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TD2s and why you need them


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Howdy to all those others in the fine and less popular side of snowboarding. I am Adam Casanova, I am a pro racer and a long time bomber friend and fan. I have raced on many diferent kinds of boards but only one binding. Why? As you all know the original trench diggers are the MOST durable bindings in the world. I weigh 220lbs and hit my equipment twice as hard as any normal rider would, this means I break a lot of stuff. I have raced on the originals for over six years andhave only had the two pairs I bought at the beggining of those years. I pent a month trying to BREAK the TD2s, the best I could do was a very small bend, that spot and the rest of the plate was beafed up because of that. If yo think you can damage these new bindings I dare you to try. Trust me you can't.

OK, now you know that I really do know the equipment. Last season I had the great privalidge of assisting Fin with the R&D on the TD2s and I was instantly impressed, so much so that I went to my last races on them. Quite simply they are great. They give you rgeatly improved edge control and ,believe it or not, better energy transfer to the snow. As a racer this means I can go faster, cool. Now I know most of you are not racers so going fast is not your most important concern. This is what is important for everyone so it gets it's own paragraph.


The TD2 binding has a REVOLUTIONARY suspention design. Think of riding like driving a car. If your car has NO suspention the cornering is scary, but equally if youv got old sloppy suspention cornering is also scary. Now compare the clasic TDs (may they rest in peace) to no suspention and everyone's favorite burton bindings to the old sloppy car comfy, sure but bad.

Now think of your favorite sports car, the suspention is stif but forgiving while mantaining a constant control aven when you hit the inevitable pot hole. I have now spent a total of about thirty days (last year and this) on the TD2s and the thing that stands out the most is when I HIT A BUMP THAT WOULD HAVE TOSSED ME IN THE PAST I WAS ABLE TO ROLL OVER IT WITHOUT EVEN ANY REAL COCERN. Amazing it's like butter on the hill even at the end of the day when the grooming is just a faiding memory and you quads are gone you can still lay dow and KISs MOTHER EARTH.


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Guest north east will

this is my first season carving i have been snowboarding for about 10 years.

should i get:

stepins or regular?

which e-ring?

i was going to ask catek or td2s but this post convinced me to get td2s

also what is a good canting setup to start?


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Basicaly the canting and elastamer are personal preferance. I like to ride a three degree cant up front and a six in the back and I love the medium elastamer. As far as starting out goes I recomend the medium elastomer and a zero/three cant setup, If it feels like your knees are locked up with that either narrow your stance or increase your cant, both work, like I said it's all you. I am stoked to hear some of you were convinced by my write-up, I am sure you will like them as much as I do. Happy day and good carving.

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Guest north east will

any more thoughts on canting/e-ring? i know everything in snowboarding is personal preference and i love to tweek but i also need to order bindings with cant disks and e rings. im 6'1" 220 if that matters...


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Hello north east will,

The biggest issue you have right now is you are just starting to get into carving (congrats!) and you have no "history" to base your choices on. So no matter what, there will be some adjustments and tweaking until you find what works best for you. Also, do not forget you have a stack of other adjustments to work with as well; ie. stance width, stance angles, set-back, boot forward lean, etc. So picking the binding parts is just one of many parts of the equation.

Regardless, we should try and get you as close as possible right out of the gun. To be honest our two biggest set-ups are 3/3 and 3/6 so I would say either of these will work great for you. And for the E-ring I would go medium (Purple) to give you a little bit more absorption during the "get comfortable" stages of carving. Then as things get "faster" you might want to try the Reds.

Hope this helps and ask more questions if needed.

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