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advice needed. in resort at last and having issues


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Well I have finally got away for my week in the snow and am struggling a bit. Now this is probably down to not being on a boardfor a year and jumping straight in with hb and longer board.

I am goofy and my right quads are killing me after only a few easy runs. There is a kit of powder at the mo as not stopped snowing for 36 hours. Obviously I am having to lean back a fair bit but it only really kicks when heel siding. Toe side is fine.

Just after a little guidance or ideas. Sorry for any spelling as using my phone.

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Well I have finally got away for my week in the snow and am struggling a bit. Now this is probably down to not being on a boardfor a year and jumping straight in with hb and longer board.

I am goofy and my right quads are killing me after only a few easy runs. There is a kit of powder at the mo as not stopped snowing for 36 hours. Obviously I am having to lean back a fair bit but it only really kicks when heel siding. Toe side is fine.

Just after a little guidance or ideas. Sorry for any spelling as using my phone.

Do your bindings have any toe and heel lift, or are they flat? A flat front binding makes that front quad work much harder.

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Right. In my experience, the most common setups are 3 degrees of toe and heel lift, or 3/6 toe/heel, with no cant. (This is assuming your angles are in the 50-70 degree range) With Bomber bindings, the angles are more obvious. If you have blocks that make one end of the binding higher than the other, then you'd have to use geometry to calculate the approximate angle.

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does this happen all the time, or just because of the powder?

earlier this year, not in powder, just normal riding, my front quad was getting burned, mainly on the outside, and pretty high up. I did some fiddling, and decided to try some Gilmour Bias. that worked for me. search Gilmour Bias on here. it is basically moving your front foot or binding back from center of the board a little bit, and moving your rear binding or boot forward from center. I did a quarter inch for each, it made heelsides easier for me, and got rid of the pain/soreness.

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In my experience a flat front binding makes your front quad work way harder, all the time. Riding powder, I've only ever had issues with my rear leg, although that was almost always on a freeride board with bindings sideways.

I have big feet, so there isn't really room to move my boots a la Gilmour. My boot ledges are lined up just a hair inside each board edge, at angles based on my foot size and board width.

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Thanks for the advice. I have shifted front back and tried to keep weight more centred or forward and it had helped. Still getting pain when doing long heel side runs but hey it is an improvement.

It has been an interesting introduction to hb as even the blues have 2 foot moguls at the moment and trying to turn a 10cm longer board is proving hard work. Still love the feedback from hb so all good.

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If you still have a softboot board, frankly I would just use that for the powder, moguls, and anything not groomed. If you don't, definitely try to get yourself some toe lift on your front foot.

As for technique, get low with your knees and hips, not your hands or head. Keep your eyes level to the horizon. Try to minimize counter-rotation (board turning one way, upper body turning the other), and ride on both feet.

When you're ready to start carving the groom, there's some reading in the links below. Good luck!

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If you still have a softboot board, frankly I would just use that for the powder, moguls, and anything not groomed. If you don't, definitely try to get yourself some toe lift on your front foot.

As for technique, get low with your knees and hips, not your hands or head. Keep your eyes level to the horizon. Try to minimize counter-rotation (board turning one way, upper body turning the other), and ride on both feet.

When you're ready to start carving the groom, there's some reading in the links below. Good luck!

Thanks for that. Unfortunately I am a 1 board kinda man (due to finances ) but I think my biggest problem is not having the basics right as still doing counter rotations and all sorts of other bad habits. Have to shout at myself to do things right. Will keep up the basics and go from there. Cheers

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Well you can ride resort powder on a hard board. The main issue is the side-to-side balance is hard, and it's not the best tool for the job, but we know that. Actually, I just rewrote this, as riding powder on a race board is the most exhausting thing I've ever done. So I'd rent a Fish or a T-Rice-Pro or a Joystick, put the hard gear on that, and wait until it's hard pack again. Ok, sometimes I'm in a resort and they'll have powder and I'll ride my Kessler there because it's what I have; that's less exhausting but still tiring and I don't think most people could do it. And I ride a lot of powder. I think it will be hard. Ride the bashed, or hire a powder board (they work great with hard gear).

Setting the stance back will help: likely you know the drill, try it 1cm back then maybe 2 if it still feels wrong.

You're going to have to put lots of effort in on that side-to-side balance. Riding powder on a race board is more like a trick than a sensible thing, if you see what I mean.

Ibuprofen may help.

Oh yea, the basics work for me every time it gets tough.

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Many thanks to all advice in this thread and all others. Had a cracking week in Alpe D'Huez, France. Moving to HB setup was the right move for me as felt so much more connected. Longer board meant faster speeds and better stability on flat runs. Reckon my boots could do with a thermo fit liner or the like as got a couple of pressure points but nothing I can't live with for my 1 week a year.

So again thanks to all and rip it up out there.


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