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Swallowtails / Wolf Creek powder


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cant remember...you live in Salida right?

is it a nice place? fairly "modern?"

coming to CO in a month...mom is selling her house in Paonia, and am trying to find a place near a decent hill, within driving distance to better ones...

needs to be affordable ($200k or less for house and some land...) which makes it a lot more narrow...

cool vid...havent heard Guru in a long time.

one question re: Lisa. How wide is her stance? it looks awful wide for her size...almost seems to be limiting her. Legs and lower body look very stiff...maybe boots are too stiff?

ridin soft stuff is a bit more work than the groom, huh!

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Yes, I live in Salida. It's a great place, but hard to make a living in -- unless you work outside of town. I telecommute, so it works well for me. Hard to find a place under $200K, but check the real estate listings to get a clearer picture. Monarch is a 25 minute drive away.

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sorry...edited and wrote more

her stance looks as wide as or wider than yours! wide is stable but at some point definitely limits mobility, and she looks a bit stiff. that could easily be the problem

no wide open bowl riding, huh? thats what those things are for!

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Wait 'till you get the waist deep stuff! THEN you will understand what a swallowtail is good for. You are going to have to learn how to point it and go. In the deep stuff you can carry so much speed it becomes scary! I rode a Voile 178 split swallowtail at splitfest, it was the best choice I made that weekend, big rippin' turns, lotsa speed!

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First off nice video and editing. Wish I was there.

Second about technique. Stop thinking of arms and work on your lead hip. You are riding with it quite open. (Regular to the left) you need to work on getting the hip to move into the turn. Not the arms - the will follow.

If you are having trouble in pow then try no arm turns on flat or cat track until you can really crank the turn by leading with front knee and hip - nothing else. You must unweight stronger in powder than carving 'cause the soft snow won't give the board as much rebound.



Ps. Don't you have an anniversary coming up? :1luvu:

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hey Jerry, thank you for the kind words and suggestions. I searched on BOL after posting the movie, searching for counter-rotation avoidance tips, and saw Dave Tille's riding with hands in the pockets suggestion -- similar to what you're proposing. I think on the steeper / bumpier runs I'm tentative about shifting my weight forward because of the exposure, and that's part of why I end up in the back. Time to get over it :)

And yes, anniversary coming up in a few days -- how did you know? You must have a very good memory!



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