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Posts posted by Buell

  1. Nearly 4 more weeks for us! Woohoo! Come join us.


    This coming week looks like it will be amazing carving at Timberline too. There might even be another week before the crowds get serious with the camps in full swing. The coverage must still be solid!

  2. That happened to me one time, except not at gun-point and the Caribbean instead of London. But the result was the same. They didn't leave me a bean...except worse for me, as they also stole my passport. All I had was a xerox copy of my passport. And some other things with my name on it. With Passport, he is in MUCH better shape than I was.

    He needs to contact the US Embassy (If he is an American citizen). They have this program for citizens abroad in need. I can't remember what it is called.

    In my case, they enabled a new passport STAT! and it had a cool "U.S. Foreign Services title on it to boot!!)...only took 3 days.

    In Pat's case, the US Embassy has a service whereby money can be quickly sent from family or friends via U.S. Diplomatic pouch, thereby saving all the time and jazz of international wire transfers. They do not charge for this service, it is SUPER quick and is an excellent service for citizens in trouble.

    Having passport is SO much easier!! Using that, he should be able to go to one of his credit company offices and they will be able to get him emergency cash from his card. Good luck. There is a good U.S. Embassy right in London. Hotels will USUALLy let your bill "hang" for a couple days if the situation is explained.

    Odd...I never found that much street crime in London do to all the facial recognition cameras on almost every street corner.

    You are such a dipsh!t. Do you know the "Topper" character on Dilbert? Because you really remind me of him sometimes. I just really do not get why you are here on BOL.

    This is a scam that has been around.

  3. Absolutely there is no way that someone can ride at 50% of his ability in that much protection gear!

    I wear just a pair of knee braces and it slows down my performance allot!

    Next time he will also wear a parachute to cover the chance of falling of a ridge too!

    I ride with a Dainese motocross jacket, impact shorts, and wrist guards. No problems here. All of this stuff is designed to work within a normal range of motion.

  4. You both fail to see that the oil-industry is not some wholly independant industry totally outside the realm of commerce. The oil industry depends upon the consumer...and in this case, the consumer is ultimately us.

    You fail to comprehend that there are over 600 million cars in the world today. Not to mention all other methods of transportation that use oil and all the manufacturing that uses oil. An individual is powerless in that situation. The numbers are utterly out of scale. It is living in la la land to say that any one consumer of oil is to blame for the spill in the gulf.

    I absolutely consider that human's energy system borders on suicidal in the long term. We have been missing many years of opportunities but, if humans actually make any significant change in this energy system before we are forced to by limited supply, I will be amazed.

    It has been asked before, but why are you here on BOL? Why do you continue your political advocacy on BOL? If you think you can make a difference, you better get started somewhere else. Posting about blame on a hardboot website is not going to get you there.

  5. Who's to blame? If you look carefully, I think you may see the reflection of the one to blame in your monitor screen....I sure know I do.

    Bullsh!t. Using oil does not make someone responsible for this corporation made, profit driven tragedy.

    I would have said the same thing when I was in my early 20s and had sold my truck for ethical reasons and just rode my bike. The reality though is that the world and the systems society has created (some good, some benign, some poor, some really stupid) are much bigger than any one human and their ability to affect change. Stopping driving does nothing statistically (at all, whatsoever) to reduce oil if everyone else in the world keeps driving. Until the system of energy use is changed as a society, an individual driver cannot be held responsible for this travesty (except perhaps in your over-theorized mind).

  6. I'm numb.

    Don't forget helpless. As humans we can wrecklessly drill holes into earth 5000 feet under water chasing oil, but we do not seem to have any sense of how to seal one up. Incompetent dumba$$es way over their heads.

    I grew up (19 years) in south Louisiana. This is so much sadder than words can convey.

  7. Actually, that not true either. Because the front pivot slides, there's no [significant] load there - that's why the board can bend without disturbing the riding on top of the plate. Placing a point load out in front of the front binding via a nose will add a larger point load due to the larger level arm of the plate - all of your body mass and force moving forward will be concentrated on one point instead of two.

    How is there no load under the pivot point just because it slides. It slides to allow the board and the plate to flex in different arcs. That does not mean there is not tremendous load there.

    I ask you, if there is no significant load under the pivot that slides, where is the load being transferred? It must be passing between the plate and the board somewhere?

    If the plate extends forward, beyond the plate's front mounting location and the board does flex up to contact the front of the plate, only then will the load at the front sliding pivot contact point be reduced at all.

  8. Please, Please, Please.... Let's not do this guys.

    No matter what has happened between myself and Alex, there is no need for a public argument. Alex contributes to the alpine community in a positive way. His and my problems have no place here.

    Huge props to you Sean. Very impressive.

    Alex, best of luck with your wakeboard!

  9. I have no idea what the relationship between Alex and Donek was, but it looks like they have certainly patched things up, so I'll stay out of that kaboodle.

    Rover, please just shut up! Really.

    You might be able to find it, but my guess is that you don't even know what they could have had an issue over since you spend so much time posting crap rather than reading anything on BOL.

  10. Thanks guys.

    That is my impression. I have ridden three different Kesslers this season (thanks Bola and Hardbooter). A 162 stock SL that was too stiff, a stock 168, 10.8 sidecut that is just right and I had to buy from Bola, and a 177 custom that I only made one run on and cannot say much about.

    I found that they go exactly where I want and are very precise about it. I also found that the rebound is forward (rather than up), projecting you into the next turn. They come out the turn with tons of speed. You definitely need to ride it hard, but the rewards are huge.

    I am still curious what the people who say Kesslers do not finish the turns for them are feeling.

  11. You can start by GTFO.

    Funny, I had the same thought.

    If you are going to start a bunch of political threads, you should probably have better standing than you have on BOL. The BOL Off Topic Forum is not the Political Asshattery Forum on TGR. :nono:

    Edit: Yep, the same exact thread by AR is on TGRs Political Asshattery Forum. Nice political advocacy on snow sport forums.

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