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Everything posted by Pow

  1. Softies can carve great, but not as fast as hardboot boards. As long as your carving, you're right on. and here's an extremely helpful article written by Jack Michaud: http://www.bomberonline.com/articles/toesideproblem.cfm ^should even out your heelside/toeside balance. Ohh, and since youre in the market, a shoutout to my favorite boardmakers, who currently make heavy duty custom boards, and a couple production boards over 190 cm: www.pogo.biz
  2. I think I can go... I'll bring the rock board and the carving board just in case. I'll bring some extra bindings for you... anyone else?
  3. Get some TD2s, they rock! the only complaint I have about TD2s is that every time I'm out on deck eating my lunch, people keep asking me if they can touch them:p
  4. The F2s always looked a little too much like racing skiis (topsheet-wise) for my taste until now... those boards are dead sexy! and they seem to match the new Deeluxe boots pretty well too... coincidence maybe?
  5. hmm like the powderchannel on the Volkl Selecta, then? neat... I don't blame you for going with a new tinkler or other metal board, Id love one for myself but i can't afford another board for a while. I hope you get more snow to use the longboard over there next season!
  6. hey Hans, which Longboard (snowboard, not skateboard) did you decide to go with? the 2 meter or the double concave? let me know how whichever one you chose rides. When I finally retire my 175, I'd like to know the benefits of either design, and I still don't completely understand the double concave, so if you could explain it to me i'd be even happier!
  7. Glad to hear you enjoyed all the fresh snow Dave! I hope we'll get a chance to ride next season. We always seemed to just miss each other this season. I'll have a "twilight pass" (scored it for $150!) so I'll be at Jiminy a lot after class, on weekends, and on breaks so let me know when you plan on riding there.
  8. Possibly the best conditions all year today!!! and definately the best carving ive done. I was really getting cross under, cross over, and cross through. I was eliminating the "toeside problem" most of the time, too! now i just need to get the courage to try it on steeper courses... too bad my season's over :p sorry you couldnt go Dave, maybe next year!
  9. Ill be leaving my house around 9. in the albany area around 10... how would the carpool work out? Im leaving the mountain around 4, unless conditions are crap or im injured. and I90 is going to be hell right after Jiminy closes, so i was planning on stopping for a bite at Uncle Marty's Adirondack Bar & Grill (near where 43 merges with 66) on the way home. probably getting back to the albany area around 6 or 630 and getting home around 7.
  10. Pow

    Quick Question

    I think if D-Sub were ever banned, BOL would average about 50% less posts per day. but keep it up, because id feel like a big post whore if i didnt have you to compare myself to!
  11. update: 5 or 6 inches predicted, then possibly a mix of rain followed by wind. Jiminy is open thursday through sunday, and i'll be there friday
  12. Pardon the OT post, but while searching the Dale Boot website, I found something very usefull... the "heel nest and halter" under products that "tightens heel pocket in any boot". Sounds like something many people on this forum would find useful. Ive never seen one before, though. Anybody carry something similar?
  13. haha, relax, Id probaby boycott a new alpine product from benedict burton, but id still think it's neat if alpine re-entered the mainstream. Itd save me a lot of repetitive liftline explanations. Of course, then we wouldnt be unique, would we?
  14. there are a few trips (such as the ECES) that im already planning, then there are a few trips where i try to get a bunch of people together in a month. but mostly, snowboarding for me is when i call up a friend or two and see if they can ride with me that day. if not, i solo it.
  15. I figured it was all talk, but itd be neat to see an alpine board by rossi or burton again. not sure if id buy it, but itd be cool to see it happen.
  16. a bit off topic, but i heard that a few big name manufacturers were going to be producing BX boards soon. anybody know if rossi's ganna be making a stiff softboot/soft hardboot carver?
  17. I wonder how many of these new boards Bomber will have? and if theyll have any new boards that were on the market but bomber didn't distribute them before?
  18. never... they seem to be of high-end quality, but almost all their boards are a bit on the short side.
  19. the guys i saw were on crazy short slolam skiis... in the low 150s. They asked me if I had any suggestions... I said make a longer model... about 20 to 30 cm longer model:biggthump
  20. Im perfectly happy with my Tracks, but my friends can't afford the boots to start hardbooting. And I won't be able to afford a replacement once college starts, so they'd better last.
  21. One can always hope:rolleyes:
  22. I ran into some sub-par conditions today at Jiminy peak. extremely variable loose granular and ice... It made plotting my course more of a guessing game. But I've put together a lot of what I found on the forum, and was carving in ways I didnt think possible! My only complaint is that now I can't keep my hips off the snow once I get going, and when the snow is much harder than my hip, it leaves some nasty bruises (not sure if thats really a bad thing though). I wish the season wasn't ending now, I'm finally getting the hang of it! Wish I had the dough to make it up to Okemo, that's one of my favorite mountains right now. Keep carving, Gleb:biggthump
  23. how about a boot <$300 ?
  24. They were testing it out today, I think it's still a prototype really so they don't have too many photos or videos. they held great on ice/granular today. They looked just like alpine boarders riding on those.
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