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Justin A.

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Posts posted by Justin A.

  1. Maybe I could kill two birds with one stone... buy a cheep 4x4 pickup truck and cut off the roof with a chainsaw!

    Beware the overwhelming draw that you must feel to the Wrangler. No roof rack = little to no way of hauling your toys, unless you want them to get all grimy on a hitch rack. Though the Unlimited does have quite a bit of interior space...and it's a convertible :biggthump .

    But it doesn't really feel like a convertible what with the large integral roll cage and all, more like a panoramic sunroof.

  2. Justin, if you think a car is a investment I will never trust your financial judgement and you need to please let your partner make the important financial decisions in your life.

    Cars only depreciate in value unless you have something really rare but then you ought not drive it, question answered.

    Wow, way to take everything at face value. Investment not in the car and it's value, but an investment in an expensive piece of equipment. In the case of a Volvo, it's an investment in safety while getting from point A to point B. I'm pretty sure that I know first hand how badly cars depreciate, with just selling my car and all. But, with the kind of change that BJ is talking about with an insurance total on his XC70, he could go back through the years and find something that will begin appreciating pretty damn quick, and still have money left over for a modestly nice car (camry, accord, fancy kia that used to look like a merc, etc.), that is, if he has the garage space. Just my $0.02.

  3. That's a tough call. Personally, I would replace the car, and continue to play at my usual rate (which is plenty for me anyway), since having a nice car is an investment, whereas playing more is just blowing through a wad of cash. It's really up to you though. I would keep the nice ride (since that's kinda part of playing), but that's just me. Besides, how happy would you be driving yourself to go play in a durable, but otherwise POS car?

  4. Holy crap is all I have to say. I've been sitting here watching Freeride Mountain Bike videos for a few hours and I got linked to this one. I wouldn't do most of that on a bike, never mind the unicycle that I can't even pedal on.


  5. They should be compulsory in Canada, where on any given weekend everyone in the store has a cup of Tim Horton's in their hand!

    Sugguest it, seems like another great thing to legislate ;) . I didn't notice that while I was there. OTOH, I avoided shopping centers like the plauge on weekends.

  6. enzo,

    ill be up tommorow night. couple of diet coldies at exit 32? call me ill be in town mid-afternoon. i might swing by.

    Swing by up into Twin while you're up this way! Need...visitors...come see us! I'll actually be down in Lincoln this tuesday cashing some paychecks, look for the big grey Rubicon.

  7. You're right on about nuclear energy. The only challenge - what to do with the waste. Still, I think spending money on solving that challenge makes a lot more sense than spending it on ethanol, hydrogen or other half-assed measures.

    Nuclear energy is amazing. The amount of energy from the amount of input is just mind boggling. Nuclear Fission - awesome energy, but what the hell do we do with the waste? Oh, ok, let's bury it at Yucca Mountain, and in 10000 years we'll have a SUPER rich Pb deposit. Nuclear Fusion - Awesome energy, nothing in the way of toxic waste, but they need to figure out a way to start up a sustainable reaction, which is well on it's way. I'm all for nuclear energy, but lets make finding something to do with the waste a bigger priority.

  8. The other BIG hurdle for windfarms is Migratory birds. Yeah, the wind blows in location X ALL the time - GREAT for a windfarm, GREAT for floatin' on the current during a long flight. Have you ever been hit by a ceiling fan blade? Ouch. And you're likley a 160#+ mid-sized critter. Imagine a ceiling fan 300 feet across, and you're a 3# tiny critter. Big Ouch and subsequent splat.

    Just another one of the drawbacks of wind power. OTOH, it's cheap, 100% renewable, and if executed properly, an absolute marvel to look at. My favorite energy source is still geothermal, but that probally contributes to cooling the earth's core or something.

  9. Wondering how things are going up there for you. I re-read your last post, I may have misunderstood some of the details. The hotel promised one thing and gave another or was the work just not what you expected?

    Best of luck.

