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Justin A.

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Posts posted by Justin A.

  1. Not going out today...it's been raining all night. But the teperature is already on its way down, so the snow should be starting....I'm going to say around 2 or 3pm. TWC says ~1" of wet crap snow, but I don't believe them much anymore, since this rain was supposed to be scattered showers.

    See you saturday! I'll be out there on a blue coiler and orange heads, if the weather allows.

  2. Tomorrow is supposed to suck for us. High of 43 around sunrise, temps dropping through the day with scattered showers turning to flurries as the temps drop. Tomorrow night it's supposed to be in the 20's, with temps recovering to the low 30's friday during the day- staying low because of the snow that we're expecting. Snow should taper off saturday.

    I'll be out tomorrow with my girlfriend at least through the morning (depends on how her legs hold up for the first day), and every morning thereafter. Friday and saturday, depending on the snowstorm, I might skip lunch at the employee cafe and just stay on the hill and enjoy the fresh, but you can count on me being out there until around 11-11:30 am every day...barring extreme circumstances at work.

    I'm the guy out there in the black pants :cool: . Either a red, blue, or green jacket (weather dependent), and on the teles I'll be sporting a brown knit hat with brim and either M-Frames or Oakley Juliets with blue mirrors, or on the boards I've got a blue helmet and ugly ass orange goggles. See you out there!

  3. Damn I likes me some tele.

    My sophisticated "eeney-meenie-miney-moe" method of sliding toy selection has brought me to the Teles for the past two days (well...yesterday it did, today I wanted to try my boots that came yesterday), but damn that's some fun stuff. I'm starting to get the hang of it...on the bunny slope at least, and I can honestly say that the satisfaction of making a good tele turn is up there with that of making a clean carve.

    Man the tele scene at BW is strong...no fewer than 5 guys out there on teles today. I would have been the only one on a carving board, which is what I'm taking out tomorrow :1luvu: . If only everybody had to decide what to ride in the morning (some of you have that problem, I know - hmmm....the donek or the coiler)...the world would be a better place.

    Happy trails!

  4. I took a few softie lessons in middle school, until I realized that I was progressing WAY faster than I could change levels, so I stopped going to the lessons and just started to practice. I got my hardboot setup in high school and beat the ever living piss out of myself for about a week or so while I figured it out. No real hardboot lessons. I will be taking some tele lessons this year, but my hardbooting will continue to be of the lessonless variety.

  5. only an hour and your legs were done? Your gonna have fun with those Tele skis! :lol:

    It wasn't so much that my legs were burnt out, alot of it was my core feeling like it was going to explode...first day technique and all. Combine that with the fact that I didn't want my legs to be done, since I had to work from 12-10:30 yesterday afternoon.

    I'm thinking I'm going to rent some tele boots today and **** around on the bunny slope.

  6. Bretton woods is open for the season! Right now it's Big Ben off the Bethlehem Quad and the learning center, but it's better than nothing and the snow wasn't half bad. I didn't even feel the need to break out the rock board today, the snow was that good. No grass poking up out of the open stuff, and it was packed powder over a bit of ice (my favorite :biggthump ). Being a sunday, it was fairly crowded, but I rode for an hour and my legs were done anyway...gotta go to work later you know, can't kill myself too bad.

    Early season rates are $39 ( :lol: yeah right), and as always, the learning center quad is free. If anybody wants to come up some morning this week, I'll give you my second ticket, since I get two freebies a day until my pass and my friend's pass print. See you on the slopes!

  7. Went out to walk the dog this morning and hurried back to get the camera.

    From Plymouth, snow was clearly visible on Moosilauke and the high peaks of Franconia Notch (Lafayette, Lincoln, Liberty and Flume). Don't know about Cannon - view blocked by local hill.

