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Waxing question??


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I am an admitted waxing nerd.  I’ve always liked a waxed base but in recent years, after getting into soft boot carving, I’ve definitely crossed into an obsessive nerd.  Some may disagree… but a perfectly tuned board with the right wax for the day glides like a thing of beauty. And once you are used to that perfect glide, any imperfections are very noticeable.
I have a few questions that hopefully another nerd can answer 
First… with a new board is it better to start with a hard wax before going to softer more temp specific waxes or go temp specific and let the layers do there thing?  And yes I clean, wax, scape, brush, and polish almost every time I ride. I never use chemical wax removers.  With high quality bases they improve as they are waxed and cleaned over and over
Second… I have a couple on Donek boards that came with a structured base and they are amazing. Can a board be structured when it comes new un structured from a shop? If so where do I go to get it done?
thanks 🤙🏻

Edited by NByrne
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Noah?  Is that you?  Fancy meeting you here...

26 minutes ago, NByrne said:

Can a board be structured

Yes.  Find a high performance tuning shop with a high quality machine though, don't let some kid at the resort touch your boards.  Racers even use different structures for different conditions and temperatures.  Also, because your boards are probably wide, not every shop can do it.  Measure the shovel (widest part) and call first.


29 minutes ago, NByrne said:

a perfectly tuned board with the right wax for the day glides like a thing of beauty

Hell yes!  Love that feeling!

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If you put a hard wax over a soft wax, it will wear off faster.

A coarse base structure will be the most noticeable improvement for warm & wet snow. Like when it gets sticky.

I used to be a wax nerd; Former XC ski racer, raced SL & GS in USASA nationals for several years, etc. 

I gave up regular wax a few years ago.

I've been using this Faststik polymer stuff for several years now. In certain conditions it is slipperier and faster than any wax I ever used. (I never used  flouro though, so). It has a wide range -10°F to +32° F. I've used it from -20°F and +45° F. It's easily as good as any regular wax at the extreme ends of its range and better than most in the middle of its temp range.  It's fast and easy, fits in your pocket, and there's a warm version for when it gets warm & sticky.

Simple to apply in a couple of minutes, so I typically touch up  everyday after riding, especially when riding abrasive manmade snow. I use a roto brush for best results.

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Fast stick my ass i pass you homes on the cat track daily ...... it's easier that's it's only positive. Trust me  I don't get along the greatest with the owner ever since I challenged him to a race on the cat track and I'm disabled he wouldn't even try 2 legs and all. If it was fast he would have raced me......

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7 hours ago, NByrne said:

First… with a new board is it better to start with a hard wax before going to softer more temp specific waxes or go temp specific and let the layers do there thing?  And yes I clean, wax, scape, brush, and polish almost every time I ride. I never use chemical wax removers.  With high quality bases they improve as they are waxed and cleaned over and over

For the new board, I put Base Prep Wax  scape, brush, and put glide wax depending on the temp

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