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Posts posted by Buell

  1. It has been posted a fair number of times on BOL that Kesslers do not finish their turns and just want to go down the fall line.

    For those who have ridden a Kessler and feel this way, can you please elaborate on what the board is doing / not doing to cause this? What is the sensation for the rider?

  2. Probably done carving today for the season. Maybe a trip to T-Line at some point. Corn season is upon us and there are too many volcanoes to climb up and ride down! :biggthump

    Great day at Bachelor for noschoolrider, Etsu, Rebecca and myself today. T-Line must have been great too. Nice work Bryan!

  3. Yeah, part of me wonders whether I should have posted any of this on Bomber.

    Yes, absolutely. We need to know these things when they happen so we can all make informed decisions about the products we buy. Since they have told you the inserts are fine, you should feel free at this point to let anyone who does not know, which company it is and let them decide if they want to purchase products from them in the future.

    This is far from the first issues with quality and questionable warranty practices this company has had in the last several years. I have owned a number of their boards and consider myself very lucky to have never had any issues. I have not heard of problems recently and was hoping they were doing better. Guess not. :smashfrea

  4. + another on making them get it right.

    You paid full price for the board and deserve a first quality snowboard. It is summer anyway (for most) so there is plenty of time to get the board you paid for before the season starts.

    Even if you can get it safe to ride, what happens when you want to sell it and have to explain about the inserts. Down goes the resale value. The builder either needs to compensate you for the lower resale value or get you a first quality board. They can pay shipping this time.

    Otherwise, return this one and just get a board from a different manufacturer who can build a good one.

  5. To KingCrimson; Justin A and Bullwings:

    ......in short: Lay off.

    Rover, as I asked in my first post on this thread, why do you blame other people for your conflicts on BOL?

    You talk about rule #9 not applying to some of us, but in the above quote, you are already calling out 3 regular members for harassing you by the end of the first page of your thread. Another regular member had posted about putting you on ignore. It is pretty clear who is violating that rule.

    This comes so shortly after the thrashing you got from numerous regular members when you received your temporary ban.

    You are really convinced that it is all of us?

  6. I know TGR quite well.

    Your post had nothing to do with sarcasm. You meant to diminish Carvedog in the eyes of other TGR members by letting them know he was a hardbooter. You thought it would gain you points on TGR. That is all it was.

    That is :barf:

  7. Your activities in that last thread and your own subsequent thread were most ungentlemanly, and it would be a long time before I'd forgive you for that breach...

    Funny, I am not so keen to forgive you for this quote from TGR, so I guess we are even:

    I wonder if most of the guys here know your really a phucking "hardboot" boarder that doesn't know if he is a snowboarder or a freaking skier. Talk about a wannabe...

    Talk about ungentlemanly. Your persona has cracks.

  8. No! Shots from today. Looks like good carving to come by Sunday. Whoohoo!

    Queequeg, the glade shot with Rebecca skinning at a closed Willamette Pass is for you! I don't know anything about great tree riding. ;) Too bad it is a little too thin coverage in there right now.




  9. Envy you.....

    But... what about in the summer?

    If it gets rain... (I heard It rains all the time in summer), Obviously can't ride, can't play golf or ride bike (i Know you can but it won't be fun as much as yesterday)..

    Yes, rain, rain, rain. All year round. ;)

    Nice work Al!

  10. Nonsense.

    Whether you are "negligent" is a multi-factor test. It is perfectly possible to hit someone, and be found not negligent. It happens all the time.

    Maybe we can change "negligent" to "somebody screwed up" to avoid legal definitions.

    Then I can say, of course I screwed up if I hit someone. If someone hits me, of course they screwed up. With rare exceptions.

    We agree to slide down the side of a hill with other people, all of whom may or may not be in control at any given time. Why shouldn't we then "stand up" and take some responsibility for agreeing to put ourselves in that situation?


