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Posts posted by carverchick

  1. I'm learning how to bow hunt for next season. I am however looking forward to gun deer this year. Hopefully this year we'll get to stomp around some decent land. Not much moving last year, then again we got a late start.

  2. You see my BTS system here, it's such a chick magnet. How so?

    Well...everytime I start playing with my nuts the girls go crazy. So hawt!!!! However everytime I walk they start squeaking. I guess I play with them too much.

    Don't you wish you had these now? Ummm I dunno.

    Well I'm thinking about becoming a BTS pusher, DUDE imagine how many men would go crazy to get their hands on these things. Especially when the girls see them playing with their big nuts.

    Oh alright perhaps I'll call Fin and pickup a pair. Geeze I'm such a sucker for advertisement.

  3. Thank you so very much Fin and Michelle for putting together such a wonderful event. We (Al and myself) really enjoyed meeting both of you as well as so many dynamic and totally cool carvers. We really felt like we finally have a place to call home. The conditions were perfect in Aspen, the people were so welcoming and friendly and the parties were awesome.

    Thanks again for bringing us all together to enjoy this sport of snowboarding together. We already know where we will be next year. In the meantime, if we get back to CO we will look you up.

    Much Love,

    Felicia and Al:1luvu:

  4. Hey Fellow Bombers,

    I was wondering if anyone else have been experiencing shin pain after a day of hard riding. I recently started getting shin pain, mostly my right shin. Sometimes even days after riding, I still have this pain. Is it because I'm leaning more forward into my turns? Is there anything I can do to relieve this pain? Or should I just look at this as a merit badge for riding hard? Any info anyone can provide would be much appreciated.



  5. Last weekend my significant other flew me out to Tahoe (he's there for business), so we go to Homewood for our first day out. First run of the day we're coming down this double black head wall, when we get down to the bottom of the run, the ski patroller blows his whistle at us, he then proceeds to tell us that because there is going to be a lot of people out today, to make sure we control our speed. Of course I'm like WTF first run of the day and we're already getting scolded. :nono:

  6. Hey there rwmaron

    To answer your question; The best place to go in the UP is Indianhead. My significant other and I get yearly season passes to Indianhead because they have the best groomed runs, have the ability to make lots of snow if needed, the staff is very friendly and there's plenty of room to do carve it up. Check out the FIS and Racing course runs there, as those tend to be a lot less crowded with gapers and newbies.

  7. Hey Carvedog,

    I hope we have the opportunity to come back to Idaho and do some riding. It would be nice to meet up with some fellow hardbooter and leave trenches for small kids to fall in :) You are right about Brundage, it's awesome for pow and cruising which we did both while we were there. Just don't fall in waist deep pow, we had to toboggan our snowboards down the slopes....LOL

    I'm going to meet up with my significant other in Tahoe this Friday for an extended weekend trip, hopefully they have some snow to ride on :) I'm just dying to ride!

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