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ISO Mt. Snow Info


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Mt Snow is a decent mt for carving, but weekends ?not really. Since it's in Southern Vt it gets flooded with the Ny Nj Ct crowd and the lines get long and trails get crowded.Roads to get there are pretty easy:US 91 to 45 minutes on the back roads. Midweek Corinthia is great.Search for Corinthia here and you'll find some old posts.

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well, if you have to go, go early. both, in the day and in the season. last year before xmas it wasnt bad at all a few weeks after xmas it is a zoo. you can get a couple good hours in each weekend morning but pretty much after 10 - 10:30 its a nut house. i spent a fair ammount of time there last season and will probably not this season. it gets so crowded you cant carve.


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it's right next to stratton(20 minutes away) and I would much rather ride stratton for a few reasons one reason being that the layout of the trails seem to have less bottlenecks at stratton, a big issue when the hotdogger in the one peice cuts you off and then decides to hockey stop to take pictures or talk on his cell phone

stratton has crowds from hell as well but generally other than what I pay at the ticket window its a better experience, both are on the flat side

depending on how long you are able to stay its worth it to buy a multiday pass at snow and with that pass you can ski at killington and the other ASC easrt resorts if you don't mind the drive

that is something that is little known and sometimes can get the attention of a over zealous ticket checker but since we would get people from atitash and the loaf at sunday river and we ALWAYS let them ski there, not the same case with a single resort season pass though

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