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Justin A.

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Posts posted by Justin A.

  1. Maybe you should have pointed out to the cop that there were other under age individuals drinking...

    I saw the cop for a total of about 30 seconds, and my friend did point out that there were many other underage drinkers there. The problem is that it's apparently a big hassle to arrest the Visa workers that we have (which was about 95% of the party) due to the high probability of them being deported.

    ...or would they have had to be smoking pot for you to do that?


  2. My friend had a run in with the law last night. We were at a big party for employees at work, and I'm going to say that 60% of the people there were underage and drinking. Fire alarm went off because everyone was smoking inside, and the cop and fireman show up. My friend sees the cop, turns around to put his beer down, and as he was standing up looked into a flashlight :smashfrea. Cop takes him outside, and 5 minutes later my friend comes back inside asking for his cell phone and cigarettes and goes "hey guys, I'm getting arrested". He blew a .03, the limit in NH is .02 if you're underage...he wasn't even close to being drunk, disorderly, or anything bad...we were just standing around talking. So he gets put in the truck, and the cop comes back in and looks around, and leaves. Didn't ask anybody else for IDs, including me, or my girlfriend who looks like she's 16 and was reeking of rum. Poor kid was the only one that was arrested, and he's probally going to lose his job over it because it was on-property :rolleyes:.

    I don't see why he was the only one arrested or even carded. He had to walk past at least 3 underage people that I know of to get to my friend...we all know that the cop was just doing his job, but still...he could have at least busted more than one person.

  3. Move to the mountains. If you don't do it now, you'll only be another year older when you do.

    I live in my ski place.

    Just find a place that's relativley central to a few mountains. I've got a 10 minute drive to Cannon, 10 Minutes to Bretton Woods, 30 minutes to Loon, 35 minutes to Wildcat, 40 minutes to Cranmore, 35 or so to Waterville...and I pay less per month in rent than most, have a reasonably steady job, and come summer I can literally backpack, mountain bike, and roadbike out my front door onto hundreds of miles of terrain.

  4. We've been having a similar problem here at the base of Mt. Washington. The only main way out of my area was closed yesterday because of the storm, and in the past 7 days we've gotten close to 3 feet of snow (a good bit of snow for the east). I haven't ridden a snowboard in close to 3 weeks because it's been soft powdery goodness, and thats when the teles come out.

    Ship some more of that snow this way Al!

  5. All that energy is used to change your velocity. The side effect is the snow being shot out of the trench that you're digging, and the noises, etc. It requires a force to change velocity (remember that velocity is speed AND direction, so even turning at a constant speed, you're changing your velocity) and that force comes from your exertion. I think.

  6. just got back from an awesome powder day at Loon. I really should've checked the forcast because i didn't know it snowed overnight and all i had was a gs and sl board, and not my bx. I ended up making it work and by the end, i was getting through to the ice and the moguls were non existent because the powder was so light.

    No carving until 2 pm but its nice to get a rare treat like this.

    3+ hours for a day trip? come on! Last weekend we got up at 2:45 to be outta boston by 4 am to get to sunday river for 1st lift. Too bad half the mountain was closed because of the wind. Still a good time though.

    Feel free to come along sometime, my car can fit 6 people total with the gear. I do the driving so everyone else can pass out :biggthump

    Gleb = superhuman that requires no sleep. He's the product of a rouge experiment back in the Motherland to create russian carvers that could actually win.

  7. To anybody planning on coming up here or anybody here, be careful out there. The recent snowfall-rainfall-sleet-snow-rain-sleet-snow has been causing LOTS of avalanches in the backcountry, and even inbounds in some places. Between yesterday and today, I know of at least 5 confirmed avalanches at Bretton Woods. Yeah, flat 'ol bretton woods. I was involved in one (small one, I was knocked over and buried up to mid-calf) and a patroller buddy of mine was buried up to his waist in another. Both could have been much worse had we gone in head first and been buried that way. Just a reminder that even if you're riding inbounds, keep an eye on the snowpack when on the steep stuff and ride safe and smart.

