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Posts posted by dredman

  1. Today at WMR (Big Mtn) Johnasmo was involved in what was described as a no-fault collision near the bottom of chair 1. He was toted off the hill and taken by a friend to the local hospital. He sustained a moderate concussion. He was wearing a helmet that shows obvious damage. He is experiencing a loss of short term memory (luckily he still remembers SES 09). Sqwallguy reports that it is improving as the evening progresses. The Doctors also suspect he will regain his short term memory. His CAT scan showed no serious damage. John also said his neck and jaw were a bit sore too. I only heard that the other person involved was in better shape than John.

    I spoke with John tonight and he was very bummed about the doctor saying "No snowboarding for 1 week" and the damage to the nose of his new Coiler Monster. All and all he sounded pretty good on the phone, a little rummy or spacy but what do you expect.

    Sounds like everything will be back to normal in a week or so.

    For those of you that do not wear helmets...This would have been a life changing event for you.

  2. If you know Johnasmo, you know he is driven to ride. Last year he rode 137 days between skinning and lift served. When this was filmed it was before SES, so I am sure he is near or over 80 days now.

    Johns lust for riding and life is contagious, use caution when riding with him! You may want to pack up and move west. If you are so fortunate to ride with John, you had better bring some Little Debbies Fudge Rounds to keep yourself fueled up, cause it is GO time. One day a few years ago I rode with John somewhere between 70-80 thousand vertical feet in one day. First chair in the morning and the last one night riding. He is a great friend and a great rider.

    John, I hope you do not mind that I posted this.

    <object width="425" height="344">

    <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2b-0uYrd6B8&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></object>


  3. 10 hr drive to a place I have never been. Riding with people I have never met (except my travel partner Johnasmo and Allee whom I met at the Big the previous winter). Staying with a guy I never met. Hoping not to break the bank...or myself. Hoping that I feel like I am spending my hard earned cash on a valuable experience. Trying not to look like a fool.

    Well first day first lift both Johnasmo and I started out with the fool thing... First chair of the morning, 4 carvers in front of us, 4 person chair. We jumped in the mix (no room for 6) John ended up on the first chair and Mello Yello and I ended up on the next chair(maybe it was Helmut Karvlow). But by the end of that first ride up I had 1 new friend and Johnasmo had 3.

    I thought that the best part of the session was truly the people. Everyone that I met was very friendly and a pleasure talk with. It was great being surrounded by people who are just as passionate about the sport and lifestyle. From the newest carver to the most experienced carver they were all sporting huge grins! I also really enjoyed watching everybody's different riding style. I am certain now that there are many different ways to ride a carving board and they are all correct. Home terrain seems to dictate riding style.

    Demo Tent Rocks!! Having the tent staffed with the designers and builders of the finest carving products, allows everyone to contribute to the sport. Everyone's feed back will help these builders improve the ride characteristics for all of us. Getting to demo from all of these builders is such a wonderful experience! During the week I had a chance to ride everything I wanted to. Some days I demoed up to 5 different boards, with no regrets. I think that new construction types will open the door for a potential flood of new riders. The new metal freecarve boards are so much easier to ride than the boards I started on.

    Gatherings - Fun Fun Fun! Thank you to the sponsers of each one of them! To me it was more important to have everyone together than what was for supper or how much there was to drink. Once again this is about the people who love this sport. The Schwagquett was amazing. So many people donated a slurry of exceptional schwagg. A chance to win a new custom made board...Priceless!!

    The Mountains - Beautiful grooming! Fun consistantly changing terrain! Terrain for everyones liking, tons of green and blue groomers and a few steeper groomed blacks. Ruthies, Tiehack, Elk Camp, Campground, Naked Lady!! Fun Fun Fun!! I even saw Elle McPerson!

    For those of you on the fence about attending next year I offer you these suggestions.

    1) Do it!

    2) Start planning now. I started planning in July of last summer.

    3) The altitude is real! You will be sleeping at 8000ft and riding up to 12,000feet. Keep up on your aerobic training.

    4) Be proactive about meeting people.

    5) Be willing to share lodging with people you have never met. They are just as kookie about the sport as you are and it is a surefire way to make friends.

    6) Relax, have fun and take it all in.

    7) If you are a newer carver, expect your riding to improve.

    8) If you are very experienced be prepared to be humbled.

    9) Yes, Aspen can be an expensive place but you can find great meals at low prices.

    10) Yes, Aspen is full of Glitz and Glam, But Montuckyians are allowed and accepted.

    11) You are responsible for your own fun. This is not Disneyland where you are handed a thrill for waiting your turn in line. It is up to you.

    I had a blast! It was the best winter trip ever. I consider it an excellent value and I actually stayed below my budget. I was relieved to find so many people are just as kookie about this sport as I am and they make excellent friends. I guess I consider it a trip to the holyland of carving. Simply an amazing experience. It is up to you.

    Thank you, a million thank you's to Fin and and Michelle. They put in a ton of hours, gallons of sweat and I even saw some blood to pull this off. Excellent work! Thanks to all of the builders for bringing your masterpieces for us to try out. Thanks to all of the folks that donated prizes! Thanks to all that came to the event that made it what it is. Excellent!

