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What board size is right for me?


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Hi everybody,

I have been riding an F2 Beamer XL for the last 10 years. I believe it's 167 long. I still have a blast with the board but decided it's time for a new one. I started to look at the F2 Silberpfeil but don't know if I should get the 172 or the 168. I'm 6'2" and weigh 185 lb. Any recommendation, experience with the different lenght?

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Its sort of like condoms, one size fits all. I'm 175 lbs at 5'8", I ride a 153 and a 166 and have ridden up to a 184. I think most boards will support your weight but if you are already riding around a 170, I would stick to that length and sidecut radius. If you change to a longer board, be aware of the different sidecut. I personally prefer the Volkl Renn Tiger. I have a 153 but have ridden the 168 model. The nose is medium but won't fold under weight. The tail is pretty firm. I generally make tight GS and normal slalom turns. I ride hard icy conditions and love my RT.

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Guest Randy S.

Get the bigger one. No question in my mind. You are big enough to handle it and it will be more fun at speed (probably very little diff b/w the two).

Oh, and welcome to Bomber!

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with my boards I try to have a few that ride totally different than my other boards so that means I have a 173 and a 190 as my two that come out the most I have a couple others but they are sorta the closet boards

in general I like the longer boards but this season I have been on my 173 allot and usually end up putting in most of my day on it

I guess what I am saying is its nice to have a selection

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I would say the 172 based on your details. But both will be fine. Have you ever tried any longer boards before?

I have ridden a beamer and it is a good board but you should be much happier on a silberfeil. The edge hold is much much better.

Hey JTslalom where you up on tuesday? I have been watching out for you and JP1 but no luck. I havent seen Erik either.



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and wished I'd gotten the 172. I'm also 6'2" 188lbs, so I can talk directly from experience. I just think the little extra length would have been better for more speed. I love my 168, don't get me wrong, but if I could have a "do over" it'd be the 172. This would also make my "if you could only have one board in your quiver" list (sorry Burner:( )




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