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Everything posted by RJ-PS

  1. RJ-PS

    New Tommahawk

    I am trying to get down to 190 lbs, and if I can't find a 170 that will work maybe I'll try this 160? Thanks, RJ
  2. I was asking around for boards in the 170cm range and a fellow boarder mentioned that it would probably be too small for my weight. It is still about the size I would like to go because of the narrow hill I ride. So I guess I'm left in a quandry, go with a shorter board that won't allow me to go as fast, or go with a longer board that I will only be able to ride the two or three times a year I board during the week. Which led me to a bigger question....how does one even go about choosing a board? It seems as though there are endless variables: height/weight/ability terrain/vertical feet/accessibility reputation/brand/builder sidecut radius/waist/nose/tail construction/materials/builder recommendations/graphics/price other boards in the quiver/wife's nagging/board lust It was a lot easier to just pull a Burton off the rack in '89 and say OK this one looks cool. I know there are many of you that buy and have bought a lot of boards, let me in on your thoughts in decision making. Thanks,
  3. RJ-PS

    OT: Tsunami

    Is anyone donating to disaster relief? Is there an organiztion similar to Red Cross, Salvation Army, etc in this part of the world? Thanks Here is a simple movie to help with the big picture clarification. It isn't 100% correct, but it gives a good visual for understanding. http://www.geophys.washington.edu/tsunami/movies/globe.mov
  4. Mark, I have heard similar comments to yours that the Volkl Cross is about as close to a race board as you're gonna get and still be able to rock softies on it. Bola at Allboardsports said he got some NOS, but with the demand for an old production board like this, I don't know if there is any left. http://www.allboardssports.com/ I had to choose between a Rad-Air LSD and the Volkl Cross, it was a tough decision but the LSD won out because of versatility. Plus there are few people that I would trust on recommendations more than PSR, and he said the MADD BX is unparalleled. Good luck with your decision Flash
  5. RJ-PS

    Wtb 170-175

    Depending on how well I do this season ($$$) I am looking to unload some cash at the beginning of the new year and was wondering what boards were out there around the 170ish range..... This will be my only real carver as I just unloaded my last true alpine board. So I am looking for a pretty slick stick ;) I'm 5'8" 190-200 lbs Inseam 31" Enjoy long walks on a moonlit beach....wait that's another forum. Thanks,
  6. Finished a full-day of riding in new Head Boots after getting custom footbeds and heat hosing the liners. When I took my foot out of the boot it was a normal D width. That would be great, HOWEVER I have 2E's...I couldn't walk right for 2 hours!!!! Plus it was weird to see my feet that narrow! After dealing with some places that had no clue what they were doing I don't want to mess with going to another bootfitter that is going to waste my time and money. I need these shells punched out for my wide feet. Does anyone know (with firsthand experience ) a good bootfitter in the Central California Area? I don't have the time or capability to get up to Tahoe this season, but could go as far as Bay Area/Fresno/Sacramento since there isn't a lot of options in my home town of Merced. Thanks for any help. RJ
  7. I am selling a pair of MP29 Thermoflexes on eBay and one of the questions from a prospective buyer is whether or not they would fit in a size MP27 Suzuka shell. I have heard of folks doing that, but since I don't know them I have a hard time responding. Can anyone shed some light on the subject for this gentleman. I will post it on my listing. Thanks http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=7119689602&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT
  8. shoot me an e-mail rjincaliathotmail.com
  9. Huh? Item number: 7119691517
  10. check it out on eBay http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=7119691517&ssPageName=STRK:MESC:IT
  11. What do you consider cheap? I don't know what these are selling for right now.
  12. I was checking out BX boards and went to Hammer's website. They have a BX board called the Private. As I was looking at the exploded picture of the board http://www.hammersnowboards.com/products/boards_zoom/private_166.jpg I noticed a set of inserts that was quite a distance from the rest of them. Then I noticed in between the inserts it appears to say Fat Powder Brake. If it's true that they added another set of inserts farther back on the board for those powder days, they get my vote for coolest add-on of 2005.
  13. I was told that Tilledog sells Rad-Air snowboards, any truth to that? And if so how to buy? Thanks,
  14. RJ-PS


    I have a superfoot fitter at my home mountain Dodge Ridge, but getting the surefoot's done is gonna take a long trip to Squaw. Guess we'll start packing.... Thanks Randy, Lonerider, and Kent.
  15. RJ-PS


    I have been sitting patiently by as the discussion between customs and other footbeds rages on. But it's my post and I'm taking it back :D ! I have already decided that I need customs for both myself (Head Stratos Pro) and my wife (Burton Winds & Thermoflex), and the issue is not spending the money, we have already decided to do that (up to $200 each). The question is.....of all the customs that are commercially available (ie without a trip to the podiatrist) which one is the best for carving in hardboots? PS I tried to e-mail you Kent, but Fin said you chose to hide your e-mail.
  16. RJ-PS