    Looking forward to seeing all of you again next year and making even more new friends next year!!

    Thank you all!

  4. Here is Johnasmo's latest work from the 2009 SES. He worked on the editing the entire 580 miles back to Idaho Falls. I only let him out of the car to pee and eat. We made it back to Idaho Falls this evening and are planning on riding Grand Targhee tomorrow.

    The video you are about to watch is a tribute from the Montucky Men (Johnasmo & myself) to the fine gentlemen from "The Mistake on the Lake" (Cleveland, OH). PaulK, Helmut Karvlow and Mello Yellow.

    The first song in the video was often sung by these fine carvers as they went gliding blissfully past. I guess they think Cleveland Rocks?! All of the video of PaulK was stabilized to further show his smooth style, although it also had to be sped up because he rides so slow.

    <object width="425" height="344">

    <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnJZEhvvD2U&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></object>

  5. The first heel I did the long way, the second one the easy way. I also pulled apart an Intec heel and found the inner workings are interchangeable. So if you ever need to fix a broken internal piece you can swap them out of your old heels. I do not know if they are exactly the same but close enough for field repairs.

  6. Johnasmo hits his first Million Vertical feet for the winter! This is not including his days at Targhee with me. Keep up the good work guys!

    <table width="450" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr bgcolor="#cccccc"><td class="medium" width="175" align="left">Johnasmo

    </td> <td class="normal" width="75" align="left"> 1,012,304 </td> <td class="normal" width="50" align="left"> 2 </td> <td class="small" width="50" align="center"> </td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#f7f4d7"> <td class="medium" width="175" align="left"> Rick

    </td> <td class="normal" width="75" align="left"> 615,878 </td> <td class="normal" width="50" align="left"> 7 </td> <td class="small" width="50" align="center"> </td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#cccccc"> <td class="medium" width="175" align="left">West Carven

    </td> <td class="normal" width="75" align="left"> 321,412 </td> <td class="normal" width="50" align="left"> 69 </td> <td class="small" width="50" align="center"> </td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#f7f4d7"> <td class="medium" width="175" align="left"> Sqwallguy </td> <td class="normal" width="75" align="left"> 201,516 </td> <td class="normal" width="50" align="left"> 319 </td> <td class="small" width="50" align="center"> </td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#cccccc"> <td class="medium" width="175" align="left"> Mario </td> <td class="normal" width="75" align="left"> 201,024 </td> <td class="normal" width="50" align="left"> 321 </td> <td class="small" width="50" align="center"> </td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#f7f4d7"> <td class="medium" width="175" align="left"> Dr.D</td> <td class="normal" width="75" align="left"> 111,836 </td> <td class="normal" width="50" align="left"> 1,234 </td> <td class="small" width="50" align="center"> </td></tr></tbody></table>

  7. Looks like Johnasmo has a commanding lead in vertical feet ridden this season.

    Nice work John!

    Name Vertical Feet Rank

    <table width="450" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr bgcolor="#cccccc"><tr bgcolor="#cccccc"><td class="medium" width="175" align="left">Johnasmo</td><td class="normal" width="75" align="left"> 794,552 </td><td class="normal" width="50" align="left"> 2 </td><td class="small" width="50" align="center"> </td></tr><tr bgcolor="#f7f4d7"><td class="medium" width="175" align="left"> Rick </td><td class="normal" width="75" align="left"> 392,526 </td><td class="normal" width="50" align="left"> 11 </td><td class="small" width="50" align="center"> </td></tr><tr bgcolor="#cccccc"><td class="medium" width="175" align="left">West Carven

    </td><td class="normal" width="75" align="left"> 227,978 </td><td class="normal" width="50" align="left"> 106 </td><td class="small" width="50" align="center"> </td></tr><tr bgcolor="#f7f4d7"><td class="medium" width="175" align="left"> Dr.D </td><td class="normal" width="75" align="left"> 111,836 </td><td class="normal" width="50" align="left"> 834 </td><td class="small" width="50" align="center"> </td></tr><tr bgcolor="#cccccc"><td class="medium" width="175" align="left"> Squallguy </td><td class="normal" width="75" align="left"> 109,464 </td><td class="normal" width="50" align="left"> 874 </td><td class="small" width="50" align="center"> </td></tr></tr></tbody></table>

  8. That sucks on the broken board! I was riding the Ghee today and the snow was pretty firm. I too am surprised that you broke the nose, TD's on rubber, riser protector plates, all the right precautions and you are a light rider.... hmmm not sure what to think...maybe it was Casper's evil brother hexing your board...

    Glad it was your board and not your leg!

  9. I was up at the Ghee today, groomers were in good shape till mid afternoon. Then they were bumped up and full of moving targets. The light was mostly flat, so it was hard to really open it up. I am headed up tomorrow if the roads from Idaho Falls are open. Looks like we may be getting a storm tonight.

    Happy New Years to all.

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