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Posts posted by carverchick

  1. +1

    I got a chance to meet Bordy this year at SES and I for one thought he was pretty funny. Not only can he ride and rides like a mad man (from what I heard) I also know he is a very sweet person. BTW Bordy I loved the orange one piece. You've inspired me to rock the one piece next year :)

    I do hope you come back though and just ignore the trash talk. It's called jealousy and envy.

    Stay strong! God Speed my fellow carver! See you next year at SES, this time we'll get a chance to ride together. Just don't take me hucking off a cliff though :P

    Don't know about anyone else, but i'm looking forward to the day Bordy comes back.:)
  2. I thought this was a MATURE community of adults (mind you me I didn't say kids) that could not only share their experience with those who are looking to get started or to increase their abilities, but also to meet people who we'd otherwise probably never get a chance to meet under other circumstances?

    Bordy I wish you wouldn't leave because of the ignorance of some people. The majority of people here on BOL are really great people (including myself) :)

    But seriously, I'd rather see you continue to share your experience because of people like you and others, my abilities have far surpassed what I expected to see from myself. We need more people like you in order to help this sport not only survive but expand!


  3. DAMN YOU ALL!!! :angryfire

    Well not really, I'm glad someone is still able to enjoy mounds of snow. I have a little more vacation time for the year, but it's being held for Hawaii.

    I guess I should feel to bad considering I've gone to Aspen, Lake Tahoe and Cabo :)

  4. I'll be sure to let him know Bryan.

    How are you doing?

    Tell Al to give me a call if he has time?

    Hope he has a great time. Perhaps if he can make a quick post on the local board (if he has'nt already) he can hook up with some local bro's to rip with.


  5. Allee,

    That would be awesome! Well I'm hoping that once I finish school that opportunities will be even more plentiful and allow me to decide where we should move to.

    We'll have to figure out how to put together a road trip and yes I do need a good gf to going carving with. My gf's are too lame to even think about snowsports.


    Amen to that. A good gf will road trip anywhere with you. My friend Michelle and I did precisely that last weekend, and had a blast.

    We'll have to move closer to each other. Aspen is a long road trip !

  6. My season ended with a slight bang and lots of whimpering. Although there is still snow at our local hill (Indianhead and they received 13 inches this week) last weekend was my official end. I tried to recruit a few of my punk arse friends to do a roadtrip but they always manage to come up with excuses. I think it's really time for new friends! *Sigh*

    Anyhow Al is going to Mt. Hood this weekend and I think I'll do my taxes, rebuild a computer and study for my Stats class. Yay sounds like big fun :(

    Oh well, even though I started out a little rough, I still had a fabulous winter. I look forward to seeing everyone next season....Same time....same dirty channel :)



  7. Indianhead in Da Up received 13 inches of snow yesterday and they will be open until the 6th. I'm a little poopy because Al is going out of town and I can't convince any of my punkarse friends to do a road trip with me. I hate to drive for 4 1/2 hours by myself.


  8. OMG this thread is so hilarious. The 20 faces was priceless.

    Here is my addition:

    I looked like I was sitting on the toilet, waiting to drop the kids off at the pool. Or better yet, you know how people will give you that cheesy arse smile when they don't want to say hello?

    Gosh I'm such a dee deedee!

    Am I petting a dog with my right hand or what?


  9. Thanks Chica! I promise to be careful. I think it was mostly the conditions that got to me, but our local anthill just got some new snow, so this will be softer than the stuff I was riding on Sunday. I promise to be careful and be tough as nails next year ;) I got a new deck that I love almost as much as my bf and my Pow Stick.:1luvu:

    OMG, girl, BE CAREFUL!!

    I'll be thinking of you when I learn to wakeboard this summer - my friend's husband just got into it last season, and she insists I keep him company this year (dammit, what a drag ...). Another new and inventive way to do damage to myself!!

    Hang tough until next year!!

  10. Can you pick me up a Taos tee-shirt please? If so, I'd like a small :)

    Yes, you live in the land of "million dollar fixer-uppers"....

    And, as client 10, you would still be employed!

    Hey, I still have 3 snowboards and I don't ride anymore, does that count?

    woo-hoo, NM this Thursday!

    Anybody want a Taos teeshirt?

  11. Thanks for the concerns FSG :) My wheel is doing a whole lot better than it was on Sunday. It turns out that it was just a contusion, so I've been taking Aleve and all seems to be going smoothly. I still have a little bit of pain but it's a merit badge I must proudly show and always be aware of :)

  12. I totally agree. It's refreshing to see that in a time of need, we all pull together to help a fellow hardbooter thru words of encouragement, donations, or just lending an ear.

    I really love this place and the people who belong here!

  13. Ok I just came across this thread and I actually responded to the ad in For Sale regarding that board. I sure hope that wasn't Michelle's board that this person is trying to sell on BOL. That sucks that someone stole your boards, how tacky is that!:angryfire

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