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SUCKS.......I'll tell you what sucks!!!!!


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----The driest feb. in history: 0.004" for the month.

----UNBELIEVABLE high temps. 60* highs every day. Next wed forcast 68*!!

----We're in Eastern Wash. st. near idaho/Montana border only one hour south of Canada. Our mountain w/ 5 long chairlifts is totally brown having closed on January 14 after 6 days of temps around 10* below zero.

----North Idaho and most all of Montana are pretty much the same. One resort opened last Sunday. I just trashed my Prior


----And then I've got to listen to all you dudes from the East Coast, California, Utah and Colorado.....it's just damn torture!

----I'm dealing with serious depression here. Is there a doctor in the house? Anyone have an airplane I can barrow just for afew weeks???


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Guest Randy S.

If it makes you feel any better...

I have a house in Tahoe that I've paid for all season. I have a season pass to Alpine Meadows. I paid for ski team for both my kids for the season. Tahoe is having record snowfall and an awesome season.

I tore my achilles after just 16 days of riding on January 2. I've been on crutches ever since and have spent no more than 4 days at my cabin (so that I could watch a race I was supposed to compete in and to let my kids get a few days in). I won't be able to ride again until May at the earliest. That Sucks!

But I do feel for you. If you get to Tahoe let me know, I'd be happy to let you use some equipment.

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Have hope Mark! I feel your pain! Here in the Mid-Atlantic I was gnashing my teeth for days through what has been the warmest February in recorded history. I was running around in shorts!

But then we got 7-8" of snow, and it's supposed to be COLD for the next couple weeks. A season I really thought would be over by now looks like it'll stretch to April!

So you might get a break. (Here's hoping, right?)


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From FirstTracksOnLine

Whitefish, MT (Thursday, March 3, 2005) - In an attempt to battle the perception that skiing and snowboarding across the northwest is a lost cause, Big Mountain Resort will take the snow to the road – literally. Today, Big Mountain Resort marketing director John Frandsen will drive a truck full of snow through Spokane and Seattle, arriving at the Tacoma, Wash. REI store for a radio promotion.

“We’re trying to really hit the message home,” said Frandsen. “Winter may have left Seattle skiers and snowboarders in the dirt, but we’re trying to let them know that Montana still has snow. While we realize that this is not a banner year for any resort in the region, we still have five feet of snow at Big Mountain’s summit and the skiing and snowboarding is good. If you are looking for snow, you can come out to Big Mountain and have a great time.”

Big Mountain still has five feet of settled snow at the summit with 80% of the terrain open despite the unusually warm conditions and lack of recent precipitation. While the lower south face has felt the effects of warm temperatures and low precipitation, the upper mountain continues to hold 60 inches at the summit, and the north face is buried top to bottom.

From Seattle, just a day’s drive, a quick plane ride, or an overnight on the sleeper train will bring skiers and snowboarders to Big Mountain Resort above Whitefish, Montana.

Big Mountain will join KISS radio in the parking lot of the Tacoma REI from 1-3 p.m. on March 10 for lift tickets, giveaways, and other prizes. A truckload of snow from Big Mountain will be the centerpiece of the promotion as Frandsen and his staff speak to Seattleites about how easy it is to get to Big Mountain.

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I have put the boards away for the season -- I have paid Whistler reservation in January that went unused and another in March. I have been playing golf every weekend in weather that reminds me of July. My roses are sprouting and grass is growing like a weed. It looks like May around here and it is the first of March... really sucks. My SUV snowboard hauler has only been driven 15 miles so far this year. I am in the process of tuning up my pedal bike. I am verrrry afraid we will have no water in Seattle this summer. Lawns will be brown and cars will go unwashed BUT I am looking forward to showering with my lady neighbor to save water. :D

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by this weekend all the snow in Calgary will have melted, we have lovely +12 to +15C days here at present, it's definitely more April weather than the beginning of March. There's no snow in the forecast at all for the next week.

Sunshine still has reasonable cover but I'm not going anywhere near Lake Louise, or any o the other hills around here.