    - Dave

    Oh yeah, cannon's got snow. The mountain has snow all the way down to the lake, not enough to ride on yet, but it's there. BW is "open" today on the learning center, the Bethlehem Quad is opening tomorrow. All the mountains that I can see from here are coated...everything from Little Haystack in my backyard, to the Twins, and the Presidentials are fully covered. Bretton Woods even has natural snow cover about 3/4 the way down the mountain. Welcome winter welcome.

  8. I am so scared to read stuff like "thanks to so and so for selling me cheap outdated unsafe broken down boot so I could get into alpine riding" You would not sell your friend ski boots that are the same age etc.

    But you'll help spread the stoke by risking some one elses heath and saftey to save a buck??????

    There are people out there who will not even ride a brand of new boots becuase a web site said they may fail, but you'll set your buddy up on gear from the 90's????????????????

    Just like the jokers pitching PJs for hundreds on e-bay do nothing for the sport so do all the unsafe outdated gear transactions by the cheap gear vacumes on the classifed world wide......

    There are still guys riding Burton stock prodect who swear it the best crap ever......

    I would rather ride new soft boot gear that carves circles around the crap that passes for alpine gear in the classified...

    Spend some money on real alpine gear and help the sport grow give manufactures a chance to make prodects better buy making a profit.....

    Don't buy old stuff. It's inherently dangerous.

  9. Do you use ceramic knives? Maybe a ceramic board edge is in the future. Now don't go thinking they are too brittle -- think out side the box.

    Ceramic is WAAAAAY too brittle. Whether you're outside the box or in it, the advanced ceramics used to make knives are just barely damp enough to withstand repeated chopping and tapping. Besides the fact that you need something harder than the ceramic to sharpen them (industrial-grade diamond) and since the HRc of my Kyoceras is in the 69-74 range, there isn't a whole lot out there, which is why I'm starting to build a kit of high HRc japanese steel knives, but I digress. The idea of ceramic edges is great...never have to sharpen them, blah blah blah, but you could use the board on glaciers, never on anything with a chance of a rock nick. good luck buffing that one out.

    Edit: But now you've got me thinking...thanks Al.

  10. I thought we may have discussed this before, but I couldn't find a thread about it...search function didn't turn anything up for me.

    I think it may be that the softer edges are easier to sharpen, thus making it easier to repair the inevitable damage that us ice-coasters bestow on our edges.

  11. I just noticed that the Donek Pilot uses R48 edges, and I'm assuming that because this is advertised, then other boards have softer edges?

    Why are our edges so soft? I mean, yeah a R48 edge is harder than say...ice or a plastic edge, but even the crappiest kitchen knife is around R54...Would a rock strike cause more damage to the edge? Don't feel like dealing with forming a high-carbon edge? :confused:

  12. How's Loon looking guys? Bretton Woods blew some snow on the 29th and haven't fired the guns off again since (note that the resort photos haven't been updated since then), Attitash is throwing snow like a MFer trying to get open, and I heard that Cannon is blowing snow too. Just trying to get a handle on when I can get out there.

  13. You guy's gotta check out the NTN sytem from rottefella, scarpa & crispi. I'll be buyin it as soon as I can scape the dough. I bet garmont isn't far behind on there version. Finally I can cave my boards in my tele boots:biggthump scarpa X, Crispi Evo, Rottefella NTN; Google'em and you'll fall in love too:1luvu: Hope I can raise the scratch before they sell'em out cause they will:eplus2:

    Garmont actually just announced last week that they are going to ditch the BD version for the time being, as development has been moving too slow for their liking. Garmont is going to be making boots for the NTN system and they should be available next fall. :biggthump:biggthump:biggthump

  14. I bought my Colier back in '02/'03, still riding it today as my everyday board.

    I bought my first alpine board, a Burton Amp 153 back in 2000, and in 2000 it was 5 years old I believe, but I bought it new in the wrapper.

    I've got a Factory Prime that I still ride too ('02/'03 maybe?).

    I'm hoping to be getting something new from Bruce next year perhaps.

