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Beginning Season Bliss! 1st and 2nd Day of My Season!


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Shhh!    Don't tell my surgeon but went out Fri. and today/Monday to Bretton Woods and Loon and not just survived Day 1-2 of  the season but actually got my Carve  On!.

Started out Sunday on the Swoard Dual 168 just putzing around keeping it flat with sliding turns to get my rhythm back but mostly paranoid about falling and hyper vigilant about getting run into.......but speed and angulation increased as the day went on and all went well really well!  Legs gave out by noon but super satisfied just to have gotten out!  

Today started out on the Swoard but conditions got really good for railing some turns and I pulled out the K168 with BP v2  4mm lite and Boy Was It a Confidence Booster!    On it I felt like I jumped a month instantly in comfort and confidence and actually laid down some pretty good turns considering!    I wanted to stay longer but my legs were toast by 1pm!   but Day 2 was  even better!

Winter is dwindling away up here in the 50 degree temps and no snow in the forecast, so not sure how many more days I will get but super stoked to have Just Gotten Something Out of this Season!  

Hope to get some carving shots next time!!




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