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NH Powder Session?


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Any hardbooters heading up north tomorrow?

I'm hearing mixed reports for the north country...weather.com says 3-5 inches during the day and little more at night....while WMUR claims up to 12 inches during the day and another 3-6 inches at night.

I'm praying for a snow day and hoping to be up at Loon or WV for some freshies!!

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Holy #%@*!! WMUR just reported that the storm has shifted north. They're calling for 12-20 inches from Lake Sunapee, across the Lakes Region, and up through the White Mountains. Conditions should be spectacular over the next few days.

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Guest Randy S.

Do you still have that crazy guy who does weather in NH? Can't remember his name. Something Armenian, I think. Used to be on a UHF station, I believe.

Have fun in the pow.

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Originally posted by Randy S.

Do you still have that crazy guy who does weather in NH? Can't remember his name. Something Armenian, I think. Used to be on a UHF station, I believe.

Have fun in the pow.

Oh yeah...Al Kaprielian....the guy is pure comedy!!


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Guest Randy S.

Yeah. That's the guy. Is he still on the air? I bet he's not as funny now. He was great when he didn't realize what a nut he looked like. Its like watching Don Knots on acid doing the weather.

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He's just as wacky as ever. I swear he's gonna keel over one of these days right on the air.

The station went through a management change a number of years ago and the let him go. From what I understand, a bunch of people (fans?) wrote letters to the station and he was rehired.

He's pretty good with his forecasts though, seems to hit the numbers right and he's a real meterologist (sp?) not jsut a weather personality.

Nice call Billy...."Gooooood Eeeeeeeeevening Everybody!!!!" with his arms flailing around, I gotta laugh every time.

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I made it up to Loon today. They picked up 8-12+ inches of heavy, wet snow. It was quite windy at the summit and the snow was drifting in spots. The trails were tracked out pretty quickly, but it was still fun blasting through the chopped up powder. Got stranded on the lift for 30 minutes when all of Lincoln lost power. Luckily, I was on the gondola!!!

It's still snowing up here and flurries are forecasted for tonight. The mountains may pick up another 5-9 inches!! The conditions this weekend should be great.....[squeaky voice] HIGH PRESSURE will be moving across the region. :D

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It was great meeting and riding with all of you guys too. How about those conditions yesterday--they were even better than Saturday!!! I saw you guys at different parts of Sun. morning around 7 Bros and the East Basin, but was caught either on the lift or stuck in long lines.

I'll be up there again this weekend. I'll email you later in the week.


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watch out for jd, he's a pimp... gareth - my wife and saw you and your wife on 7s heading up the lift first thing on sunday, but that was it. conditions were great, we were all over the place avoiding lines finishing up in the pm on west basin, heros all day long! drop us an email when you head up, all of us catch up at some point in the morning so we all can ride together, don't be a stranger. next weekend, i'm not up there, but the following weekend we will try to head someplace else (Cannon?), if you're not out west let us know. ~email me so we can contact you in advance, jayotte(at)hta-nh.com

pic from Sat. - it was taken too large, but here you go


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Thanks for the pic. How did the others come out?

We got another 6 inches of wet snow last night. Colder weather is forecasted for later in the week--conditions should firm up and be nice & fast for the upcoming weekend.....[twisting your arm]:D

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I'd love to ride this weekend but it will be President's Day weekend and the Mass vaca for the next two weekends. Loon will be a mad house, the bobs will be in full force. this weekend, i'll be hitting the beers and the bon fire with franconia frank and l-town larry.

when do you leave for jackson? we'll make up not riding this weekend, with some weekdays over the next couple weeks. email us and we'll catch up when you get back.

have fun dodging this weekend...

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