  15. I'm with Allee, there's no option for "got my ass kicked then it was awesome"

    My first day out in hardboots, my new-at-the-time Coiler kicked my ass something awful. I fell more times that day than I have probally ever in all my years of snowboarding. I went home bruised, sore, stiff, and wobbly all at the same time, then went out the next weekend, and since I knew to expect that the board would whisk me off to mach 9.6 in about 300 feet, I did a whole lot better.

  16. Trail Running. Actually, it goes for pretty much all sliding-type sports. When you come to a large rock or small ledge, instead of running around it or climbing down it, just jump off- racing style. Pull your legs up and fly the distance, then land and keep going. On snow, just go for a quick romp through the terrain park, hitting some of the smaller features (the ones that you can see the LZ of from above) at speed and doing your best to keep the board on snow.

  17. EXTREMLEY antsy. My girlfriend got new skis for her birthday (10, Oct), and she got super-pumped about the upcoming season. Her stoke didn't rub off on me until I bought a pair of tele-skis about a week or so ago. Then it snowed in the mountains. Then they started blowing snow on my free mountain. Then there were a few flakes on my deck and grass yesterday morning. It's like winter is just ****ing with me, waiting for me to explode. Damn you winter!!! Get down here already!

  18. I think we've found a place to live! It's in downtown Telluride, $1600/mo + utilities. It's a penthouse suite on top of one of the condoplexes(steal heat from the lower floors), 270* worth of windows (passive solar heat), 1br + loft....now to find out what pay looks like out there to see if we'll be able to afford it :confused: .

    I'm shopping Aspen a little bit too now, thanks to what Erik J had to say.

  19. So did you decide to look in Telluride? Sounded like it earlier but not sure. I think the housing market there is pretty tight. Are you open to other areas?

    Yeah, we're looking in Telluride. Not so much open to other areas, as I feel that Telluride is one of the last real ski towns that hasn't turned into a vacation town. We're absolutley in love with the location too, and the fact that it's one of two colorado towns that I can visit on the cheap (through work) before we move there doesn't help either...the other town being Aspen...but I'm not sure how much local vibe is still alive there.

    Awesome story GeoffG...very re-enforcing.

    We moved to ski-country back in June...we weren't counting on the absolute and complete death of the area during the shoulder season...the town always seemed like it was the place to be, but I had always been here in summer or winter, never after the leaves fell. I didn't realize just how much the local vibe that this town has was dependent on the tourists :confused: . We need a town that is obviously better during the main seasons, but still has a community and some distractions between seasons...at least a gym to go to to keep occupied, maybe a music shop so I can learn a new instrument or ANYTHING.

  20. Jobs are easy, concentrate on a place to live, that is the hard part

    I'm seeing that...there are plenty of places to rent...for a week, for an amount greater than I want to pay for a month.

    From what I've read, the job market is pretty easy to work. There's a whole resort town worth of jobs available, but a hard-rock housing market that's unable to back them up. I've found a few places that piqued my interest, but they didn't have a rent amount listed. There have been a few emails sent, I'm hoping to hear back tomorrow.

  21. Well, we've both decided that it's a good idea. I'm currently browsing the job listings, tomorrow we'll probally start shopping for a place to live. Hopefully we'll be able to take a quick trip out there in the next few weeks to do some face-to-face stuff. Do some padding to the savings account, then we're there. Thanks for being so supportive guys. We're just hoping that this isn't a case of "the grass is always greener"...

  22. LI have a similar one that I may share later... and after being in Colorado for many years... know of many more.

    Very cool! :biggthump

    Make with the story!

    Good story steve...

    Right now it kinda looks like we might be taking a shopping visit this january. We'll likley rent a condo for a few nights, do all our own cooking, ya know, try to come as close to living there as possible and see how we like it.

    Tonight is one of those nights where there is NOTHING to do here except for think about how much greener the grass is over there.

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