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Maiden Voyage...

Guest Ninjette

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Guest Ninjette

So despite having what appeared to be the beginnings of a nasty head cold, I was determined to take my new gear (board, boots and bindings) out yesterday. Beautiful day both groomed and powder all to confirm that for me the decision to get an all mountain carving board was a good one....

Needless to say that I totally suck and really do need a lesson but oh my god I had sooooo much fun. First run I took a spectacular header... not to mention the many glamor shots getting off the icy wind blown lift.... Hail to the stomp pad!!! Being the only person that I could see in hard boots I suppose I was not under much scrutiny except for an occasional odd glance - But I am sure if some of you purists saw me you would have been appalled! Initially I was really trying to focus on all of the stuff I had read in the lessons/tutorials etc. It was becoming a bit of a blur and the fuzzy head from the oncoming cold was not helping nor the occasional nipping off of my little flask of scotch - but finally I just said f--k - it .... let's just see what this thing can do - next thing I know, I feel like I am in a Road Runner cartoon complete with the Beep Beep - the board would take off and then my body would just follow! I was just laughing the whole time.- I did try to adhere to some basic principals of form as you kind of have to - had a few close calls with skiers but was able to navigate around them which had it's moments and managed to stay upright. I also took it in some powder -- too fun!

I know I know I have a long ways to go in terms of technique form, function etc. and you do not want to let the board get ahead of you etc. etc. and I am soooo thankful that I have access to this info and WILL be taking a lesson later this month - but if I am enjoying it this much as a beginner, I can only imagine how good its going to be when I actually know what I am doing!

Before you judge too harshly on my lack of finesse keep in mind that from what I can tell females are an endangered species at this.... my abilities will come in time as for me this is not a race..... quite frankly it is pure pleasure. :1luvu:

So for now I resign myself to the couch with tea and echinacea in hand as my cold is now full blown - but oh yesterday was sooooo worth it as the big sh*t eatin grin has not left my face! :D

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Oooh. The first time you carve a run, it's like flying, and it ROCKS.

Stick with it - I switched from ski boot to hardboots and could NOT get the hang of them for days, so I know all about the changing gear thing ... having a lesson will help LOTS.

Have fun!

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careful with the cold. Take care of it first.

I last rode on 12/20 and started feeling bad on the way back. Developed into full blown flu (I had teh flu shot week earlier, never actually had teh flu before), had to cancel a trip to Snowshoe, unable to go out for NYears, and now I'm still dealing with an awful cough which could be bronchitis (going back to dr). I had some kind of asthma like "coughing attack" last night after playing 2 games of ping pong, had to get some emergency prescriptions called in. tons of people in this area are sick. Luckily conditions aren't great here now, but if I miss too much of the season I'll just have to go out west!

I've taken so much medicine in the past 2 weeks I feel qualified to judge them, lol. Theraflu works pretty nicely. Doesn't go down too easily, but the hot liquid is soothing.


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My cold started just before I went to Park City Dec 10 and I'm just getting over it. The company I work for shuts down before Christmas and opens back up after NewYear. I spent the whole time in bed or on the couch with lots of chicken soup. sick sucks

On an up note... congrats on first time out!!! Most cool! There are days when I compare it to riding my own personal ROCKETSHIP, carving thru the universe.


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You don't have to worry about people scrutinizing or giving you a hard time. This is one of the greatest groups of people on the internet. Very willing to help and always ready to offer a suggestion or two if asked.

Lessons will help and so will finding a few of the hardboot crowd and trying to follow/keep up.

Like you said the chicas are in demand, so the boys might not care about being slowed down a bit. ;)

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Do you have any video of the Roadrunner footage?

Seriously, it sounds like you had the usual tough first day and survived to write about it with your humor intact. Reread the carving the "Norm" articles and get rested and try again.

When you feel up to it, get in your gear in front of a full length mirror and practice bending the knees and not at the waist. Keep your hands where you can see them and get in a low stance. Practice standing tall and then getting low and hold it for a minute or two. Get as low as comfortable, but don't bend at the waist. This is practice stuff, not the real deal...yet.

