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Mammoth vs. June grooming?


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I think that it is maybe partly because not so many people go to June, so it doesn't get chewed up quite so fast.... and also the runs at June are quite a bit flatter and there are less of them, so maybe grooming is easier, since they can take their time to groom the hill a bit more than Mammoth, which is, as you'll agree, a pretty big hill.

I really am not keen on June at all, but Mammoth crowds were rediculous this last year, so maybe when tickets go up to $70 next year, it won't be quite so crowded.

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But it really does seem like June has more consistent and thorough grooming first tracks vs. first tracks between the mountains. June grooms and regrooms practically every single inch and there are never any surprises or funny bumps. Mammoth will still have the occasional cruddy areas or partial grooms. Mammoth does have SUBSTANTIALLY more terrain to groom however and may explain some of the inconsistencies. Either way, you're getting some of the best carving you can find.

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To be honest, I was super disappointed with Mammoth this season, but put that down to bad timing.

Around Tahoe is some great grooming, although it may be too hot by now... I found Mt Rose to have some of the best grooming I've seen. And the local riders there rip.

I actually like the runs to have slight ruts and uneven bits; Chair 3 (now renamed to some stupid other name by INterwest no doubt) used to have some wierd stuff going on. But Chair 2 for instance seems to always be groomed well, although it is a bit flat for the most part. (again interwest have given that chair some stupid name as well).

I think June is less undulating in terms of what is under the snow, so maybe that's why it is easier to groom.

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Mammoth grooming is getting worse and worse with each season…

Mostly went to June this season… but geez, I don’t want to drive 5.5 hours

every weekend to go boarding… one more reason to move away from LA…;)


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If you want a super cheap deal on a pass, Mt Rose is about $300 or less for a season pass, and their grooming is awesome. It is a million times better than June, but I have a personal dislike for June, so bear that in mind!

YOu should move to Tahoe.... no really..... go all in at Texas holdem, and you might be able to get very very rich. Or very very broke I guess.....

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Guest Tim Tuthill

Grooming. Mammoth has always been the worst in the industry. This goes way back. The only thing you can say, is that there consistant. They leave 6 in high ridges all over the place. Being boarded or skied on has nothing to do with it. Way to go Ray. Can we do every day next season???

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Originally posted by Tim Tuthill

Grooming. Mammoth has always been the worst in the industry. This goes way back. The only thing you can say, is that there consistant. They leave 6 in high ridges all over the place. Being boarded or skied on has nothing to do with it.

Sounds like Mount Hood Meadows grooming! Actually MHM has been good w/ the grooming this year, when they've been open.

Bryan - now that you've spent some time at Mammoth, it would be interesting to hear which one you think is worse


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My humble, opinionated 2 cents:

Size DOES matter!! I don't know what the cat:acre ratio is at either mountain, which may also explain short comings, but here's what may be the bigger issue - Mammoth is huge, what are the chances of a driver knowing that many people, especially locals, at the mountain. June on the other hand is still largely a "locals" area, and therefore the groomer(s) who live in and around June Lake are much more likely to know several local riders/skiers. Which just may encourage them to give a little more concern to what that PB or Bombardier might churn up. Just a thought.

I grew up 25 mi. north of June in the micro-small town of Bridgeport. Usually logged 30 to 40 weekend days a year at the outrageous price of $1.00 (yes one dollar!) and "please show your student body card". (O.K. that was 25 years ago, now it's gotten way more costly for students....I think it's five bucks now!!) We spent most of our days at June for the same reasons many have mentioned, less crowds and awesome snow and runs being the biggest factor. I've always thought that June was just a nicer place to go -- people were nicer, snow was always good, tree skiing was incredible, hidden stashes were incredible, etc.

Any way, my bottom line is that Mammoth is an incredible mountain with lots to offer, but if I have a choice, June will always be home to me.

By the way, if any of you think any grooming you've experience really sucked, try Mt. Shasta Board and Ski Park sometime. They boasted about their high dollar purchase of a new Bombardier, and how there grooming was "immaculate". Too bad they forgot to drop some coin for driving lessons!! Maybe next year will be better. So currently for me, any where with soft snow and even mediocre grooming is like dying and going to heaven!!

