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Hit and run = Broken Renn Tiger


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Guest Tim Tuthill

As My wife observed after I started to lay out turns, you guys can't ride the way you should with people around you. That said, and she is right, you have to look uphill. I try to ride with someone else for defence. I know we can't do this all the time, so clear and go. Head on a swivel at all times!! Watch what we do at the SES. Good subject to talk about when we get on the lift???

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Guest toddflyingdog

So I had more than a few collisions last weekend at Copper Mountain...

Of course this was all during the Copper Series SBX. Ended up qualifying in the Open Class for '05 USASA Nationals!

So got t-boned in the first banked corner last sunday, trying to make the holeshot pass. The rider in forth place straight lined to the inside when I made the pass from 2nd to first. Ended up 4th instead of podiuming...

Should I have been pissed at that rider?

My feelings are that my Jedi sense failed and am to blame...

I also think that anyone out on an alpine snowboard needs to pay attention as much as I do in SBX...

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  • 7 years later...

Did all of the right safety checks before I started a run yesterday, and yet I still almost got tagged by a straightliner on my second turn in. Luckily I was turning away from his line, and he was able to slow enough to avoid me. Classic situation of an obliviot bombing a run and not caring what was happening on the other side of a knuckle before proceeding. I had waited for a group of 3 who where traversing across the slope to clear before I dropped in, and had that straightlining tool been a minute sooner, there would have been major bloody carnage. I quit for the day after that. Sometimes it doesn't matter how safe and careful you are.


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sometimes we just have to leave :(

The Safety Code can only work when people realize they are not alone on the slopes :flamethroand except responsibility for All.

I picked up this Bracelet this morning at Milk as the Ski Co. is handing them out over Presidents weekend. Yesterday around 1:00 pm

I just left as the numbers of people and what they were all doing was Insane! :eek: no matter if I was on a Board or Skis it was unsafe.


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my bro, my dad and I were out at MT rose in reno one year... lovely little resort and we were taking one of the big wide intermediates, literally nobody but us on it... my bro was ahead of us about half way down the run off to the side still boarding down the hill when this guy of twenty something maybe, hard to tell in gear but seemed pretty fit judging by gear and speed? comes flying past my dad and me and we watch as he literally aims for my bro, gather's speed, ADJUSTS HIS AIM TO HIT MY BRO since he was still moving.... and slams in to him as fast as he can. we got lucky in that the snow was very soft that day, but he came up on my brother's back so there was no preparing to be hit. well my bro was of course knocked flat on the snow, the other guy went tumbling a bit, popped up almost immediately since he knew what he was doing, turns around to face my bro and flips him the bird (2 handed for emphasis) then zooms down the mountain. unfortunately none of us had the ability to catch him as we watched it from a distance, and there were no patrollers around to be witness. fortunately my bro was ok, but definitely dazed for a bit after that.

I think it's the only time I've ever seen anyone intentionally get "run off the road" ... particularly an uncrowded super wide one. I just hope it's not a trend... morons exist everywhere but it sucks when you meet malicious ones.

sometimes we just have to leave :(

The Safety Code can only work when people realize they are not alone on the slopes :flamethroand except responsibility for All.

I picked up this Bracelet this morning at Milk as the Ski Co. is handing them out over Presidents weekend. Yesterday around 1:00 pm

I just left as the numbers of people and what they were all doing was Insane! :eek: no matter if I was on a Board or Skis it was unsafe.


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The code is on the napkins at the Colorado resorts I ride (Copper, Breck, A-Basin, Keystone, Vail, Beaver Creek). It's also on lift tickets. I think Safe skiing/riding is law in Colorado, where violators are subject to prosecution, fines, and imprisonment, but people still get hit--and hurt--here. e hill don't realize it if they're just a bit out of control: most timeI always look both ways before heading across the hill.

I think you're right: a heightened awareness--and practice--of the code would benefit everyone. I also think that many people on ths they can get down the slopes without having to stop or turn suddenly, and with accuracy. I think more than a few are outdriving their headlights.

Agree. Problem is that these days many resorts no longer have tickets...you get a card that gets read by a scanner. I think at the base of every lift, there should be a BIG honkin' sign that states "REMINDER: DOWNHILL SKIERS and RIDERS HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY!!!" or words to this effect.

I ride at Mtn Creek occasionally too (usually Sat or Sun from 9 - 1 or so) though have only seen one other carver ("healside" on BOL) there. Have had several close calls there for sure...lot of beginners trying their luck at steeper trails...it's like Central Park on a sunny day. Best trail for carving without crowds, I find, is Khyber Pass....start at Great northern...either well before the jibbers sitting in the snow strapping in can get going, or wait a few mins until the 10 - 12 of them leave but before the next swarm:p, and then bang rights to Khyber. Most beginners are fooled first time on Northern since it's right at the top of the Gondola and starts so flat. Assuming they survive the steeper bit (inevitably they unfortunately take spill or two), they usually revert to Horizon where the going is more mellow (though more crowded). So Khyber tends to see less traffic after the morning rush is over.

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this thread is 6 yrs old but still relevant. this is why I rarely ever take my Alpine board at MC, just way to crowded on the weekends. esp. on Upper and Lower Horizon on Vernon. I think it also has to do with the way the trails are configured, too many sharp turns forcing everyone to bottleneck at the turns. if I do ride Alpine, its usually very early in the morning ( 8AM) before the crowds start coming.

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this thread is 6 yrs old but still relevant. this is why I rarely ever take my Alpine board at MC, just way to crowded on the weekends. esp. on Upper and Lower Horizon on Vernon. I think it also has to do with the way the trails are configured, too many sharp turns forcing everyone to bottleneck at the turns. if I do ride Alpine, its usually very early in the morning ( 8AM) before the crowds start coming.

Yes indeed!!! Exactly the point

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