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The end of my season

big mario

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Today was my last day of my first season of carving, and the beginning of many more. Winter returned to the Colorado high country with a vengence this week, dumping over three feet of nice fluffy powder on Loveland and Abasin after the near melt down of the previous weeks. Due to a serious ankle tweaking in Feb. , a retweaking in March, and a reretweaking in April, I was pretty much limited to riding my carving board, but sometimes you have to sacrifice. I know some of you will hate me for this, but the conditions these last two days were phenomenal. Saturday was a little on the softside, I would blow out my heelsides if I got to aggressive. Today was all about hero snow. I could do no wrong, I would not be punished for poor technique, just put your board up on edge and it would go! I probably could have laid down a few ec carves if I knew how. The only bummer was that it got chopped up by late morning. All in all it still was the perfect ending to the season.

I have said this in previous posts, and I will say it again now,

all of you in the carving community rock!! Big thanks to pcogan and to all the others that I had the joy of riding with for all of the advice, instruction, and inspiration.

The wax has cooled, the bindings are pulled, and the boards have begun gathering dust until the sirens song of October's manmade boilerplate lures me back up to the mountain. Maybe my ankle will be better by then


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at the Basin.

<img src="http://tinypic.com/4t7y8p" alt="May 1 powder, Arapahoe Basin">

<img src="http://tinypic.com/4t7xus" alt="">

<img src="http://tinypic.com/4t7yhl" alt="">

With more snow in the forecast the next few days should be equally sweet!

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Crazy season, worst season in 50 years of recorded history in the PNW. However , forced me to road trip to SES 2005 FINALLY. Which was absolutely a blast! Met so many cool riders! Added tons of cool memories. Then , thanks to generous invite to "Donner Vintage Snowboard Race" made another road trip to Tahoe for a MOST memorial day at Donner. What was a really poor season , turned into a great one. Thanks to all the kind folks who helped make it possible. I really loved being an old snowboard bum again!

MHM Closed today , it was a very pleasant day, warm and sunny. Not anywhere near what the brothers enjoyed in CO, but ok conditions. They could not have stayed open much longer with the poor snowpack. Alpine made a great showing. 4 alpine riders to a few hundred skiers/freestyle snowboarders is a pretty good ratio. A few good turns with good friends is a pretty good finish. Thanks guys! See you at Timberline soon. Bryan

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