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What to expect from an Oxess BX board?


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Hello -


I'm going to give an Oxess BX board (158 cm, I believe) a try this season as more of an all-mountain, soft boot carving set up. I'm new to carving; however, I've ridden for nearly 15 years. 


What can I expect from the Oxess BX this season? I only have 4 days on a demo Donek hard boot set up last year as a comparison other than riding tradition boards for some time. I read quite a bit about the effort a BX board may take to ride, but I'm not sure what that means in the end.




Stephen Walters

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It depends a bit on the board.  Do you know what the sidecut radius is.  Most of the Oxxess BX boards are single radius shapes and a lot of the BX shapes can have very long sidecuts designed to use the berms to perform most of the turn while the sidecut will track a very straight line.  If you are ordering direct from Oxxess be sure to talk with Marcel or Hines to ensure they know you intend to use it for soft boot carving, not BX.

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For the Oxess 159, it has a stock 10m sidecut radius, which is perfect for freecarving.  We should have them in stock within the week.


As for how they ride, I wouldn't say a BX board is tough to ride, it is just a better, more controlled ride in general.  Less nose and tail make for a longer effective edge, making for better engagement and hold.  The boards are generally stiffer than most free-ride decks, so they can take more aggressive input from the rider and respond in turn.

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Thanks for chiming in, Neil. And once again, you appear to have a better grasp of my postings and purchases than I do. So it was a 163 instead of a 159. Just too many inquiries too keep it all straight. I was in contact with the guys in Boulder, CO who have/had a number of BX boards on Ebay recently - Kessler, Virus, Jasey-Jay - one of those must have been the 159cm. At any rate, I will have the Oxess above for the season regardless of its handling. I did pick up a set of fairly stiff 2016 Flow NX2-GT bindings today along with a pair of Ride Trident boots - we'll see how it all works out.

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