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Goltes Procarve?


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In my local snowboarding shop there's an attractive offer on these boards...


Picture further down

Especially the 170 and 175 length seems attractive.

For the 175, specs are

Radius = 12 metres

Edge length = 160

Wisth = 243/190/241

Construction quality and finish were excellent.

On their website they say they have 2 riders in the FIS world cup

Anyone knows there boards?


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Originally posted by RJ-PS

I tried to e-mail you, but the e-mail option in your profile has been denied.

've been wanting to try one of those for quite some time, but the cost has been prohibitive to just ride something to try it out. Could you send more information on the attractive offer and the board shop that is selling them?

Thank you,




I changed my profile, hope it works now.

Anyhow, that offer isn't going to help you much...at least I don't expect that

The shop is in my hometown, which is in the Netherlands...and I saw in your profile that you live on the other side of the water ;)

Their normal price was 480 euros, now they go for 299,-

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That maybe. But buying a board with no known reputation and background (at least to me) remains a gamble for any amount of dollars. perhaps that explains partly why none of the bomberists has purchased one yet. Besides, my 299$ is only 90$ less than what they sell it for in Netherlands (tax included) at a local store (sales tax in Netherland is around 20%, so have that in mind too).

How much would you pay for it?

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I just bought a Goltes Return "C" from Dan Yoza (www.upzboots.com). Build quality is excellent. Flex characteristics, weight and ride are very similar to a Burton Ultra Prime. I'm using it as my all mountain board. I was looking at Prior 4X4s and Coiler All Mountains but couldn't stomach the price. I'm very happy with my Goltes so far.

Based on my expericence with the Return "C", when my Sims Burner finally bites the dust, I'm definitely going to try out a Pro Carve.

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  • 2 years later...

So its a long time ago since this thread started up but I decided to append it here. I tested the boards at the SG Invitational in Ischgl and general consensus I heard was that all people on the Procarves (most riders are upper Fis Levels or once were really good rider and some just amateurs like myself) were stunned. Only the SGS raceboards stand could gather as much popularity as the Goltes stand during the 3 days (other companies present were F2 with their new slalom worldcup line, Virus (only Saturday) and Pureboarding (only Sunday). The Goltes Pro Carve line is developped with much help and input by teamrider Rok Flander (current world champion) and other good raceboarders.

In the beginning I first thought about testing the SG and F2 boards but after a very interesting chat with Jani Goltes on the chair decided to test the Goltes directly after the SG race.

Here is my take on the next seasons Goltes Boards.

Tried out 170, 183 Pro Carve as well as 171 Extremecarve. There is as well a 188 Pro Carve (or 89?) available as well as slalom sizes.

First of all I must say that the build quality off all the boards is excellent.

Pro Carve 170: Probabely the best freecarving machine I've ever had under my feet. Super Damp and Stable with great security on the runs which were still pretty hard in the morning. The edge just holds and holds but works as well in race-style with drifting. The board is still very lively unlikely to what I would expect for a board this damp. Off course not suited for GS/SL due to radius.

Pro Carve 183: A pretty ideal GS board for lighter riders like me or people not having the skills to manouver a 1850-2200 cm radius worldcup GS raceboard from Kessler or SG through a racecourse (70kg). With around 15m radius it is still very turny and provides excellent freecarving possibilities. Quick edge to edge and also good in softer snow and I felt allways confident no matter how hard I pushed on icy parts. Very good on longer turns too.

My F2 speedster (158 SL team 9.5m, 172 GS 14m radius) felt like beginner raceboardd compared to the Goltes (the SG are as well well ahead of my F2).

Extremecarve 171: Well for extremecarving I think it can't compare with the Swoard (I own a 168 medium) but it rode very well too. I had some probs on changing edges and sometimes needed to initiate the turn two times. Felt a bit unstable at higher speeds.

P.S. Goltes experiments now as well with plates for his carving boards but is not yet satisfied (there was one 183 with plates on demo I think). Goltes boards are designed to be ridden by 30-50 days per year snowboarders not having the muscles and skill the worldcup riders do have. For worldcup racing Goltes said it's too expensive too develop the boards and not enough profit.

(Other boards I tested last weekend were a SG 185 race 2007/2008 limited edition, an SG 162 race soft (both without Hangl plates) and a Pureboarding TWO - see other topic).

About my level: I'm allright in GS courses but have still lotta difficulties in slalom. (just raced 2 slaloms and had 1 day training in slalom so a bit practice will improve). On the SG invitational slalom course worldcup riders like Benjamin Karl rode times in the 30 seconds, record was 29.5. FIS riders got times around 31-33 seconds. My two runs were around 37 seconds (without big mistake in the first run and severall smaller ones in the second I could have managed around 34 seconds). I only race occassionaly and freecarve mostly.

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... so you know, Dan Yoja works up at Sunshine Village in the Salomon demo tent at the top of the gondola.

He usually has some boards , as well as boots (UPZ) and bindings (Snowpro) which he reps as well.

Nice fella... I'm sure he'll set up Bomber folks who go to see him. You should, too, because the snow up there right now is killer.

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Every now and then Dan Yoja has ebay listings for about 300. I think that I remember even a Pro Carve at that price...

Now for those who want the AM (Easy Carve / Return) model, note that Stuf Accelerator has exactely the same specs and construction, at cheaper price.

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I have a goltes ProRace 180. A two year old model. I dont think they make ProRace models anymore, but I think it's the same as a proCarve, but a bit stiffer... Not really shure.

I bought it this year with a noticable discount, becouse it was an old model. I'm new to hardbooting so at first I was afraid, that it was too long for me, but after a run or two, the bord was amazing to ride. It felt really stable at high speeds... I havent had the chance to try it that much, becouse all my money went into this board and hardboots... Cant wait 'till next year, to give it a real go!

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Just spoke to a local racer here (races sometimes in Europecup). He's going to switch from his Kessler to a Goltes 162 for slalom racing. He told me that quite a lot of other East-Austrian amateur racers are considering to switch to Goltes for Slalom boards too and some as well for the 183 GS (though fewer).

He told me that two years ago Goltes snowboards couldn't convince him and others from his team at all but like most people who tested the new pro carve is really fascinated about it.

Seems that Jani Goltes with Rok Flander got a new secret board weapon there for next year for all those that can't train more than 2-3 times a week.

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