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Everything posted by Fastskiguy

  1. are you all set or do you need more comments....I've got comments damn it!
  2. where do you ride? I'm from Rockford...
  3. I'm going garmin edge 800...mostly for cycling but it should be good for snowboarding too. And I ended up getting a stinky iPhone and love that little sucker so that might be pressed into service too. The 500 is probably going on ebay but it sure was fun for some of those long rides this summer....
  4. good god, ski ballet?? do you really think so?
  5. My season ended way back in January but at least I ended up with a trinket for the "season"
  6. It doesn't take too much room in the bag to throw in the ski boots then if you get a dump while on vacation, well, powder, bumps, and cut up stuff are easier on skis for me too. Plus if you ride hard for a few days and get that "necrotic muscle" you can switch and abuse a slightly different part of your body :)
  7. Man, that is one hell of a disclaimer. I turning around right now. But not before I say.....AWESOME!!!!!
  8. could you go over the disclaimer just one more time? :)
  9. Yeah, it makes sense, sounds like a big version of some of the little midwest places. Does it have a funky bar??
  10. well you can't sell your first ever custom board and you need your new metal board and of course for special conditions your EC board.....it just goes on-and-on.....
  11. I've got a serious question. What is up with the totally empty runs? I mean....we're talking nobody anywhere in these pictures. It's as if it's your own private area. I mean, I like breck as much as anybody but having to constantly watch for straight running idiots is getting tiresome. (You can sub in any big resort for "breck", it was the first to come to mind) I've seen the "local hill" from town while heading to the big mountain and I've thought "why aren't they ever open?" So what is the real deal here? Because as pretty as the scenery is at the big hill, I could almost go there one day and spend the rest at the King! Thanks :) Joe
  12. LOL, I googled Canon 5DII, clearly not a point and shoot!
  13. I hate to ask a dumb question but is that a point and shoot camera or a fancy something-or-other? They sure are great pics!
  14. Is there going to be a 2011 edition?? Now how do you pronounce it.... "S" "K" "E" "S" or "Skeeeeez" or Skez (with a short "e" as in "eh")?
  15. Speaking of fashion, when in the heck are stretch pants for women coming back in style? I remember how awesome it was as a young teen....now it's all baggy pants and it's really "meh, OK". Any fashionistas know?
  16. And all this time I thought red jacket, black pants was a classic that you could wear every day for your entire lift :) I'll have to find a specialist in the gay arts and get some help for my attire for next year :) Is it OK to say "gay arts"? As in interior decoration, food, and clothing?
  17. Are those FIS racers part of the daily events or just kinda doing their own thing? And is it required to have a different outfit for each day? Packing for next year is gonna be tough....
  18. Just to be clear, I PM'ed for a refund of my 10$. Thanks again :)
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