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ACL injury...have you done it?

Guest dragonsword5

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A week after my MRI results diagnosed a fully torn ACL, most of the MCL, and lateral meniscus I met so many people who'd had the ACL reconstruction that . I tore it playing indoor ultimate in Feb last year. Surgery in early July. I was boarding this January at six months post-op. But only about half a day at a time. By 5 hours it hurt too much but my turns were really good for the first 2hrs.

As others have said, do your PT stretches and exercises. Especially in the first 6 weeks. But nothing forced since it's mostly range of motion and bringing down the swelling in the early stages.

Make sure you build up quad and hamstring strength BEFORE surgery if you can. It helps pave the way for a quicker recovery.


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Guest dragonsword5
Make sure you build up quad and hamstring strength BEFORE surgery if you can. It helps pave the way for a quicker recovery.


Defintely have that. I do these physical training courses every week and the trainer kills the class with squats and other excercises for those particular muscles :AR15firin:smashfrea

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A week after my MRI results diagnosed a fully torn ACL, most of the MCL, and lateral meniscus I met so many people who'd had the ACL reconstruction that . I tore it playing indoor ultimate in Feb last year. Surgery in early July. I was boarding this January at six months post-op. But only about half a day at a time. By 5 hours it hurt too much but my turns were really good for the first 2hrs.

Heh, ultimate frisbee - it's such a dangerous sport, and nobody knows it ;) On my club team we probably had about one torn cruciate knee ligament per person, 1 Active Ankle per person, and a bunch of dislocated shoulders and other minor injuries. Ultimate frisbee has given me two dislocated shoulders, uncountable ankle sprains (the bad kind, with blue streaks going up the lower leg), a torn PCL, MCL, and some other random small-joint injuries.

I also had surgery this last July and started riding in January exactly 6 months post-op. I had some pretty bad knee pain after a few hours of riding each day as well, but by the time February rolled around I was able to ride ~20 days in a row without pain (walking up and down stairs was painful, but not snowboarding ;) ) I don't think I can play ultimate again, though... running is hard, and I can't even conceive of cutting and sprinting right now.

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I don't think I can play ultimate again, though... running is hard, and I can't even conceive of cutting and sprinting right now.

Yeah, ultimate is rough on the body but I've been playing indoor again since Jan and did a weekend tournament in the snow (Sudbury Snowplate) last weekend. Really tiring but the "ground" was "soft".


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I have torn both knees medial meniscus and had them scoped and repaired in 97/98 and then tore the left knee ACL (post cruciate ligment), word to the wise, 1) spend the money and go to the best sports orthopedic doc you can find (I used the team docs for the the San Diego Chargers, Dr. Paul Murphy) 2) go to rehab often and do not miss an appointment 3) use your own body/knee parts, the knee will actually heal stronger and better than the "original" design physically. I had my knee repaired in 99' and ride about 25 days a season and feel great 4) train/stretch/stay in shape 5) this is very important, ask for a physical therapy pump that circulates cold ice water around the knee, use it often (the company is in Vista, CA, sorry I do have the name, I slept with it and used it 24-7, if I can find out I'll email you back)



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So how do you know when you have an ACL injury? Intense pain right away? Loss of function/range of motion?

Depends - if you did it with a twisting, huge-force kind of way (like my ultimate frisbee injury, or other cutting, cleats-wearing sport injuries or skiing falls), you usually end up ripping up all sorts of other things, too (tearing other ligaments and ripping other random connective tissue), and you usually feel intense pain, followed by swelling, and an inability to walk.

If you just popped the ACL only sometimes it can be painless, but usually there is an audible pop and you can feel a snap (it's like the largest rubber band in the world snapping inside your leg so you feel the shock+vibration), and then you might be kind of OK but feel like your leg is "about to give way", or feel like you just don't "trust the joint" anymore, or it feels "unstable."

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So how do you know when you have an ACL injury? Intense pain right away? Loss of function/range of motion?

I broke mine and it was sore but it wasnt enough to stop me from make another run.

swelled up bad by the time I got home and the range of motion was limited about 20% for 2-4 days. Felt VERY stiff.


"1) spend the money and go to the best sports orthopedic doc you can find "

Agreed ..

I think I last head it cost about 8-10K to have it fixed if you have no insurance.

Agreed ..

3) use your own body/knee parts

It hurts a lot more though.. I can still feel where the gap in my knee cap is after 3 years.


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I originally tore my knee in 81-and had open knee surgery-big ouch there....

I tore it again in 89 and had my medial meniscus removed and a pes ancerus tendon translocation-hamstring- to repair the ligament.

It took about 6 months to rehab but about 2 years to really feel my knee was 100%.

My leg was casted with the first surgery for 8 weeks(it was the orthopedic dark ages) and as a result, my right foot is externally rotated in relation to my right knee-if my rt knee is pointing straight out, my foot is rotated to the right about 10 degrees. That rotation bothers me far more than the knee-I can't stand on my rt leg unsupported for more than a minute.

