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Guest Fatty Arbuckle

Any one else catch the show?

I know that the press takes its liberties here and there.....but, from my perspective, it seems pretty difficult for Bode or his agent to refute that story on 60 minutes that just aired.

He made his bed as far as I'm concerned.....

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Bode is the best thing alpine skiing has going for it

he is giving alpine some life, it needs it since the 80s speed events in skiing have been in decline as far as people watching them goes

every sport needs its likeable *******, unless you want it to be like watching golf.

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How many people in the world have played to hard at a wedding/birthday/victory/whatever party and still have gone to work the next day with a buzz on? How well would we look/react if any of our indiscretions were brought out into the light in front of the world? Finally, why must we tear down someone whom has achievd greatness with little more than determination and natural talent?


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Guest Fatty Arbuckle

I actually agree with you. Bode is great to watch, great for the sport and i like the guy. My point is.....he opened himself up for that criticism. He offered up the information willingly and talked about it freely. As a result, its hard for he and his agent to be upset with anyone but themselves.

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How many people in the world have played to hard at a wedding/birthday/victory/whatever party and still have gone to work the next day with a buzz on?
True, there are a lot, but if they drove to work, or do anything involving high speeds or machines with moving parts, or make my food, or work on the brakes on my car, they deserve to be slammed. :smashfrea

I think part of the reason it's sort of "acceptable" to do that is because of guys like Bode. It didn't used to be that way.

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My point was not that it is acceptable behaviour, but more in the vein of the "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" cliches. I am not a bode apologist, I just think we are a little quick to condemn, thats all.


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True, there are a lot, but if they drove to work, or do anything involving high speeds or machines with moving parts, or make my food, or work on the brakes on my car, they deserve to be slammed. :smashfrea

I think part of the reason it's sort of "acceptable" to do that is because of guys like Bode. It didn't used to be that way.

In New Zealand and most other countries it used to be perfectly acceptable to get totally hammered then drive home. It used to be fine to skull beers and do sports.

I'd say if anything, Bode 50 years ago would have been a bloke, and now he gets called out for the same thing. It was an idiotic thing to say, but then again the 'I haven't smoked that in months but I've been hanging out with pot smokers so that's why' of Rebagliati wasn't much better.

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