    Edit: Wow.

  8. If you can find a bus trip to take, 3 hours is a cinch. I ride every weekend at Okemo or Mt.Snow, and the drive is around 4.5 hours from NYC. Yes, it is definitely less convenient than two hours but it isn't the hell one would expect if you can find a bus trip. I wake up at 3:45, toss on my gear and run out the door to catch the bus at 4:30. Sleep for four hours as the bus is dead quiet, and then wake up at the mountain. Ride my ass off all day long, and show up at the bus dog tired, try to watch half of the first movie they play on the way home and then conk out.

    It really isn't that bad if you don't have to drive :-)

    Definitley the way to do it. Back in high school we had a traveling ski club that went all over the northeast. I'd get up at 4, drive to school, hop on the really nice busses that we took, conk out, wake up 3 hours later where ever we were going. Ride like hell all day, grab an ice cream and a soda in the mountain shop, munch during the movie and then crash. Best part was that it was always cheaper than a lift ticket alone - $55 to ride at killington, $99 for 2 days and a hotel room at Jay Peak...and no driving, gas fillups, or mileage on the car.

    Today I learned that although powder days know no friends, they aren't nearly as fun if you don't have friends there to not wait for :smashfrea...it's an odd paradox.

  9. So much for washout...Just got back from the woods- GREAT conditions. The snow is pretty heavy, but it was an absolute blast. There were two slides there while I was out! One on Little Headwall (west Mt. , next to little tucks), and one out on Firetower. I've never thought about inbounds slides in the northeast before...the crown line on headwall was terrifying to see, even if it was only 6"-7" of snow...

    Supposed to get another 10" or so by tomorrow morning!

  10. Bretton Woods has been fine...not a whole lot of freshies anymore, but the snow is holding up well. It's firm in the morning, then around 10:00 or so it softens with the sun. Good stuff, ayep. Tuckermans and the drainages are avy-central though...we just got about 4" of 'taters, it's hard to keep the stuff on a slight slope, nevermind anyone trying to load it on some steeps. Woosh. http://www.tuckerman.org/avalanche/

    The stuff groomed out nicely though.

  11. The thing with going out into avalanche terrain in winter is that even the buddy system might not be enough. I've always been taught that you should go out in at least a group of 4, and keep some distance between each other when in high-risk terrain (i.e. huntington ravine) that way if a slide does occur, not everyone will nessicarily be involved.

    I hiked once by myself this summer, and I regretted it when I heard thunder while I was around 3500'.

    Huntington Ravine is notoriously badass...there was an avalanche a few days ago and the Avy risk is still "moderate"?? That says somethin':eek:.

  12. Huntington Ravine, not Tuckerman's.

    A tradgedy, but you should never underestimate the mountains in the winter. Or in the summer for that matter. We've had all kinds of avalanche-producing weather in the past week and a half...definitley not a good time to be up there (as evidenced by this man's death).

  13. I like driving my RWD 300C in the winter, but I prefer driving it on dry roads better. For as much fun as it is to go down my street sideways using countersteer and throttle control, it's way more fun to pull g's on pavement. I do enjoy driving in my snowboard and tele boots though :biggthump

  14. I have a facebook...I hardly use it though. I check my account maybe once a month or so, but that's about it. I joined up when it was still a college tool where we could use the mailbox to hand in papers to our professors, check homework, and stuff like that...facebook turned to crap as soon as google realized they could make money on it.

  15. Ahhhh.. you gave me a great idea -- I need to paint it black and then put it back curbside for a thief to be interested in it correct?

    Absolutley. Or maybe a satin silver, then they'll think its one of them Cortlands....errr...Mac-in-tawsh thangs that all them kids are nuts ovar. I 'dun hear they're 'spensive too.

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