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Justin A.

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Posts posted by Justin A.

  1. You gotta be kidding me, I'm the one posting this name suggestion :p


    A wee bit ironic indeed :lol: ...took me a second.

    How about "bomber"...duh. Especially if he's insane like our kitten is. We are starting a trend of naming our pets after our favorite trails, so his name is Gremlin...it suits him though...he's a little monster.

    Like Allee said, cats name themselves. At first our guy was going to be "Cannonball" (Cannon for short), but it didn't really suit him. Since he's such a troublemaker, Gremlin just kinda popped into our heads and it stuck.





    Six-Position Forward Lean Mechanism (going for the "hope to never be asked to name a pet again" school of thought)

    Good luck?

    BTW, do you like Quiche?

  2. Congrats Justin. Does that mean you're catering SES?

    Sure, how much ya gonna pay me? :ices_ange ;)

    So Justin does this mean you'll finally get a real job and start contributing to my Social Security fund?

    Not if I can help it ;)

    I'm going to be finishing up at a different school back in NH, but I'm officially an LCB Graduate now :D .

    Are you doing more culinary studying in NH

    Yep. I'm going to finish up the degree at Atlantic Culinary Academy...I'm going to save about $5000 (at least), I won't have nearly as many crazies to deal with on a daily basis - and for those that I do have to deal with...well, you know why I love NH so much :ices_ange , I'll be 10 minutes from the ocean and 40 minutes from the area that I really call home. Best part about ACA is that all of the places that I want to work at post graduation activley recruit from them! It's not as nice of a school as LCB Ottawa, but I can deal with it for the 98% placement rate at the restaraunts/inns/hotels that I want to work at...it's like wanting to work at a law firm in Boston and NOT going to Harvard - just...why?

    Thanks guys! I'll keep you updated.

    bartron - you still thinking about going into pastry? How's that working out?

  3. ...for now, that is.

    I had my second and final exam today, and I'm happy to say that I kicked it's ass all the way to the judges table (well, the waiter brought it to the judges table, but I kicked it's ass to the serving bench) and the usually anal-retentive, you guys all suck, why are you doing this anyway, chef even gave us compliments today...I imagine it's alot like graduation from Basic...the TI's hate you on the surface, but when they don't have to deal with you anymore they let you know that they actually care. It was kinda bizzare having Chef Benoit tell us that he thought we all did very well , but a welcome respite from his harshness. Graduation is friday, I can't wait to get my certificates ...I'm so excited. This is better than high school graduation. I have a month off then I'm back to school, but this time back in NH .

  4. I miss my R/C Cars...most of them are broken and out of production (meaning no parts)

    I've got:

    An HPI Nitro RS4

    an Ofna OB-4 (not the RTR one that they came out with, this is the original 55mph race car)

    and a Kyosho Mini-Z, still works, too lazy to charge the batteries, plus the cats knock down cones or anything I setup to drive around before I can have any fun :mad: .

    I'm toying with the idea of getting an electric something or other, but I've been out of the loop for so long I have no idea what's good anymore...

    I've always been a big fan of 1/8th scale buggies too...just I could never afford one...maybe I'll snag one soon.

    I've always wanted an r/c biplane too...I had my sights set on one from Tower Hobbies, but it never materialized. Now I'm kinda eyeballing a ducted fan A-10 :biggthump .

  5. Hey michelle, thought youd like to know in advance. its snowing hard out in Vail valley, and its moving towards summit county.

    gosh, i really am anxious to get out of winter mode! im in my shorts, with short socks with running shoes. was gonna go out for a run, but with the weather snowing, forget it. waaaaah!

    April showers bring May...err... June Blizzards! :biggthump . Gotta love the mountains.

  6. yup, I'd love to kite except I can't afford a kite, board or wetsuit at the moment nor can I orgnize anything like that because I'd not know where to start, willywhit is the one to talk to about that one

    two days of both of whatever works

    A couple of the people I asked about this they've both said cheap and as well as that it would be easier if there was a activity that was non-physical that did not require gear and whatnot.

    so I propose: BBQ and fishing (either fly fishing in the swift river OR in the quabbin reservoir by boat) this way people who don't want to fish could either do something else or just sit around the grill and drink

    could do camping as well if any of you would like to do a two day thing

    I have two kayaks and access to a couple more so if some of are down for that, it is certainly possible on the second day or something.

