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PCMR and Canyons 13-14


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Thanks for offering the board. We'll see if there are any takers.

Wednesday, 1/22: We are still trapped in sunny inversionland, but I feel better today. I might have been low on Vitamin D (donut) yesterday. Garry and I go out at open for the usual stuff. The Bonanza and Silverlode runs are still nice, but the King Con runs are pretty darn firm in the mornings. I slid right off the side of Temptation. A liftie says I'm on day 49. I guess that sounds about right, but maybe a little low?

Deep morning shadows on Sitka



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You're lucky to not be here. Sundance is mucking up the town. I spend most of my non-riding time just hiding out. If you get caught up on the roads at the wrong time at the wrong place, it can be frustrating.

Wednesday, 1/23: A cold front blew through the area but brought no snow with it. Still sunny, but much colder today. 8F at the Bonanza load at open. Garry comes up on my Coiler 171 AMT and we do the Bonanza runs which are groomed flat, firm, fast, and grippy. Carver X was sighted. Heckler was groomed today, and a nice ride on our way out at 11. The parking lot has plenty of empty spots.

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Friday, 1/24: Sunny with a return to inverty. 12F at Bonanza open, warmer on top, downright uncomfortably warm when we left at 11. Jill is riding the 4WD, Garry is on his Oxygen Proton. Not many other carvers seen during this Sundance week. Bonanza runs are good while Assessment was a little skitchy.

Wolf Mountain is out of bankruptcy and has been sold to new owners.

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I don't understand your negativity towards Sundance. Maybe it's an Asian thing. George Takei was also complaining about traffic/walking around on ice because traffic is so clogged up. Looks like you are home free after this weekend. Perhaps in the future you can make a movie called" To Be Mr. T "...... adventures of a wandering snowboarder. Then YOU could be the Sundance star. Just remember your friends when you become famous. Oh and nice skier avoidance, you can't be too careful, watch those cameras!

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Monday, 1/27: Carver down. Garry broke a leg in an edge-catch cartwheel of destruction. Heal well, dude. My legs feel weak just thinking about it.

I took the whole weekend off and read a book about abandoned railways of Utah. In the section about the Crescent Tramway which formerly took ore from the Crescent Mine in Thanes Canyon to Main Street in Park City, there is an old USGS section map which clearly labels the PCMR base area and Treasure Hollow as "N-word Hollow." I guess that nomenclature somehow waned in popularity. Last week I read a book on the history of Summit County which made clear that during the mining days, the lowest form of life in PC were the heathen Chinese. But almost equally derided were the Mormons, whose presence in the town was much resented. At varying times, the editors of the Park Record newspaper supported the forced purging of both groups from the town. Park City is still one of the least Mormon places in the state.

Thank goodness Sundance is over, and the town is returning to normal. A movie about me would be fine as long as it didn't appear in "Gay or Asian?" Mr. Sulu can be the King of "Gay and Asian." Oh My!


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Tuesday, 1/28: Sunny and real cold at open, around 9F at Bonanza. The 1st shift groom has set up scary firm and fast, and one has to be perfectly stacked on the edge for it to hold. The cruisers were groomed by 2nd shift and are more pleasant. I did sunny Bonanza runs only and left just after 10.

Looking down Silver Queen.


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Wednesday, 1/29: Cloudy and warmer, progressing into snowy. This is the first snow since Jan 13, and we really need it. Fred is back, and we cruised around the Bonanza/Silverlode areas. No frozen scrapiness today; even Assessment felt really nice. Hyung Soo was out on his SG, and I had a nice chat with racer Heather on her Rev. By noon there was enough snow to clog the corduroy and make things feel soft.

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Thursday, 1/30: PCMR report 9" of new over 24h, the Snotel says 6". A couple of inches fell Wednesday morning while we were riding. When the main part of the storm came in Wednesday evening, it initially rained like heck all over the hill then turned to snow. So there's anywhere from 4 to 6" of new over 1st shift groom that is frozen hard in places. Fred and Brandon are out on their Burton Fishies; I'm riding the Coda swallowtail skwal.

Pics from yesterday morning; Me, Fred, Hyung Soo.




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Friday, 1/31: Despite high hopes for some nicely groomed new snow, the very wet stuff that fell yesterday froze pretty hard all over the mountain. Fred, Brandon and I went from trail to trail but found inconsistent conditions that leaned towards firm and skitchy, with all kinds of grooming. By 11 the Friday crowds had rushed in, creating bottlenecks of people here and there. We are looking forward to Sunday when many people will go worship at the church of football.

