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my first REAL longboarding experience


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I think I just had my first <b>real</b> longboarding session too. I hooked up with a group organized by a local longboard maker, and we rode this terrifying <a href="http://www.eastsidelongboards.com/photos/Fairview%20Run/FrameSet.htm">course</a>. It's the same course the Zoo Bombers run, for you Portland locals.

My first couple of runs, I ran off at high speeds/walked the steep sections, but I rode more and more over the course of the session and my last couple runs I rode the whole course.

HOLY S*** that s*** is scary! I can't slide, so the only way I could slow down was hard carving, which led to my one tumble: I carved hard enough to break the back end loose and it hooked back up again unexpectedly. It was minor, and I was wearing pads, but that's one pair of jeans I won't be wearing to the office again.

FUN! Despite (because of?) the mortal fear, I had a freaking blast. At my fastest, I was probably hitting around 25, maybe a little more - in a section of the course where other riders were cracking 35. Oh well, I've got room to grow. Everyone was real nice and supportive w/ the noob - not so different from the alpine snowboard community, come to think of that.

Man, despite the high risk of serious pain, this asphalt riding thing has some real possibilities. It's so much fun... It's like having amazing, porn-star sex with a beautiful woman whose 7-foot ogre of a husband works an irregular schedule. Crippling injuries and being forcibly separated from fillings aren't a question of "if," but "when," but there's still no way I'm going to stop.

The only problem is that I can't decide what to ride next week: longboard, Flowlab, or Dirtsurfer? Decisions, decisions...

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Dan---you are SICK!!! :) All you guys doing 20+ on skateboards are SICK! :) Get on your Dirtsurfer man! For land's sake, DON'T KILL YOURSELF! <grin>

I had a blast on my Dirtsurfer the other night in Prince William Forest Park---it's a nice, 2-lane paved loop road about 6-7 miles around. Parts are flat, but there are some nice curvy hills too. Holly followed me in the truck---I'd blast down the hills, then hop in the back of the truck and Holly would drive me to the beginning of the next hill.

And I hit 30mph on the Dirtsurfer---nothing compared to its max potential, but a personal best for me!

The only hair-raising moment was when I was going 20mph down a hill---with Holly behind me---and some a**hole decides to pass us, right as someone else is coming the opposite direction---YIKES! There was massive squealing of brakes as both vehicles almost had a head-on at 25mph, and Holly and I just sped past them.

Remember---for high speeds, there is ONLY the Dirtsurfer. <smile>


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Originally posted by SWriverstone

Dan---you are SICK!!! :) All you guys doing 20+ on skateboards are SICK! :) Get on your Dirtsurfer man! For land's sake, DON'T KILL YOURSELF! <grin>


Scott, you're totally right, but what can I say - I'm a slave to fashion. I didn't want to freak out these longboarders the very first time I met them by bringing a Dirtsurfer. Besides, we were riding back up the hill in the back of a pickup truck: 5 people + decks in the bed of a small truck, so it would have been hard to fit the Dirtsurfer.

Coleman slides are so elegant, and of course impossible on a dirtsurfer. I think I'll be splitting my time between longboard and DS this summer.

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Originally posted by philistine

Oh man, what a hard life!

You don't know the half of it...I just found that half my summer league Ultimate games are going to conflict with car-free Wednesdays on Mt. Tabor.

Oh no! I have to pick between Frisbee or skateboarding?

I bet now you really feel sorry for me. :-)

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