    I vote Camping...I know a really good spot in the mountains (like there are any NOT good spots in the mountains) that's fairly easy to get to by jeep/truck/capable SUV and has a fire pit, a lake, trails, etc. It's good for fishing, hunting, shooting, chilling, walking around in the woods, kayaking (small lake though), and pretty much whatever you want to do. It's off of exit 26 on 93N in NH.

  7. My girlfriend is an awesome shot...she rented a Ruger .22/45 at the range tonight and was shooting in the orange all night at 5-10 yards :eek: . I was quite impressed with the whole thing, especially since it was her first time shooting a handgun. She wants to go back tomorrow to shoot some more, and how could I possibly say no :rolleyes: ?

  8. Justin, Not quite sure what you mean by it is covered in "c" -- the key word in that sentence is Presently -- if you read #1 -- you can see the words "that either manifests an intent to intimidate another or that warrants alarm for the safety of other persons." That alarm thing is what will get you in trouble with Mr John Law. I would not push this open carry thing to far -- read like not at all. You might also look at it like a poker game -- you are showing your hand before you have to.. Get a permit and play safe. My old fart advice of the day..

    Hey on a happier note: road the bike to work today. Beautiful day. :biggthump

    Touche on the "presently" modifier, that's why I'm not a lawyer :cool: .

    I'm of the opinion that you should keep your piece away until it's time to use it, but the nice thing about Open Carry states is that if you show it accidentaly, then you showed it accidentaly- oops :o , as opposed to being arrested for it.

  9. Jon, you may want to read this before you do more OPEN carry.


    OR this one with the guy in Ellensburg.


    Looks to me like Open Carry is covered by section C of this one that you posted:


    In NH we have open carry everyplace that it isn't prohibited by federal law: Post Offices, Government Buildings, Schools. You can't have a loaded weapon in or on a vehicle without a CCW Permit though. The State Supreme Court (I think it was them) has ruled that "another person's alarm or worry does not over rule another person's right to the second amendment" or something like that. Basically, people can bitch and moan all they want, and the police will come and check you out, but there is NOTHING they can do about it-legally.

  10. Thanks guys for your patience and explaining your positions. I would ask just one thing, is there a realistic way to reduce gun violence or is it just going to be a fact of life in the future ?. Is the NRA putting as much effort into pushing enforcement as it does into fighting new and existing laws ?


    I don't know about the reducing gun violence thing...fact of the matter is that there is VERY little crime with legally owned firearms. In the entire history of Class III licensing (the legal ability to own dangerous things - full automatics, silencers, explosives, etc.) Only twice has a legally owned Class III weapon been used in a crime (we're talking something like 80 years) and one was by a police officer :smashfrea . There are hundreds of shootings involving fully automatic weapons per year, but none of them are legally owned, so what do we do about it and how do we keep track of them? A person with a Class III license is basically on probation if they want to leave their home state with the weapon- they need to inform BATFE, the state police of the state they are visiting...it's a whole ordeal (and not one that I'm willing to go through, hence my lack of a Class III permit) but BATFE knows exactly where each weapon is and who owns it. These measusres are EXTREMELY strict, and I think that they would be totally unfeasable to enact on average Joe gun-packer, especially since the problem isn't him...the problem is average Joe Criminal.

  11. In NH, you have to be 18 years old to obtain a CCW, and be of good standing with 'da law. You walk into the police station, fill out an application, and they mail it off to the Staties, then two weeks later you find out if you were denied (they're informing you that you're a felon) or that you're approved and you walk out with your permit. All the permit has on it is your height, sex, approximate weight, eye color, hair color, and name. No pictures, no fingerprints, and you don't have to take a class or anything (though most do so anyway). Here's the catch- you **** up, and it's gone forever, possibly for the rest of the CCW holders if you **** up bad enough. It's a "treat you like an adult until you prove otherwise" kind of deal. It works though. I'm going to be taking proficiency lessons ASAP when I get back home to get brushed up- not because it's required, but because I feel that it's the right thing to do.

  12. I'm quite surprised as I live in Montréal (much bigger than Ottawa, 2 hour drive away) and I've had zero in 30 years. This includes walking or cycling alone at night in a desterted neighborhood, downtown or in industrial sectors. And I'm average height and size (5'8", 165 lbs). Drivers are dangerous though, the respect of the driving code has been declining steadily for a couple of years.