Welcome to the carving world,


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Developed into full blown flu (I had teh flu shot week earlier, never actually had teh flu before), had to


Note to self: I knew there was a reason that I never get that flu shot ;)

Now then...sweet...hope you continue to have fun on your hardboot setup. As soon as my new boots arrive from Austria I will most likely look even more retarded than I probably all ready do (said with big huge smile) on my board :)

Teaching and Park/Cornices this weekend for video....doubt I will get to use the hard gear :(


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Guest Ninjette

I too think flu shots are evil :angryfire

In all actuality yesterday was not my first day in hardboots but it was my first day in all of my own gear... I had been borrowing a board and boots from a friend and had been out a few times previously. But now having my own stuff that fits much better is awesome. It's getting used to things that will take a bit - this board is slightly longer which I think ultimately will serve me well. I realize there is much learning to do but in the mean time I am just thrilled with the whole prospect and as I am easily entertained, I love being able to laugh at myself... if I could only figure out if I am sore from some of my tumbles or if it's because I am sick.. or a little of both? :rolleyes:

...... and now as I remove the thermometer from my mouth only to find that I have a fever -- again....... damn! ......... back to the couch :(

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just b/c i got the shot a week before i got sick. i've had the shot before, but never the flu. anyway, now i'm dealing with something called Reactive Airway Disease, which explains my asthma like coughing attack. it's fairly common per my doc, basically just the mucous membranes are very inflamed and any exercise really triggers a bad coughing attack. so i have 2 different types of inhalers prescribed to me. it's a temporary asthma like condition. needless to say, i am still sidelined.

many people sick in this area, esp. with a stomach flu.

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Here are some tips to help keep you healthy and germ-free during these cold winter months:

* Sneezing into a handkerchief just redirects germs back at you. Always sneeze outward so as to shoot germs as far across the room as possible.

* Pack your sinus cavities with Vicks Vap-O-Rub to fully mentholate your respiratory system.

* Do not blow your stuffed nose into tissues—this is a myth! Always suck your phlegm into the back of your throat and swallow it in great, goblike mouthfuls.

* You don't have to subject yourself to other people's germs. If you see someone who appears to have a cold or fever, contact your local police department.

* To prevent infections, have sick people cough into your food. This light "inoculative" dose of germs will boost your body's defenses against a full-blown infection later.

* If you are a sickly, anemic, weak person, you have a higher susceptibility to colds and flu. Try not to be such a pansy-ass.

* Sometimes, a severe respiratory infection will cause the lungs to fill with fluid. If this occurs, flush your lungs repeatedly with boiling hot water to clear them. A hose down your windpipe will help get around the gag reflex.

* Make sure your HMO package covers visits to the Halls Of Medicine.

* The flu is an extremely contagious, life-threatening disease. Flu sufferers should be either shot with a silver bullet or tortured to death by a professionally shriven, church-appointed excruciator.

* To keep warm in the winter, replace your blood with mom's homemade chicken soup. Noodles should be no greater than one millimeter thick to prevent coronary blockage.

* Remember: Your body produces phlegm for a reason. Always save your mucous, and keep it near you in jars at all times.

* Germs generally enter the body through the skin. To protect you from infection, shave yours off.

* Zinc and Vitamin C help fight colds. Vitamin C can be found in oranges, but zinc is a semi-precious metal found only in Africa. If symptoms persist, organize a jungle safari to seek out the fabled Zinc Mines of Sugolahara.


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Guest Ninjette

Please enlighten me on how a post/thread on the first day out on my new gear turned into and exploration of what to do with your phlegm???? Yuk! which btw is the one bodily function or production/ by product or whatever you want to call it that just totally grosses me out. You can burp around me until the cows come home , say the alphabet - fart so long as you don't poop your pants or rip a hole in the upholstery but what ever you do, DO NOT SPIT AROUND ME........ :nono:

I must be starting to feel a bit better..... gotta love that cough medicine with the vicodin in it - yum! Tastes like butterscotch pudding- dries you up and knocks you right out :sleep:

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