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Freddy (aka Nic) New Web Site Up

Guest nic

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I think the guys over at hardbooter are heading in the right direction with more video. I've found that if I can't ride with guys that are better than me (I'm not that good, just don't have any friends :( ) the next best thing is to watch video. It helps more than 1000 posts from good educators about how to apply technique when you can actually see what is happening in action.

Specifically since you are racer to be able to have video of you racing with some commentary on what was good/bad, and give pointers.

Maybe you could even take other people's videos and do it.

Anyway, thanks for increasing the stoke with your site,

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Good job on the site. Self-marketing is a good thing for a young up-and-comer.

I like the media clips. You might want to make sure they are all properly dated though. A blog's a great idea but keep in mind it's a lot of work and if it gets stale, it's worse than not having one at all.

Hope to see you at some of the Nor-Ams.


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Guest Randy S.

Nice work Freddy. I like the little lego guys! You need Lego as a sponsor. You could put legos on your boards - oooh, or maybe a lego top for a board. Imagine the possibilities.

If your sponsors are actually giving you money, you might consider a page dedicated to sponsors - where you pimp their gear for them - talk up how great deeluxe boots and F2 boards are. If they ever actually visit your site, they'll be pleased. It always pays to stroke the sponsors as much as possible.

I emailed you some comments as well. Good luck.

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Hey guys thanks for the great feedback. I know people on this site want video. Not to worrie there will be, and lots of it. In the up comming months the entire alpine tricks section will not only have pics but a video do go along side of it.

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Hey jack thanks for the good feedback on my site. Its crazy how many people are loving it.

As for the other fast freddy Not shure who that is. LOL That name was given to me long time ago when i was a rookie on the burton team, back when i just started riding for them in 99

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  • 4 weeks later...

(ex?)Post whore, calling out the attention whore :lol: Funny stuff.

Anyway it worked. I checked out Freddy's site for the first time. I'm impressed. Previosly, I thought you were just some attention whore, selling expensive used equipment. I didn't know you were pro (I read the press clippings).

So have you raced against Bordy? Who's the highest ranked BOL racer?

Good luck with your Olympic dreams :biggthump

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