Does summer have to come??

Oh, and by the way, does anybody else miss T-Bars???

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Guest Tim Tuthill

Dr Sandman: Good points. Aspen is big even if it is broken up in 4 pieces. I have never seen the ridges at other resorts like the ones at Mammoth? You can really get launched off of these things. If you dig a tip, ouch!!!:confused:

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Originally posted by Tim Tuthill

You can really get launched off of these things. If you dig a tip, ouch!!!:confused:


That’s exactly how Corty broke his collarbone! He lives in Mammoth 20+ years now and skies over 30 years… He shares our opinion about MM grooming... it's getting worse... to much to groom... they go quantity instead of quality...

Tim, the way it looks right now, yes, daily boarding should be possible next season ;)


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Guest Tim Tuthill

Ray: Don't you think Aspen grooms allot of area also? Look at June, they just do a better job of it. Eric Diem makes sure they do it right. Oh, I like "T" Bars too.

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Oh, I like "T" Bars too
THANK YOU!! I thought I was the only sado-masochist who thought those were a great way up the hill. We were at Mammoth last month for the CA/Nev High school state champs, and went into a store in the village that had a bunch of "old time" photos/posters. One was looking down from the top of what I think was T-Bar 2 (looking up, to the right of what is now the Broadway Express) .............ahhhhh what memories - kept seeing other pics and telling wife and kids "ya, I remember sidestepping up that ungodly wood side hill to chair 2(?), and the old gondola, etc. etc." Good times!! Back then (of course we were on a pair of long straight sticks) we didn't really get too concerned about grooming. But the 'ol body just doesn't bounce the way it used to!!

Wish us luck, my daughter and I are off to Copper to race GS and SL at the USASA Nationals.

Longitudinal curbs on the slopes are not our friends:rolleyes: !!!

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Sandman, that was Chair 1, was that the worst designed chair ever?? I think so. I was hanging out on the sundeck at Mainlodge, suckin down some lemonade( I don't drink alcohol), there was a person who was not quite comfortable with her skis. As she sidestepped her way up the ramp she started to slide backwards, taking out the people behind her, it then proceeded like dominoes down the ramp. YOu should've heard the words flyin' out of people's mouth that afternoon.

I makes me laugh to think about the evolution of that particular lift, sidestepping up a ramp to load onto a double with the center pole that always seemed to wack you in the head as you turned to grab it, the chair was as slow as molasses in Jan, now you have a high speed 6 that wisks you to the top in a few minutes.

Brings back some good memories:D

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Guest Tim Tuthill

dr: It was so much fun on the ramp and the "T"S I think there was one kinda by the Thunder Bound lift for the park. The old three get off thru you at a cement wall. A lady friend slamed her head into it. This was 59 or 60 winters?? We have made progress.

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REALLY , REALLY impressed!! I rode Mammoth Mon, Tues, Wed. Awesome mountain for sure. The rode June on the way out of town. I was so impressed I stayed another day there. Super grooming , no one there. Some of the best carving I have had this season. Fortunately met up with a number of other carvers including Kirk and his dad (Kirk from Utah) we had a superb two days of ripping there. I will post a couple photo galleries as soon as possible on my site. For now , I love this photo of father and son carving!! Very stylish. We had 3 decades of carvers today . 30s, 40s, and 50s. Thanks for a great day guys!! Bryan

See all my bros at Bachelor Sun, Mon and Tuesday? Rode 11 out of the last 12 days. Morning till closing. Just a bit pooped out!!However VERY happy camper/carver.

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The place RULES! Mammoth was an absolute ZOO! Great snow at both places, but my vote goes to June hands down!

Bryan - that was fast! Hope you had a good trip back to Bend. I just got home about 4 hours ago - what a great trip! Had a ton of fun making turns w/you - and once again a BIG Thank You for letting me demo those decks. I'm still feelin' the G's from that 197 Burner :eek: What an insane machine. That and the Identity. I'll have to show this to my dad - he'll get a kick out of that! I'm going to look into putting that 8mm footage we took into a more usable format and get it to you. Talk to ya soon!


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