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WTB, Donek or Coiler FC, willing to trade

Guest mgroft

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I bought a Donek FC177 this season and the side cut is simply too long for crowds I have to navigate through. I spend more time waiting for holes in the crowd then I do riding, no fun. I am looking for either a Donek or Coiler FC with a length in the low to mid 170's and a side cut around 10 to 11.5m. I would consider a trade for my Donek if anyone is interested or I will buy outright. The specs for my board are as follows. 2004/2005 Red Donek FC177, waist 19.5 cm, side cut 12.7m. The flex index from Donek is 7.5. I have ridden the board twice and it is in like new condition. I would consider a trade for a board that is not in as good of shape as mine but would expect some cash as well. I have pictures if anyone is interested. Thanks


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Hold on. I sold a Donek 179 FC as I thought it was too turney! This was after riding it for two seasons. Your board will turn (tight) if driven to do so. At times I regret selling that board as I could have some fun on it in crowds knowing I could turn it tight; like naviagting through crowds.

My board de jour is a Donek 182 with a 14.5 SCR and it too can really hold an edge but needs a bit more landscape than the 179. You just might need some tips on layin it over? Send a video and see what the folks here say. I doubt you will find a better turning board and I believe the board you are on is not over your ability. Don't let someone steal or trade a lesser board for what you have.

As far as waiting for a clear shot, I consider that to be SOP. At my local hill this could mean a several minute wait. You have to think safety first. My best runs occur when I am first up on Sat and Sun and prime time may only last for 30 to 60 minutes before the corduroy is skidded off or there are too many sliders and/or patrollers practicing with tobaggons on the run.

How long have you been riding plates?

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I appreciate all of the replies to my message and after reading some of them I have to question whether changing boards will help with to the problems I am having. First of all the board is the 04beck177fc w/12.7m side cut and two days I have on it are my first two days on plates. All my life I have picked up new skills very quickly and figured it wouldn’t be any different with carving. I bought the board knowing it was longer and had more side cut then the typical “beginner recommendations” I read about. So I guess the question I needed to ask first was, would a board change have a large effect on the learning curve? If the majority of my problems stem simply from poor technique then I will keep the board and pay my dues out on the slopes. Thanks


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I'm not trying to hop on the bandwagon here, but I have to agree with everyone else. DO NOT get rid of that board. If you do, you will regret it eventually. Technique is everything and two days on plates, let alone that board, are not nearly enough to learn the technique necessary to layout carves.

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I'm responsible for the specs of that Donek FC177. I wanted something halfway between the Donek FC and the Donek GS, and in the width I prefer. When I say halfway, I mean halfway both in terms of the scr, and also in "length vs sidecut" (or sidecut depth/skiddability).

I had previously been riding a Donek FCII 171 (11.2 m scr), but wanted something that could carve at faster speeds, but that could also be skidded around when conditions got crowded.

I think it turned out just right. But I can understand mgroft's problem - that 12.7 scr needs considerably more speed than the 11.2 scr. I make almost exactly the same radius turns on the bigger board as I did on the smaller one, but I'm doing it at a higher speed (I'm having more fun than ever!).

For learning, the 11.2 scr board would be much better, especially if you have crowded conditions.

Anybody who has a Donek FCII 171 should try and swap it for mgroft's FC177 - the 177 is a great board!

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I'm picking up a Donek 171 FC II on Monday. If it seems too short for speed carving I'd be willing to consider a trade for your board as suggested by the post above.


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mgroft, I wonder if it is the flex, not the length or the sidecut that is making you unhappy.

I've ridden a number of alpine boards ranging in length from 159 to 210 and honestly, I've found the Donek FCs to me some of the trickier boards to ride. The 163 and 171, in particular, I found quite stiff and unforgiving for their size - and I weigh 195 pounds!

Doneks are very high quality boards, I have just decided that I don't like the way the FC 163 and 171 ride. Just personal taste. I love my Axis 172 and my Wide 161 is my favorite freeride board of all time. If you decide the 177 FC is too much board for you at this stage, I'm sure you could sell it here for a decent price and I bet if you call Donek, Sean might have some other suggestions for you!

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