    I was quite surprised as well...everyone told me that there is such a military and police presence in Ottawa that nothing ever happens except in a few bad neighborhoods-woops, fooled me. I'm 6'0" and 250 and tend not to look like someone to pick a fight with, maybe they can just tell that I'm an american and want to teach me a lesson? Lesson taught- I'm going home-but I'll be back to visit for sure, it's nice country up this way, I could just do without most of the people in/around Ottawa.

  13. Let's stop licencing vehicles and drivers and see what happens. We would all be driving armoured personnel carriers to be safe. On the roads we accept a practical level of regulation that balances safety with convenience. I don't think we have that balance with guns. What would be wrong with needing a licence to own a gun ?

    As for the Swiss, it's not a typical industrial country. It would be like comparing the most affluent suberb with the rest of the average city in the US. There's going to be less crime there, with or without guns. The Swiss do have the highest suicide rate in Europe.

    I used to think the high US suicide rate was due to guns as well. Then I moved here and heard "new country music". I guess you can't blame guns for everything.


    In the only states that don't require a license to carry are Vemont and Alaska- Look at their crime rates compared to say, Massachusetts or California who both have VERY strict licensing laws. In most states, you do need a license to own a gun, and CERTAINLY to carry it with you. I happen to reside in one of the states that doesn't make you register your guns, get a license to own them, or anything-only to carry a concealed pistol or revolver, and I'd say that with the exception of the 10-15 miles closest to the border of Eastern Mass (sorry all you law-abiding mass citizens), that it's pretty damn safe there-and NH gets a "D" from the Brady Campaign for gun control...

  14. The UK is another example actually. Massive new restrictions on gun ownership accompanied by a surge in violent crime.

    Guns don't make the average person safer. The right to own them does.

    When Florida instituted the right to concealed carry (licensed by the way)

    violent crime dropped by double digits. here's the kicker only 3% of Floridians actually went out and took advantage of the right and got licensed to carry. So it appears that the uncertainty of who or who ain't carrying is a major deterrent to violent crime. The right to own and carry wakes you safer whether you choose to actually carry or not.

    Read "More Guns Less Crime" by jon Lott for more data on this. It has happened in every state that has instituted new carry laws. Its not an isolated phenomenon. the opposite occurs worldwide when gun rights are taken away. Genocide eventually follows historically. Its worth THINKING about.

    Makes sense.

    Back in NH I've only had to deal with possible (impending) violent attacks 2 or 3 times in 19 years...it's legal to carry a firearm in NH.

    Here in Ottawa, I've had to deal with impending or (most recently) in progress attacks 3 or 4 times in the past 3 months...total ban on carrying concealed here.

    I've had enough problems up here where I'm packing up and leaving (glad I'm still in school and can just transfer :biggthump ) to get away from the crime and crazies.

    I'm a firm believer that CCW laws make the average person safer, whether or not they decide to exercise that right. I think that the possibility of the potential victim being armed keeps them from becoming victims.

    The craziest thing is that people are afraid of ALL guns...it's a bit ridiculous IMHO...my friend who just applied for his CCW permit said to me "oh my god...I wonder just how many people are packing heat if it's this easy to do" To which I replied "you don't need to worry about them, you need to worry about the people who don't come here (we were at the police station) before carrying". The fact of the matter is that you almost never need to worry about people carrying guns legaly- if they cared enough about the law to go out and get their permit first and have it on file that they carry a concealed weapon, chances are that they don't intend to use it for any deviant purpose.

  15. If we move to Vermont, it'll be to North Bennington or Shaftsbury. We kinda like being out in the middle of nowhere. Much prefer it to the more crowded city life.

    Considering the application I use delrin with, I'm either bonding it to briar (the root burl of a heath tree) or to lucite or vulcanite. I haven't had any trouble with it coming apart. The delrin is acting as the tenon or a mortise lining in a mortise-tenon joint in the shank of the pipe. Works great in that application. I find the superglue that I use (one of the industrial varieties) to work well.

    I like being out in the country alot, I grew up in conditions like that (until the recent population boom in my home area) and then I moved to the city end of March...between the cityness and the culture differences here, I just can't take it and I'm leaving at the end of the semester (June 8th) and heading back to New England to finish school. We'll have to hook up and ride this winter...and get out on some mountain bikes all year round!

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