    No. Being in a resort does not give someone the right to injure someone else without consequence. The right of way rules are very clear. It is just like most other aspects of life.

    I mean, it's a "special situation." Of what sort, I don't know. But this judgment seems to indicate that you can be sued on a ski hill for being "out of control" at any given moment - although at the same time, the very nature of the sport means that you're quite likely to be at least somewhat "out of control" at any given moment.

    That seems problematic to me.


    You cannot be sued "for being 'out of control' at any given moment." Only if you are the cause of an injury to another rider.

    If you injure someone, you could be required to pay some damages. Seems fine to me.

    the very nature of the sport means that you're quite likely to be at least somewhat "out of control" at any given moment.

    This statement does not define my riding. Unfortunately, I know it does define some people's riding. I would hope that most riders on BOL strive to minimize the "out of control" moments. Corey_dyck said it well a couple of posts back.

  11. I'm still not a fan of this. It sounds like anyone who happens to go "out of control" while skiing could be liable. That sounds reasonable if you're driving a car, but skiing has as an essential component an "out of control" factor - no one, not even experienced skiers/boarders on this forum, is always "in control." We can hit a rut, hit a little bump, lose our balance, or any number of little things... and for a period of time, be "out of control." It is inherently a tough sport.

    Does that make you negligent if you hit someone during that time? I don't know. I don't know if it should. If there's evidence that you're not meeting the standard of care - say you're going excessively fast, or you're skiing in some sort of dangerous manner - then I'm more okay with it. But the judge's conclusion seemed to be "since the accident happened, you must have been going too fast or not paying attention." Hmmmmmm.

    How about: "**** happened, because when you're sliding down the side of a mountain sometimes you bang into things? And if you decide to join other people in sliding down that mountain, you probably should not be able to sue someone unless they're doing something that they really shouldn't be doing?"

    I mean, think about what this judgment means. From the sounds of it, the guy was a goofy rider and he hit the kid while making a heelside turn (going right). How many of us have had scary "blindspot" moments while making heelside turns? What about if we're coming over the top of a drop-off and someone's skiing along just underneath, such as here?

    Interesting stuff. 30 grand? Yikes.


    This case is a bit difficult to use as an example because there are no witnesses. Just a young boy that was not quite 5 years old and an 18 year old that is possibly lying (but not necessarily). The circumstances are far from clear.

    Of course you are negligent if you hit someone. It does not matter if it is accidental. Most collisions are accidental, just like when driving. There are cases where both individuals might be at fault, but that is the exception.

    I do not agree with the often heard argument that riding in a ski resort is different than other aspects of life (yes, you sign away your right to get compensation from the ski area, but that does not apply to the negligence of another rider in that ski area). There are rules and they are often not followed. There should be consequences if injury results from someone not following the rules. It might be just a pulled pass but it could also be financial or legal rulings against the person who is responsible.

    Fault is fault, and it is not my burden to accept someone injuring me out of negligence and them getting off without punishment for their actions. The same applies to me injuring someone else. Stand up and take responsibility for your actions.

  12. Good luck with the healing George. Sorry about the accident. As carvers we are pushing that envelope on a lot of our favorite runs that have trees on the sides.

    Glad to hear they found the fractures and put your Tibial Plateau back together.

    That scar is going to itch! :eek: I've got one about half that length from a few years ago when I broke my lateral Femoral Condyle (the bottom of the femur that is opposite your fracture).

  13. Yeah, you're right, I'm the one picking the fight, and I've never had anything to contribute, I've never done nothing but try to make your life miserable. How could I have anything to offer, I've only been snowboarding for 25+ years, I was an instructor at MRM and Snowshoe from 88-93, I've only came in 1st place in every BX comp I've been in, of course these were around here and not what could be considered a real BX comp on here, and I just got the first board that isn't made fun of around here just a couple months ago. The Madd BX? Yeah, it's a great board but I was so disappointed it wasn't the gianormous leap above my other boards I was told it was going to be. Better? Yes. Ferrari? Only if my other boards were corvettes. It's obvious you and Tex are chums with the admin as you guys can be as abusive with language and as "TGRish" as you can be but if you speak your opinion and it doesn't tow the company line then whoa. I put +1, but I guess I can't even agree with others who have my opinion? Yeah, that's what started this fight, +1.

