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First Descent

Guest alakata

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Guest Salomon Orangge

I'll be going to see it. I'm just hoping it'll put those Frank Miller movies to shame. Too much skiing in those :angryfire.

Really interested though. Some really good boarders from what little I saw of the trailer. Really looking forward to seeing anything that involves snowboarding right now. It's so dry where I am in Connecticut.

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I went to an advance screening on Tuesday night and I thought it was good. It was better than a warren miller movie because of the fact that it's all snowboarding but it didn't have that fast paced, action packed, good soundtrack vibe that you get from a miller movie. It is a documentary so there is a lot of talking at times but all in all it was good.

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Guest astan100


"There's also the grind of spending time with people whose vocabulary consists mostly of variations on the word "gnarly." However, I was interested in the adjective "avalanche-y," which is probably one of those words you never want to hear in the mountains."

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saw the movie today. had to drive 1 hour to orlando to see it. overall it was alright. better than i thought, a lot of backcountry boarding and not too much free style. makes me want to open a heliboading company. not a bad life.

counted 4 diffrent clips of hardbooters, all less than a second long. Two of which were guys crashing and all off them were "race shots". the way the movie portrayed them was "uptight racers" so.... nothing about carving at all. not that i'm surrprised at all.

i guess worth the five bucks i spend on it.

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The LA Weekly wrote, "Great Mockumentary. First Descent sometimes feels like a parody, most of the laughs are unintentional... The stunts which can be as thrilling as part of a five minute James Bond pre-credit sequence, grow very tedious when repeated over almost two hours."

Sounds like the movie sucks but I'll probably watch it anyway. No offense please:)



why you would base your opinion of a snowboarding movie on that of the LA weekly is beyond me. Hell, to "LA" the only things cool are metrosexual guys, and whatever the "flavor of the month" is in any particular "scene"

youre in a small, small minority being a snowboarder, and an even smaller one that knows what he's doing, and an even smaller subset that rides alpine!

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