    They're going....I had an all-out yelling match with the F&B Director this morning, made some headway there...he also threatened to file paperwork against me that would keep me from going to the hotel - in front of his "#2" guy...he's also been skimming 1/2 hour a day off my time sheet to cover the breaks that we don't really take in the kitchen. HR is going to have a good time with that one...

    The hotel is a seperate entity...kinda. It's all the same corporation, but they hate the ski area and the ski area hates them. Everybody hates the ******* that I work for. I was told that I would be working at the TOQ Restaurant, and that he needed me to make his $20 burger into a $20 burger. Not what's happening at all, I'm dunking fries and chicken fingers, not making his $20 hamburgers worth the price. He was misleading during the interview, and now he's blocking me from so much as going over to work nights at the hotel (completley non-interfering with my current shifts with him), nevermind transferring. I need to talk to the Excutive Chef at the hotel and find out if he'll still take me in even if I screw my current manager, because if that's the case, this letter I have typed out will be printed and on my manager's desk by tomorrow afternoon.

    That yelling match this morning was entertaining anyway :biggthump .

    I will not be working for this guy for more than 2 more weeks - period.

  10. update on my life:

    Found a nice house for rent about 6 miles from work. I'm not working in the main dining room yet (and my asshat boss won't sign my transfer), but the place that I do work at has an AWESOME view (it's 3/4 up the mountain- you have to ride the quad to get there)...pay is good enough, but the benifits are what's the best...free everything....I just got back from a round of golf...it was $10 to cover the insurance costs on the cart :1luvu: . Free mountain biking, free golf, discounted sports club membership....I'm in heaven, except that I have a $17k CA education and I'm dunking fries, when the F&B manager knows damn well that I should be over at the hotel doing Garde Manger (like I was offered) work. But the transfer wasn't his idea, so it's not a good one.

    To put this guy in the proper light:

    One guy I work with is the resident go-fer....he does what you tell him to do, not nessicarily well, but he does it. He's primarily a server, but sometimes he gets called on the cook or drive the bev. cart at the golf course. Mr. F&B manager thought it was a good idea to pay him at the server rate to do all that ($2.38/hr)...On the cart I can almost see it (are you supposed to tip the cart person?), but hell no in the kitchen...he's just a total sleeze....

    I'm picking up a second job right down the street from my house starting in a week or so doing dinner, since I'm not getting the 40 hours per week that I was promised :angryfire . It's a kinda sketchy little place, but it's honest and they're gonna pay me, so I can't complain...

    I did all the Garde Manger work for a big shindig that we had up at the top 'o quad last week, it came out pretty good.

    Internet's getting hooked up at home on August 9th...then I can get back to being a couch potato :sleep: ...and lay off all this outdoor activity that I've been up to.

  11. Anybody here know where I can find a 1984-1989 Porsche 911 Carrera 3.2? Ebay has a bunch of good leads, but...it's ebay :argue: ...I've got a few local leads as well, but I figure most of those will be flops. So, does anyone know where to look for one? Black on black would be nice, but we have an EXCELLENT auto painter in the family, so it's not that big of a deal. Thanks guys!

    Your Champagne is gonna have to wait awhile guys :) .

  12. I ****ing win. On the spot job offer, he wanted me to start friday, but I already have plans for friday, so I'm starting saturday. Full time, **** yeah.

    My girlfriend came along with me for moral support, and the guy asks her what she does for work and how she felt about relocating, she told him the truth-which is that nobody will hire her due to lack of experience - and he offered her a temp job for the weekend with a significant chance of her staying on full time/year round.

    Hells yeah, it was a good day. Thanks for the support guys.

    PS...I think it may have been the french maid outfit and kneepads that did it. That, or the suit and schnazzy tie.

  13. OK... sarcasm aside. Good on you, mate! I'm impressed when I see young folks looking forward a few years rather than 'dude, where is my next taco coming from'

    I don't like Tacos much...I'm more of a burger kinda guy myself ;) .

    Calling me "young folk" makes me feel so much better...some kid called me mister today :o ...and I heard Aerosmith on a classic rock station...I'm not old! but that's another topic altogether.