    You know, Bob can be a d@&k as he says. But it is only sometimes, usually he is with the majority, and ultimately he has a tremendous amount to offer the BOL community and is a welcome part.

    You jump into almost every contentious issue on the least popular side and then claim persecution.

    You started a poll recently. The last I saw it was like 20 for "go", 3 for "I don't like what he says, but he can stay, and 1 for he should stay. The posts below it were not much better.

  14. PD, this is the last thing Cliff posted (might be a little bit generous though ;))

    I think I get the scene on BOL, it is a great place with all walks of life who are passionate about having fun on the snow!

    I agree with these, like many of us do:

    "Hopefully people are stoked on surf style carving" +1

    "If you're into hardboot riding and softbootriding and skiing, it's all good, if you just ride softboots, whatever, it's all good." +1

    "softbootsailor is a veteran of carving, and he's the man" +1

    "everyone should be having a good time" +1

    These, with all due respect to Cliff, I disagree with:

    "the last thing people want to do is promote a 'localism' thing, saw it in surfing lived it in surfing, and it's no good" +1

    There are occasionally aspects of localism, but I rarely see anyone harassed just because they are new or from somewhere else (although it does depend on how they act initially). Some people have pushed a softboot agenda and gotten a push back, which shouldn't be a surprise (sort of like paddling out at Pleasure Point in Santa Cruz and telling the regulars how much better the West side is).

    Most of this is getting some pains in the a$$ that are annoying most of us, to behave or get out of the line up. You are one of them and AR is another one.

    "open it up to everybody, Bomber, the mountain..." +1

    On the mountain is great. Do what you want. We love to see other carvers on different equipment. Many softboot carvers participate here, but Bomber is not a forum for everybody. It is primarily a forum for hardbooters. Its like saying a forum about Ferrari should be open to discussing all other brands of sports car. At times it might be, but it is still a forum about Ferrari for people who want to discuss Ferrari.

    "Kinda have a feeling a lot of the people that maybe are hardboot only that they have such limited days of alpine riding that they think everyone else should only alpine ride too or be allowed on Bomber Online. That's crazy." +1 +1 +1 I totally agree 110% That is crazy.

    Can it be found here? Yes. However, almost no one here meets this description and I consider the statement "a lot of the people" incorrect. The large majority of us can't be lumped in with either extreme viewpoint. Cliff is coming to understand us better, thankfully, but you continue to pretend that our irritation with you has something to do with your equipment.

  15. I bet that board is super sweet! Nice to see it on the website.

    Especially if they get the effective edges sorted out. :D

    <table class="boardSpecs"><tbody><tr><td class="rowHeader">Length (cm)</td> <td>158</td> <td>163</td> <td>168</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="rowHeader">Effective Edge (cm)</td> <td>144</td> <td>129</td> <td>138</td></tr></tbody></table>

  16. My buddy Al Morris...Curlage...Curley hit a tree last week on Radars skiing after carving for 10 straight days, blew his right knee out and shattered his left knee. To say the least he is down for the count. He had just recoverd from a broken shoulder while dirt bike riding in October and a blown out back in February, ouch. Wish him luck if you could!

    Best of luck Curley in your recoveries. Here's to coming back strong for next year!

  17. Here is a photo of Dickie tearing it up on a beautiful day at Powder Mountain! He is definitely quality. Just saw his name in the new Surfers Journal today. It was an article about Blacks and I knew I would find it in there somewhere. :biggthump

    Photo by Kipp (I LOVETT on BOL).


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