    Instaprints? I can get to Tahoe within 4 hours , or the Bay Area in 2 hours if that helps with recommendations. Thanks again,
  17. RJ-PS


    What insoles are y'all using? Any thoughts? Has anyone had any experience with the instaprint insoles? Thanks.
  18. Just finished my first day at Dodge Ridge. My rockboard is a 1991 Burton Air with the Burton Air bindings not the three strap version that some came with. Anyway, as it was my first day out I found that I could get right back into carving toeside, as long as I wasn't trying to power the nose too much. But on heel sides I was getting quite a bit of chatter and often losing my heel edge. Sometimes I could get out of it, others I just hit the snow butt first. Didn't happen at all on toeside. My questions is: what are the possible causes? Thanks in advance for the help.
  19. Gotta agree with the majority, boots are the starting point. Boots - I have heard the points of some of the coaches and Giants of the Carve World proclaim the glory of riding with insoles. Why do we have to pay an extra $100-200 for them? When we're shelling out $500 for new boots, can't a company come up with a boot that will conform in every aspect to the uniqueness of the foot right out of the box? To heck with all the extra spending for heating, insoles, boot fitters, etc. Suddenly a $500 boot skyrockets to $800. Don't they custom make boots for that? Gotta be a better way. Bindings - Same as above...immediate cant changing, easy/inexpensive board change interface, flex options, etc. Boards - damp, snap, powder, big mtn, bx, sl, etc. If there was a board that did what Head claims their intelligent series does, wouldn't we all be riding it? Is there truly an all around board that changes it's response to the conditions? Could you stiffen the flex to use hardboots and increase the flex to use softies? Am I just MADD that I didn't order one when they were $500?
  20. Hi all, I am on a quest for the holy grail. Cheap thermoflexes for my wife. I am trying to get her into hardbooting, but she won't let me spend a lot. So finding thermo's in MP 25 has proven to be pretty hard. But I did find this: http://www.sidewayspeople.com/site/default.asp click: cheapsnowboards bargain basement click: boots and bindings click: boot liners Purchase a pair of thermoflex liners for softboots (unfortunately only in size 9) for your non-hardbooting days. I tried to make them work in my wife's size 25 Burton Winds, and they didn't. They don't have the height to make it out the top of hardboots, so your leg would actually be slamming into plastic throughout the day, OUCH! I saw these on a telemarking site where people were buying them up by the dozens, literally. Anyway I'll be using them in our softboots for this season. Hope this helps any other softie users.
  21. Hi all, Just got my wife a sweet pair of Burton Winds. I find it hard to believe that people have problems with Burton quality, these boots look great! Of course the liners are not moldable, and my wife has the weirdest feet this side of the Mississippi (I will deny that if accused). Anywho, I need a pair of Thermo's in MP 25. So if anyone's wife got in and out of hardbooting faster than a Kentucky Wildcat, I'd like to buy her thermo's. Or if you just randomly have a pair of thermo's sitting around in MP 25 I want them. Or I can trade for a brand new pair of Raichle Thermoflexes that I have in MP 29, never taken out of the plastic bag. (I just scored a pair of Heads that already have a semi-thermo liner in them) Or, if you are going to buy thermos from Bomber in 29 I can send you my 29's, plus some $ for your kindness and you can have Bomber ship a pair of the 25s to me. Since they ship 'em for free. Either way I'm ready for the options to begin............
  22. This is kind of an apology and a kissing butt thing for Michelle and Fin. I just purchased a pair of boots online and when I got them I did the shell test and they were too big. You would have thought I would have read the directions about how to measure your foot and not ordered incorrectly. The problem is I used my current Raichle's in MP 28.5 and figured since my foot measures a 26.67 in their way of doing things it must be my incredibly wide foot that makes it impossible to go smaller. Well that just makes it a headache for the folks at Bomber as they are resending me a pair of boots because the ones I got don't fit. Anyway, my posting is if you're gonna buy new boots, please read carefully and buy accordingly. This will save time, money, and effort. And you won't have to post an apology to keep your conscience free.
  23. Sorry if the subject title sounds like I am going to teach something, I'm not. Does anyone have information on a tuning class in California or elsewhere? From what I've seen the only way to learn this craft is to be lucky enough to apprentice to one of the few who actually know what they are doing (not just believe they know what they are doing). The post from Skidoc prompted this question. His post made me realize that the work I have been doing on my snowboard has been hurting and not helping. I have those grayish areas on some of my favorite boards! I really don't want to ruin my boards, but unless I can get myself to an intensive class, there might be no way for me to learn to do it. Anyone????? I sorely would like to do this myself and not have to trust the care of my beloved boards to someone else.
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