Stratton showing it off a few weeks ago,, I may have found what Im looking for..

    If its anything like the race boards,,,Its a no brainer..I want one!

    Im trying to find out from the source, but no one is talking! or just won't give up the goods just yet.

    Oh yea,, CBS told me! thanks Dano!

    Right Said Shred

  11. Yep,, Mr Tommy D,, all thats good at the Hellroaring.. been there since the early 90's stopped going cause of the Voodoo fog.. but back,, when you can see I feel its some of the best groom I have ever riden and the view and snow ghosts are Bee U tiful! ,,

    The lunch food at HR is awesome! Eds run is crazy its around 100 yards wide and a nice steady pitch all the way down.. a deffinet thigh burn. so is Ranger Trail,, Hellroaring,,and my Favorites Big Ravin,, Toni Matt,, Inperation and Corckscrew!

    Paul I think we are out of room but we may have a drop out.. Will post to let ya know.. I would be just as cheap if you stay at Hibernation house,, give them a call at Central Reservations and talk to Lisa Dryke,, she know us as the group from Cleveland.

    The More the Marry er! but its not an Aspen type of setting so don't expect the Glam,, its a down to earth more local type of setting,, but its Big and plenty to do in town, no fluff chicks,, just Granola women!

  12. Well, one down in da bag! Just in case any of you are intrested or live in da area, of Kalispell Montana.

    6 of us are gonna be at Da Big Mountain MT on Jan 21st to da 29th

    Could not help but book it and get this one down on the Calender.

    hmmm... now where to go.. oh yea,, SES! then..........

    I think I see snow..

    Right said Shred:confused:

  13. Well, hows this I ordered a Coiler too!

    Fuq Ing in March of 2003!!!!! with a good deposit!! its been done and waiting for a top sheet for almost 2 fqing years! hows that!

    Well thats the first I have vented online about it!

    And still no fricken Coiler! Bruce is probably still flying those silly kites! I'll give him till the pond starts freezing,, then no more mr. Nice guy!

    feel that pain! knowing its done but the God dam topsheet guy in Washington (hope your listening!) gets off his arse and make a top sheet worthy to glue onto Balsa!




  14. I did not know what is real or not , but when I went to Praha in the czech I bought some that had leaves in it and other debris along with van goh picture on da bottle,,it sure tasted real ,,I bought two bottles in the old town by the Charles brigde for 10 bucks a piece,, then you could get the synthetic for about the same.. I came home with four bottle in my back pack the whole time not know what this stuff really was! I no declare,, who duz anyway!

    All I know is I sold two bottles for $100 bucks a piece when I got home and gave the good stuff to my dad which about only 1/4 is gone in the two years we have it.. put sugar on a spoon with it ,,light it and then stir for taste!

    haven't done antything tomb me bad,,,,, but I do poop alot!:(

    Get the Absinth!

    Writhe Srhed said:confused:

  15. For da several years I have holiday in Canadia and have to use Air Canadia with the tour SkiCan Ltd (Very good and Inexpensive) I leave out of Der Cleveland via Turbo Prop or Small Canadair Regional jet.. I have taken as many as 3 long sticks. last year took too long ones, 201, and 186. to avoid any hasle I put them in a padded ski bag. if they would of asked I would of said they were powder skis! day don't know what the heck it is anyway and since it was in a ski bag who knew!

    But I yet to have trouble from Air Canada,, I think there one of the most lenient! Except when doped up freind bought an atomic Race Case and used it as his only bag and put everything in it.. it wayed in at a wap ing 115lbs! cost him 100 bucks! It was a good laugh:p plus it was the last bag on the plan as we watched the guy try five times to put it on the plane,, finaly the inside guy had to come down to help and it was the funniest thing..all the time my buddies face was pale,, watching them drop it 3 or 4 times on the tamack! fun stuff! the boards in the end were fine! first thing in Banff he bought was another bag!

    No Problems,, but subject to change!

    Right Said Shred

  16. Man! bum Er! I really don't know what the ECES is or is it trade marked Vhats LLC mean..

    Is it owned bysome one..

    Still doesn't mean we can't get together just for sake of meeting up with freinds..

    MAybe it time to pump up the SVES! the Mack daddy o" of dem all!

    I understand the nutrality,, I mean Im Swiss and all,,well only the good parts!

    Well we will have to some how meet.. You going to the SES?

    I need a Place to stay,, gonna plan on going this year,, be a first for me in Aspen! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Don't sweat the small stuff!

    Right Said Shred!

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