    I'm gonna go with the suit, and let me be the first to say, I look damn good in this particular suit, it happens to be my favorite :D .

  14. Professionalism is priority. Neat, clean presentation of yourself could be in a suit or chef jacket. Like others have said, you can't go wrong with a suit. Head to toe should be presented to impress. Polished shoes, pressed clothes, clean shave (or neat trimmed facial hair) and combed hair. Just present yourself as best you can - be "put together". If everyone in front and behind you wears a jacket and you're in a suit - it won't matter as long as you're the most impressive to the interviewer. They are looking to hire a person, not a resume. Rise above the other slobs that are just there for a pay check. Too many cooks don't show pride - that's why they stay on the line.

    It's also makes an impression if you know as much as you can about the place your looking to be employed. Know a little history, what they serve, where they buy from, who the owners & chef are. Know a litte about current restaurant reviews in the area that may compare to the place you're interviewing at - the owners/chef sure as hell should know this stuff. Anything that you can learn about the place beforehand puts you a notch above the next guy, no matter how small it may seem.

    I hope I don't insult your intelligence by typing this. You seem like a pretty smart guy. I hope that you get the job. Even if you don't, call and ask what you coud have done better to get the job. I'd love to hear more about your experiences.

    A really good book that has no recipes but will make you a better chef is "The Pursuit of Excellence" by Charlie Trotter. If you want to be a great chef, study the great chefs themselves.

    Email me anytime thru bomber. Best of luck.

    The problem with knowing what they serve is that it changes on a daily basis! Which is awesome, BTW.

    Level of customer dress: My girlfriend and I go there every year for our anniversary, I wear a Tux and she wears a fancy slinky dress. We're not overdressed at all.

    There really isn't much in the way of competition in the immediate area for the Mt. Washington...it's the only 4 star place in the area, you've got a few places, but they don't compare.

    Thank's for the luck, I appreciate it. I really want this job....

  15. Just do that, and if you see other people interviewing with just a regular suit, go to your car and put your suit jacket on, then come back in.

    Or just don't worry about clothes and cook something better thenathe other people interviewing. :biggthump

    Uh...the interview isn't in the kitchen...actually, it's likley to be on the mountain...outside...in the warm sun in the beautiful mountains :biggthump . I really hope that I get the job...this is the place that I've wanted to work for a looong time. It's also in the heart of the area that I want to settle down in :1luvu: ...

  16. I guess i'm not a chef or anything, but I'd just go with a suit. You can't really go wrong.

    If you're interviewing for a mechanics position you don't show up in mechanics garb, do you?

    Can't go wrong with a suit.

    That's true, but you also wouldn't wear your mechanic's covealls to graduation - we wore our chef coats over a shirt and tie with suit pants to graduation, hence the uncertainty for me.

    Definitley can't go wrong with a suit though, got me there.

  17. Only women and girls need to fear violent crime, nobody else needs to, especially not if they're a male.

    Maybe people should start taking responsibilty for their own safety? Blame the government, blame society, blame whoever the hell you want.

    This arguement can go both ways. Maybe it's the same society that apparently tells men to be violent and dominant that tells women to be submissive and helpless. Instead of whining that society and the government isn't protecting you, do something to make yourself safer. Carry a bottle of pepperspray (not that that would stop a tweaker high on their drug of choice), take a self-defense class, take responsibility for your own safety.

  18. Congrats, that's gotta feel pretty good.

    Just out of curiousity, what are your goals? Do you have a dreamjob or destination area?

    ....I just had a new hood system finished today - fire inspected, stamped and all that stuff, making me one happy dude. It's supposed to be 90 tomorrow. That should put it to the test.

    There are a few inns and hotels that I want to work at up in tourist country in NH, then in a few years I want to open my own restaraunt up that way after I get some real-world experience under my belt. It's gonna be a good ride I think. 6 more months or so of real school, then an internship then real world. I'm excited. Graduation is in 1 1/2 hours!

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