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Skating parking garages: tips?


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Reading all the skateboarding threads is getting me excited to broaden my skating horizons a little bit. I've been commuting by longboard on and off for the last few months, but I'd really like to try something new: parking garages. The idea of riding my first parking garage at 30 is faintly ridiculous, but hey, better late then never, right?

So, any tips? More specifically, anyone know any suitable garages in the Portland OR area? Any suggestions to help me hold on to most of my skin?

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Jeans and gloves are a minimum, 888 makes a set of low profile knee pads that fit under baggy jeans well. A helmet might be a good idea if you are nervous though I never skated the S.D. concouse with one. Start off with soft wheels and looser trucks than you are used to, work on your turns before you work on speed...the price for "loosing and edge" is much higher on concrete. I run hard (98a) bushings and loose trucks on all my boards in order to maintain stability and manuverablity

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forgot about that, it was never a problem at the SD Concourse because we always went after midnight (after they quit charging) when it was closed everyone knew to drive up the odd side to park and skate on the even side. Cops were never a hassle as long as no one drank (bottles and cans left behind were an issue once...only once) and those that "Smoked" were usually subtle about it (even the Sector 9 guys). No idea what the scene is like there now but I would assume it isn't too different.

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Originally posted by Dan

Gecko, thanks for the tech tips. New to the game, so I don't know any of that stuff.

Dr. Sandman, thanks for your hot tip as well; I'll see what I can do. :-)

I am certain that since Portland is a skating town that there is someplace that the DH geeks hang out at night. Ask at Burnside those guys there can probably steer you in the right direction. As I mentioned the deal with garages is that yuou must make the lleast impact possible, don't give the owner any reason to object to your usage. Part of the reason that the Concourse was so good was that it was so well self regulated...idiots weren't tolerated at all. Also get a pool deck and skate BURNSIDE

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I've been by Burnside to spectate, and I don't think I'll ever be a good enough pool rider to set foot in that park. It's like the X Games down there - amazing. I may be be able to scrape together enough courage to ask them about garages though. :-)

Speaking of Burnside, here's a <a href="http://www.wweek.com/story.php?story=5983">cool article</a> on how current efforts to develop that part of Burnside are trying to incorporate the skatepark. Hope it works out, but it will be tough for them to keep the underground atmosphere when they're surrounded by brand-spanking new lofts and restaurants.

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I used to skate burnside early in the morning before the youngsters woke up. I worked graveyards and went down there after I got off work at 7am with a 16oz starbucks and skated for 2hrs with another old-school 80's skater-pharmacist. No one really bothered us and there was maybe 1 or 2 other riders plus a group of homeless folk. I havent done it it for 6+years but it was a lot a fun and seemed to improve my riding on snow too. I would like to try it again or do that carve board stuff mike t does. I still have my well worn big board from the 80's.


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Sunday mornings in Honolulu was the time for all the old skaters (Shobo Kubo, Jeff Hartsel, Jay Adams etc) to skate...Pool type boards are easy to find Mile High is where I have picked up many of my decks. I am so looking forward to putting urathane down on some Australian bowls this summer/winter

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