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Wednesday, 2/5: My first day back out after spending time with a minor head cold. This morning is too brutal to go out at open, with summit temps slightly in the negative. I went up at 11 and met up with Fred. The hill is generally good for carving, but some heavily trafficked spots are like plate ice. Some of this is an ongoing after-effect of the rain that fell last week. Even down on Home Run at the bottom of Payday I hit some ice that sent me careening under a fence, which was a new adventure. Snow is in the forecast nearly every day thru the weekend.

Me 'n Fred on King Con over Sitka, the photographer clearly bored.


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Thursday, 2/6: Warmer, but still cold, overcast, a little windy with flurries here and there. I met up with Fred at 10 AM and it was around 19F at Bonanza. Similar to yesterday some places were good, other places were skitchy. A weird day that began with getting jabbed in the groin with a ski pole, then watching 8 adults try to get on a 6-pack at one time, and ending with a big oaf skier completely blindsiding a poor girl on Home Run right in front of me. It felt a little crowded with ski tourists. Judging from the line of people I saw at the ticket window, I think that we are now knee-deep in the thick part of ski season.

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Friday, 2/7: PCMR reports 4" of new overnight. Cloudy, a little breezy but not too cold. There's anywhere from 4 to 6 inches of new over 1st shift groom, and all the icy skitchiness of the past week is now gone. Prospector under the chair is thick with new snow, but it could be carved early on until it got cut up. Assessment is similar. The King Con runs were groomed a little later, and have less new on top. Shamus and Sitka were stellar. There was enough new to keep all the skiers skidding, but a carver, staying on edge could slice right through and be hooked up the whole way down. A group of skiers looking up from the bottom of Sitka seemed dumbfounded when I carved by them. Those runs had much of that special joy that cannot be adequately communicated to those who haven't experienced it. Riding the Coda swallowtail today. At 11 the lift mazes got crowded, so I went home while Fred kept going.

Slicing the new snow on Sitka.


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I have been enjoying the pictures all season. We've been getting hammered with the snow up here at Powder Mountain for the past week and once it clears out, it's going to be awesome. Shoot me an email if you guys ever venture up this way. Budget constraints and a fear of the bad luck that greets me whenever I go to PC prevents me from reciprocating and joining you folks.

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Hey, Poop. Weekdays are decent down here. Trying to ride PC on a weekend, especially when PCMR sends out a "Powder Day" email alert, is a sure-fire ticket to bad luck. I stayed home both Sat and Sun for those reasons. Parking lots were jammed, as were the lift lines, I assume.

Monday, 2/10: Lots of new snow over the weekend, with warm temps that reached 35 at the summit on Sunday. Today has 3" of new over groom with clouds, flurries, sunbreaks, everything. I'm riding with a skier associate that flew in from New Jersey to enjoy a few days in Utah. We toured most of the mountain, even going down Silver Star to see what is down there. Carveable conditions almost everywhere, but soft and a little bumpy with new on some runs. Even though today was another "Powder Day" with 6" in the past 24h, it wasn't stupid crowded. Nice.

A pass down Sitka on the Coda Swallowtail.




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Hey Poop, someone at the top terminal of the Bonanza lift was expressing love for Unicorns this morning.

Tuesday, 2/11: Cloudy and much cooler than yesterday with tiny amounts of snow falling. No new overnight and everything is groomy but soft. The grooming is good with no ridges or tracks, but carving is slow. After one run down Muckers I went off to Prospector for a few runs on steeper terrain, then over to Sitka where slightly firmer snow was to be found. Sitka was camera whore central.


Snow groping on Sitka.



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Wednesday, 2/12: No new snow but overcast with only a little sun peekage. 18F at Bonanza load. The snow is excellent as it gets packed down more, but steeper is better. After one run down Muckers, Jonsey's, and Assessment, I managed to carve Prospector from the top then headed to Sitka and Shamus. Grippy goodness. I was making it a short day just because of fatigue, so I decided to try going down the Gotcha Cut-Off to see if it is a practical shortcut from the King Con Ridge to the base area.

The Gotcha Cut-Off blows. It is a snaking, switchbacking cat track that is icy and bumpy most of the time. Thank goodness there was no one else around to complicate the experience. It might be ok on skis with poles, but it is a chore when on alpine gear. On the plus side one gets views that a carver rarely sees, such as a look down the Ladies' SL run which would be a great carve if they ever groomed it. It may indeed be a faster way to the base compared to getting out via the Silverlode chair, but any time saved is hardly worth the hassle.

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