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Posts posted by carverchick

  1. Thanks Paulie and Alex. Those were some great pictures and they made me realize just how much fun I actually had. I can't wait to carve it up with everyone next year.

    Dantheman....Tell Vanessa it was so awesome to meet her and that I look forward to ripping it up with you and her next year. I'll be ready.

  2. Hi All,

    Al and I will be meeting up with Tom and Mary from Cascade Mountain on Sunday. According to Cascade's website pending weather, they will be closing for the season on Sunday. I figured since this will be their last day, we should try to get the Wisconsin carvers together for a final carveout.

    Let us know if there is anyone interested!


    Fe (Pebbles)

  3. I have every intention on making up for lost time, but ensuring that I don't have any more injuries. Water-skiing and Wake-Surfing season starts in a few months :)

    I look forward to seeing and riding with everyone next year, so just be ready.

    Thor we'll have to talk more about your offer that would awesome if it came together.

  4. Thanks Davey Boy!

    Even though there were a few not so happy moments (even tears) I wanted to make my trip as enjoyable as I could despite the circumstances! Afterall, it was 6 days not having to work you know :rolleyes:

    As for bouncing, I haven't stopped bouncing off the walls, I was dancing in every lift chair I could. Even though some people probably thought I was a dee deedee!

  5. Thank you Allee and Ray for the well wish. I promise to be more careful this time around. I want to be able to enjoy not only the upcoming Spring/Summer season, but also next winter. I can't wait to see everybody next year :)

  6. Well I went snowboarding for the first time in 12 weeks after consulting with the doctor. He said I can resume all activities without restrictions. So it looks like I will have at least have a few more weekends to make up for lost time. :)

    This weekend I went riding with Al at our local stomping grounds (Indianhead in Da UP) and I must admit I'm carving a hell of a lot better now than I did before I broke the leg. I'm so happy to be back on the slopes where I belong. Al is a lot happier as well (just ask how terrible I've been)

    P.S. Thank you Al for putting up with my rather distracting behavior, I know I wasn't the easiest person to live with the past few months, but you didn't get too upset with me which means there must be some love there between us. I love you with all my heart!

  7. Hey Eric,

    That video was awesome, beautiful day was a great song for that video as well. I liked when Maxie and the other guy flipped the camera the bird. Cute! :biggthump

    I hope to get out at least several times before our season ends.

    hoooray for boooobies:D:D

    seen the session link, chica??

    frozen-backside rules !!:biggthump

  8. Hey Eric,

    Of course you, Maxie and Marcus are added to my group of lovely new friends. I hope to ride with you guys next year. I just hope you're able to keep up ;)

    Allee baby I look forward to riding with you and Kelly in our one pieces as well. We'd better make sure Wonza (sp?) gets one as well. We can call ourselves the ripping betties :) or shred betties. Totally Rad! Well I go back to the doctor next Monday, so I am hoping to be able to get some hours on the board soon.

  9. Thanks for the thoughts as well as the compliment on my confetti one-piece. I think that will be my staple next year, the betty wearing the confetti one-piece carving huge ruts in the snow for the skiers and little kids. ROFL!

    I really am looking forward to getting out and ripping it up. I need to vent :)

  10. Even though I didn't get a chance to ride, I still had an awesome time and met some new wonderful friends as well as re-connected with existing friends.

    Next year I am going to be ready to violate the mountains of Aspen. (Gosh that sounds so weird). :barf:

    I would absolutely chip in to pay for someone to ride around getting footage. In a New York minute!

    P.S. The walking boot is finally off, I go back to the doctor next Monday and with any luck, I'll be able to do some late season riding. Say a prayer for me!

  11. Yesterday I was in the singles line on my Oxygen Proton.

    As I load the chair, I notice that the family I am loading with consists of two girls about 7 and 9 and their obviously first time snowboarding mother.

    I ask the mom, "Excuse me, is this your first time snowboarding?"

    "Why yes" she says, "How on earth would you know that? you haven't even seen my ride yet"

    "I thought it might be", I reply. "And by the way - is your head a little stiff and sore?"

    "Now that you mention it, it is..."

    "Hmmmmm. It might have something to do with the fact that your helmet is on backwards."

    Silence until we unload.:eplus2:


  12. Next year you must tell maxie to bring the hat back and be prepared to teach us "The Dance" from the luau :P

    Hi all....

    just to say in front, it was great meeting up with all you guys and gals :biggthump

    here some pics I also posted on the Frozen-backside...

    best regards to all from good old Europe

  13. If they don't like the ruts, just drive through the turns, or better yet there are plenty of others runs on the mountain go play in the moguls. Perhaps one of us "knuckledraggers" need to do the same thing and complain to the newspaper about some skiers lack of respect (i.e. running right over a snowboard or jabbing their ski poles into someones snowboard while in the lift line).

    Just figure I would add my 10 cents worth :)

    Stupid fibula!

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