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What a great day!

Mike T

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What a great day! I pulled up at Bachelor right at opening. Awesome grooming. Rode both my Coilers for the first time this year - my PR188 until it got chopped up, and then switched to "The Slushbuster" and kept on carving. 4 carvers on the hill today - although I rode mostly by myself because I was into doin' my own thing today. Tried to do the WC GS run (Thunderbird) on my 188, which kicked my @$$ hard, but then went over to a mellower run and ripped it HARD.

After one of my afternoon runs, I overheard a gal talking to her boyfriend: "You should try a carving get-up like him (pointing to me), it's sexy". (That really made my day - the rest of the Bachelor carving crew are better riders than I am - I'll take the 15 seconds of fame)

To top it off, after 6 hours of hard carving and no lunch break, I get home and when I get inside, there's a package from Donek, that I wasn't expecting till Monday. WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

(FCI 175 Olympic BTW)

Time to go build my workbench so I can set the bevels, next day on the hill is Sunday - can hardly wait!

I just had to share this with y'all - best day I've had in a long, long time.

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That's great that you had such a good day but as luck would have it I was stuck with a dead/Bad battery and had to be towed to Toyota in Bend after I got my boots done at Footform. I didn't get out of Toyota until 3pm!!!! So needless to say I never got to do any runs or get close to the mountain!

Oh well at least I had a nice treacherous drive each way!:mad:

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I am interested in a ride report on the Donek FC 175 with the Olympic core. Please post a ride report once you acclimate to the new board. Which width did you get? A FC1 or a FC2. Thanks.

I got the FC1. With some luck I will be riding it tomorrow.

Ginsu - sorry to hear anbout your battery troubles. You really did miss a fantastic day! Come on down another time; I hope your bootfitting went well.

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Randall knows what he's doing I think his advice alone will help me do better and my feet to feel better. I would say hands down this was the best bootfitting I've ever had. Anyone within the Bend zone of travel looking for Ski or Snowboard boot fitting should see him. Better then what Portland area people could have done I'm sure.:1luvu:

I'm not sure when I'll be able to come back down. As it was I took 2 days off to try this time. It took a good 4hrs to get there due to the pass.

Anyway I'll try again when I can. This is now the second attempt at going to MB and not making it. The first time the rain kept us in downtown Bend. We never got past there. This time at least I crosse the river and saw the mountain!:(

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We don't open until next week...I've gotta come up there again and give Bachelor another/another try. Been twice and have suffered the "one day of white out, one day of excellent conditions" syndrome. I always swear I'll never go back, but I know that's just the way it is. When the conditions are good I love that place, especially up on Pine Marten. We'll probably plan a trip sometime soon and stay at Sunriver. The kids loved it at Bach and had a blast at the tube park. They were dying laughing when they went on the dogsled ride and all the sled dogs "releaved" themsleves while pulling the sled at top speed! :eplus2: See, I'm talking myself into it already.....keep us posted on the conditions,

Have fun,



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