This weekend is going to be my last on the slopes until some more snow arrives.

Like Al, I suspect that we will be short of water this summer.

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A little cold after 30 miles, but is shaping up for a nice ride home. Mt. Baker itself seems to be calling my name, and the splitboard is waxed and ready to go, so maybe next weekend I may try a summit attempt in a day. Other that that, it is looking pretty brutal. Hmm, I wonder if I can make Tahoe in a day's drive???!

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Guest Randy S.

You guys probably already know this, but I think its great news. On your motorcycle you can now split lanes just like us here in CA!

BILL REQ. #: H-0722.1




State of Washington 59th Legislature 2005 Regular Session

By Representatives Morris, Dickerson and Upthegrove

Read first time 01/18/2005. Referred to Committee on Transportation.

AN ACT Relating to operation of a motorcycle between traffic lanes; and amending RCW 46.61.608.


Sec. 1 RCW 46.61.608 and 1975 c 62 s 46 are each amended to read as follows:

(1) All motorcycles are entitled to full use of a lane and no motor vehicle shall be driven in such a manner as to deprive any motorcycle of the full use of a lane. This subsection shall not apply to motorcycles operated two abreast in a single lane.

(2) The operator of a motorcycle shall not overtake and pass in the same lane occupied by the vehicle being overtaken.

(3) Except during periods of traffic congestion, no person shall operate a motorcycle between lanes of traffic or between adjacent lines or rows of vehicles.

(4) Motorcycles shall not be operated more than two abreast in a single lane.

(5) Subsections (2) and (3) of this section shall not apply to police officers in the performance of their official duties.

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Guest Randy S.
Originally posted by RDY_2_Carve

If you do that in rush hour here people will poke their noses out and cut you off. I almost got side swiped doing it, and swore I wouldn't do it again.

It is, however, illegal here (I believe).

Yes, its illegal there, but who knows, maybe they'll change. I heard they're considering changing the law in Texas as well. Right now CA (and now apparently WA) is the only place it isn't illegal.

People sometimes poke their nose out here in CA (usually people from out of state who don't know its legal to split). When they do, they often lose their mirrors or get quarter panel dents from boot toes. I only find it un-nerving when I see guys doing it at 70mph. I mostly do it in heavy traffic or to get to the front of the queue of cars at a light.

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Guest Randy S.

You know you live in a cool place when all the papers have surfers on the front page! Even the little local free paper!

Hey Jim Farr, did you get out there to watch? Or did you surf it with your broken collarbone? FYI for you who don't know him, Jim once stepped on the head of a shark while surfing. :eek:

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Guest Mark Jeangerard

Welcome to New Mexico where *one* (aluding to the many) of the last government employees to smash into a carload of innocent travelers, killing them all but surviving himself, was working on his 28th DWI. Keeping in mind that only 19 of the DWIs are officially recorded by law, his offence is deemed much less critical.

This thread is really sucking now.

At least the snow is epic in NM. Now, if I can just safely make it to the mountain.

Mark :-(

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Originally posted by Randy S.

On your motorcycle you [in WA] can now split lanes just like us here in CA!

That's great! Now there are two states I'd consider moving to:-) I lived in California for 5 years before relocating to Virginia and I *really* miss being able to lane split.
Originally posted by RDY_2_Carve

If you do that in rush hour here people will poke their noses out and cut you off.

Thankfully, I never had a bad lane splitting experience while riding in CA. The only minor "oh-sh*t" I had was when I was lane splitting on I-405 (through LA) in construction. Lemme tell you how its not fun to look around and realize you stupidly got yourself between two tracker trailers:eek:
Originally posted by Randy S.

I mostly do it in heavy traffic or to get to the front of the queue of cars at a light.

Yep... that was my same tactic... Back when I had two Ducs in the stable, I took an out-of-state friend for a ride and he chased me between lanes to the "front of the queue" and he looked at me in amazement asking, "Is that legal?" With a big grin I answered, "Yep! Sure is:D "


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