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Posts posted by carverchick

  1. Hello there fellow Bomber guys and gals,

    I've finally got a chance to get out and do some riding. This weekend Al and I went to Cascade Mountain, we also got a chance to ride with Alex from Chicago as well as Mary, Tom and Keith (Hardbooting Ski Patrollers - Cheers Mates).

    As always after the first time out my body is sore, but I was able to pickup where I left off , so the soreness is something for me to enjoy until next weekend.

    I also got a chance to test drive my Pow Stick and I'm in love. I love the softer flex and found it extremely easy to carve after I got used to it hooking up quicker than my Coil.

    Now that winter has finally approached us, I just wanted to say, I hope everyone has a super duper winter, I look forward to carving with everyone at SES and those of you who live near our home base, let's get together and carve huge ruts.


    Felicia (Pebbles)

  2. OMG Big Mario! I'm glad to hear that you are ok, well minus the merit badges you received. I often tell younger snowboarders (Helmets saves lives) you can still look sharp or whatever look you're going for, just dress it up with a helmet. See you at SES!

  3. Michelle,

    I think that would be an awesome idea, this will give Al a chance to do some male bonding. I say we should coordinate this girls' night out and determine who will be our male DD. :eplus2:

    Would the LADIES in the house be interested in a girl's night out? I know most of you are coming with an SO, but to get away for a night of unsupervised activities in Aspen might be fun. And we could pick one lucky guy to be our DD :biggthump

    LADIES, what do you think? We could welcome the newbies in style!

  4. Hey Dan,

    That is awesome you're bringing the missus. I promise to go riding with her, as a matter of fact, I hope she will hang out with the ladies of bomber for some carving, cocktails and lots of fun. See you there!



    Looking forward to hooking some turns with you guys again. This time I am bringing my other half though. Last year you promised to ride with her a couple of runs if I would bring her along so you better keep your promises!!! :p
  5. Hello fellow carvers,

    I was just wondering if anyone would be interested in meeting up at Cascade Mountain this Sunday? Al and I will be going out for the first time this season and wouldn't mind carving with some fellow hardbooters.

    If there is anyone interested in meeting up, let us know.


    Carverchick (Felicia) & Algunderfoot (Al)

  6. Yoga or Pilates is a VERY good way to help deal with most types of back pain. I highly recommend also try taking Flexamin. This has MSN, Hyloronic Acid, Condrontin (sp?) and Glucosamin (sp?)in it. It can be purchased at Walgreens, CVS or most grocery stores. It will take 6 weeks for it to kick in, but you'll start to feel much better. I wouldn't be able to snowboard, waterski or walk for that matter without yoga and taking Flexamin.

  7. Hi Skip,

    Could I recommend that you check out Cascade Mountain as well? For the drive and the conditions Cascade is much better than Granite Peak. Not to mention Cascade does an awesome job with the natural snow as well as the snow they make.



    Just a thought!

  8. Hey Tim,

    That's awesome you're moving to Waukesha, it will be good to have another hardbooter in Waukesha County :). My boyfriend and I have ridden at Alpine but it really depends on the conditions. For the money and the conditions they have, Cascade Mountain is where I will go if I'm not traveling out west or up in the UP. When are you relocating to Waukesha?

    Email me and let's keep in contact, I'm always looking for someone to ride with when Al is traveling for work. abrneyedbabe2@yahoo.com




    I grew up in Petoskey and riding Nubs and Boyne. There are booters around but numbers are declining.


    I am moving to Waukesha from the Madison area. I have been racing at Tyrol for the last few years and am now looking to race at Alpine on Monday nights. Do you ride at Alpine? How is it?


  9. Pebu,

    Al and I are in Wisconsin but get up to the UP quite often. Have you every considered going to Indianhead at all? Besides ourselves, I think there are three other hardbooters that comes up. Perhaps you should check it out this winter, you'd have a lot of fun.



  10. oldacura,

    The first board I learned to carve on was a Burton Alp. Al used this board as a training board for those interested in learning how to carve. I found this board to be very responsive and easy to navigate.

    I know Burton no longer supports the hardbooting industry and I've never ridden Donek (which I think are pretty sweet boards btw) but I'm just speaking from experience.

    I currently ride a Burton Coil all mountain board as well which has been an awesome board to ride as well.

    Cheers and Good Luck!

  11. Even though I've only been on a hardboot setup for one season, I found the transition for me was quite easy. Not sure why, perhaps it was because I felt more secure with boots that I "could feel". My softboots always felt loose.

    I did have my heiney handed to me a few times on hardboots, but I looked at it as if I :biggthump was earning my merit badges :)

  12. Pebu,

    I feel your pain. People here in my office thinks I'm nuttier than a fruitcake because I want SNOW, but they don't understand the joys of snow. People have been complaining that its even chiller outside. Pfffft! The nerve of them.

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