Symptoms in 81-a pop, severe pain, severe instability-I tried to walk and my knee bent the wrong way-sideways. I heard it looked very gross

Symptoms in 89- a pop and a fall-I was practicing karate. Very little pain-I think the nerves were shot

Braces are not effective following surgery for ACL. Worst case scenario is one is put on incorrectly and puts the wearer at risk for reinjury.

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Guest dragonsword5

See, the funny thing with me is that mine never swelled up. I just couldn't bend it straight for a couple of days (this was back in January and for some cases last year when I would come off the mountain in pain) and I went straight back up to do a lot more runs. Never hindered me except when I would twist my leg in a wrong direction. After 2 weeks ago I could be just sitting (which I'm doing now) and I just feel like a mild pain shooting from my knee down my leg.

Seeing the doc again on friday to get the final decisions as to what to do. I am seeing a specialized knee sports injury doctor.

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You may have just partially torn the ACL-or the MCL/meniscus for that matter and the treatment may just be rest, which is what you are doing....and some PT....

Good luck and keep us posted

from my understanding. ACLs dont heal.

Mine was a complete tear, but I asked the dr that If IT WAS as partial, if it could heal.. He said no way. I asked about arthritis, he said it may cause problems in the future but no way to know.

He said once they do the surgery, as long as you dont screw it up in the first 30 days you wont have to worry about it.

I asked if the screws ever have to come out (mine should be in there till I die and thats going to be another 50-60 years) he said nope.


Really dont worry about it. If your under 50 and active get it fixed.

It will hurt for a week, but you will be on drugs.

PT will suck for the first 30 days.

6-12 months later your knee will be a little sore in the morning and if you run your knee will be sore.

12+ you kinda forget about it. But youll be trying to loose the extra 15lbs you gained :)

3+ years.. youll kinda remember about it. (and still try to loose the 15lbs)

dont freak out about it, its really a small-medium scary surgery. The first week up until they take the long stitch out is the worst.

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dont freak out about it, its really a small-medium scary surgery. The first week up until they take the long stitch out is the worst.

Yeah, and don't expect much sympathy from anyone. Everywhere you turn you'll meet people who've gone through it and had a rougher time since they had an earlier version of the operation. :-)

I think they forgot to install my barometer, though. 8 months and I still can't predict a change in weather.


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Yes, complete ACL tears don't heal....but not every ACL tear is complete and my orthopod told me (1989) that about 10-15% of knees are ACL deficient and most of those people don't realize that they are until an extreme stress to the knee.

My MCL tear(1981) was a grade 2 and not operated on and I've done well since then.....

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Yeah, and don't expect much sympathy from anyone. Everywhere you turn you'll meet people who've gone through it and had a rougher time since they had an earlier version of the operation. :-)

I think they forgot to install my barometer, though. 8 months and I still can't predict a change in weather.



Only people who talk to you about it if if you say something is in the snowboad shop. Then it turns into a "who has the bigger scar" competition.

mines been 3 years. I think the only time I remember now is when Im looking at my knee cap or someone blabs off about there sore knees who have no damn reason to complain. .

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Any partial has the potential to heal. The most important thing is to get rid of any interference to the healing process. Next provide the body with extra raw materials and influence the healing chemistry with mild natural stimulants(ie herbs) The chinese are the experts on that bit. Get a good supplement with extra joint factors. check out the weilab thing. I have seen before and after partial tears on MRI with results that would amaze you. with or without surgery you will need these steps to recover perhaps even more so after surgery to avoid scarring. the long term pain is attributable to scarring and adhesions. the therapy will help prevent the adhesions. the fasst patches work beautifully to prevent and heal scarring. I would recomend a visit to a good rehab oriented Chiro to make sure that the knee was the only thing injured. Lower spine injuries can prolong and aggravate lower extremity injuries. you may have no symptoms in that area but misalignment can affect how you carry your weight and put more pressure on one meniscus over another sort of like driving a car out of alignment wears the tires. the other concern is impaired nerve flow slowing the bodies natural healing responses. If there is swelling around the nerves that control the knee area the bodies ability to respond to the injury can be reduced. Any good Chiro can evaluate you for that. The orthopedics are the experts when it comes to surgical options. Follow their protocol and then help you r body recover after.

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Guest azrcd5

Yes. Damn moving trees... Mine was rather minor (no surgery,) but when it did heel it was stronger, so expect to be ok in the end (however far away that may be.) Also, for me playing football (soccer) really helped it build back up. I should point out this was after I was prounced cured by a doctor. Suggest you do a similar activity after your theropy is finished.

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Guest dragonsword5

I didn't tear my meniscus...

Bad news...

Still have damage to my ACL so going for surgery to fix it up :rolleyes:

Definitely be back out on the mountain in Nov. Have to keep my schedule to be out the day after Thanksgiving ;)

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